#221025704Tuesday, July 11, 2017 2:52 AM GMT

(Can I request that after I finish this job and get the item I desire doggo and I have to fight to the death please.)
#221025766Tuesday, July 11, 2017 2:53 AM GMT

Takenaka headed for Parts and Mods.
#221025858Tuesday, July 11, 2017 2:54 AM GMT

#221026074Tuesday, July 11, 2017 2:57 AM GMT

Anteo [free-action] "Since you're already begging on your knees, I do have one idea for a job..." She grins an evil grin. "But I'll only tell you what kind of job it is, IF you accept this one." [Accept or Hell to the N. O.?] (Searching for Exo Suit/Power Armor Frame, in junk pile +3, need 13) Chad [17] You uncovered one PAF in the pile of thrown stuff hill in one look. It looks very rusty though, but this is the kind of thing that old man was looking for. Kasumi [free action] You headed to Parts and Mods, the wartorn front of the building looks like it has had a historic time being here. You enter the place and see whats inside it. Weapons of varying styles occupy the wall. The lady behind the counter is too busy talking to the man begging for a job it seems. Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221026246Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:00 AM GMT

"It's either I die doing the job or die in the ring because I didn't have the equipment, what's the difference?" He was implying that he accepted the job,
#221026293Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:00 AM GMT

I pick up the PAF and throw it in the cart, I grip the cart and start rushing hastily back torwards the shop to present it to the old man.
#221026296Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:00 AM GMT

With the woman being busy, Takenaka chose to entertain herself by viewing the weapons adorning the walls.
#221027262Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:15 AM GMT

(back from cleaning) (initiating writing.exe) Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221027734Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:22 AM GMT

Anteo [free-action] "Here's the job, I want you to take that crate." The woman points at it, the one right next to Kasumi. "And go pass the Battlefield, make a right, and break the crate." The lady plans out. "You either make a stand or hide, because that place is a dead end." Chad [free-action] While rushing back to the workshop, you caught something moving in the corner of your eyes. It must've been your imagination, because it disappeared the moment you turned your head to face it. Once you arrived, the old man was happy. "A complete suit, no less!" He tells you. "But I need two of these, not one." Time to run back? Kasumi [free-action] The weapons all amaze you and the prize shocks you. "Like what you see?" A man tells you. Turning to face him, his features are very asian and his hair is very black too. Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221027780Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:23 AM GMT

"Hide from what?"
#221027884Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:24 AM GMT

Anteo [Free-action] "From the people who thinks they are smart enough to steal from Parts and Mods!" She laughs. "But seriously, even though they wear junk power armor, they are experienced fighters. You may stand a chance, or not." Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221027918Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:25 AM GMT

I think in my mind, "Hm...I think it was just my imagination.." I then turn to the man, "Alright, i'll be back!" I grip the cart and jog back. I search a decent sized pile this time, searching around faster than last time.
#221028142Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:28 AM GMT

(i forgot to add, but Chad learned Spotting 1 since he successfully found an item easily) (Searching for PAF/Exo Suit, in pile +3, need 13) Chad [8] You searched and dug through junk. But that is all you find. Junk. "You found anything useful, friend?" A robotic-like voice asked. Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221028224Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:30 AM GMT

Anteo "Alright." He readied his baton as he walked over to the crate, picking it up he would start to navigate to the battlefield soo he could make a right.
#221028454Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:33 AM GMT

(Encounter!) Chad [Free-Action] While navigating the underground level, a group of two users of junk-plated Exo Suits with Junk Fists gets in your way. "Oi! Give us your crate, or there will be some hurting to be done!" The one with the red mask demands. Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221028552Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:34 AM GMT

(Do you mean me?)
#221028683Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:36 AM GMT

(oh... yeah.. i am starting to feel the effects of NOT BEING ABLE TO FOCUS) (yes, its your encounter, not ####### ################# in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221028710Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:36 AM GMT

"These weapons," said Takenaka, "they are expensive, no?"
#221028823Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:38 AM GMT

Kasumi [Free-Action] "Not if you're a winner." The man would laugh. His power armor is coincidentally grey if you didn't notice that. Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221028838Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:38 AM GMT

I slowly turn hearing the voice, I look at the whatever it is, assuming a robot. "No...not any luck right now."
#221028996Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:40 AM GMT

Chad [Free-Action] You feel he is very near, you can also hear his footsteps nearer. "Well, if you find any. Tell a friendly scavver, he might trade with you." The robotic voice would say. Are your senses failing you or is this just your imagination? Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221029200Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:43 AM GMT

"Y-yeah ok.." I questioned myself a bit. I backed up to another pile and SLOWLY dug through this time, still questioning my mental state.
#221029463Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:46 AM GMT

Takenaka crossed her arms, examining the prices of the weapons, as well as checking what little money she still had on her.
#221029769Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:50 AM GMT

(Searching for PAF/Exo Suit, in pile +3, need 13) Chad [13 + 1 from spotting] Through hardwork and spotting, you find another PAF, but this one is missing an arm. You carry the frame and dump it in the hover-cart to end your day's work. Then the sound of footsteps again. "Hey, didn't I tell you to tell your friendly scavvers that if you find something important..." The voice tells you with an evil intent. "You tell other friendly scavvers?" Kasumi [Free-Action] You check your wallet for any cash you had. You pull out 45 Yen. "Short on cash?" The grey-armored guy asks. Read in: Unenthusiastic voice
#221029812Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:51 AM GMT

He readied his baton, dropping the crate, "Why do you want this crate so much anyway?"