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#22111817Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:00 AM GMT

I had to get rid of one of them, because APPARENTLY ROBLOX wants to partner with Disney. I also got rid of 23, because it seemed to be a trollbait. 1: do not suggest pets. These will never happen. These can be used as protection in shooters, cheating in obstacle courses, knock people off maps with tails, etc. I have seen people try to counter everything wrong with pets and make it into a useless stalker. Make pets in your own game. 2: do not suggest cheaper or free (T/O) BC. Admins of ROBOX.com need to eat, have shelter, and have spending money for a life. If they lower the price of (T/O)BC, they will have less of this, and they will be sad and very very mad. And you don't want reesemcblox mad, bad things happen O_O. 3: do not suggest free hat day/week. This is popular in the minds of greedy little noobflakes. The average idea is that for a day or week, they get one free hat worth less than 500 robux. Do you realize how much 500 robux is? 500 robux = 5k tix, and that is enough for the golden crown. That may not seem expensive, but it truly is. 500 days of daily income... 4: do not suggest increased daily income. Telamon said they were thinking about making the income 20 tix per day, if comments cost 1 tix. this wouldn't be a good idea in my mind, for it would not help anything. spammers get 20 comments, make another acc, get 20 comments, etc. this would also stop people from commenting ever, and from experience I know it is fun to guess the prices of hats before it is released. I still think there should be a floodcheck for the comments, lasting multiple minutes. 5: Do not suggest another BC. On the OBC cast, they announced that they were NOT going to make another BC. Thnk about this though, how much would you pay for one? two dollars a month? ninety dollars a month? They already covered the basic prices for their BCs. 6: do not suggest multi layered bodies. If you do not understand what I mean, no fat robloxians pretty much. Different body sizes and layer levels would mess up shirts, and look stupid. 7: do not suggest shoes. These just make our character taller, but they would look ridiculous. We are not humans, we are blocks. If you want shoes, put them on your pants. 8: do not suggest to get rid of guests. They are brand new to ROBLOX (usually) and trying out new things. What if they are great scripters, trying to get the feel of ROBLOX? Guests are a great way to let people see ROBLOX's community before making an account. 9: do not suggest BC privileges to non-BC members. This starts destroying the meaning of BC, so less people buy, and telamon has to hope he gets on pimp my box. 10: do not suggest copyrighted hats. This could get ROBLOX sued, and bye bye 7 million ROBLOX accounts. Make some original ideas, and not movie rip-offs. 11: do not suggest roblox sends you a free hat or R$ on your birthday. This is very abusable. Some ROBLOXian could make dozens of alt accounts, turn their birthday on tomorrow, and give all the money they earned to their main account through a donation t-shirt. 12: do not suggest people help you with your place. This forum is suggestions ad ideas to improve ROBLOX, not your place visit amount. 13: do not suggest the ability to change what you already posted. This is abusable for so many reasons; it would take me forever to post it in one thread. 14: do not suggest ROBLOX makes ads. This means no TV commercials! Roblox has less than 8 million people, and very few of them have (T/O)BC. They do not have much money, so they cannot afford commercials. This includes just in California! They also do have computer ads on places like Fac.ebook, so they are already getting publicity. 15: do not suggest roblox quests. This one is just stupid. Just make quests in your own game, and add a save script. Roblox has to be updated still, and quests are pointless, time-consuming, and utterly unnescessary. 16: do not suggest earning tix or robux for ko's. If this happened, people like me would be rich. You could also just balefire alt accounts that are afk. 17: do not suggest new currency. Tix was and currently are fail, and any new currency would make roblox even worse. Take a look in this forum for about twenty minutes, and count how many threads ask for (T/O)BC privelages to non-(T/O)BC members. Might I remind you that is against the official rules? (Yes, this ties into #9.) 18: do not resuggest ideas. I understand if it was originally suggested about a year ago, and you never saw it, but when you see a thread, there is no point in making another one saying the EXACT SAME THING. this also applies to making multiple threads of your own idea. 19: do not suggest new badges. they have many badges already, including T/OBC, and they are pretty pointless. if you want more badges, EARN THEM! Or, you can make your own. 20:do not suggest the ability to wear 2 hats at the same time. If you actually read the description for the sword pack, they said they were going to make this a feature. They might have also just made a horribly nasty joke on people, but I don't mind. 21: do not suggest people can talk to each other through microphones or head-sets. voices send different sound waves out, so you could not put a filter on. admins cannot be everywhere, so it is impossible to moderate. there are ALOT (maybe.. 70%? Nah, more like 95%.) of people on ROBLOX that are immature children. they would SCREECH into the mic with that annoying, high pitched sound. we can already type to each other. There is also the danger of creepy old men who are interested in little boys, but I would rather not go too in depth with that... 22: Do not suggest to get rid of the newest update. This is against rules, and is very nooby. they are attempting to make ROBLOX better, and you have to think before you make threads, especially if you don't like flames. 23: do not suggest you become a moderator or administrator. for the mod, it is completely up to the ROBLOX team, but making you a mod would require many things. I have seen very few people who even have a chance to become one, but you have to be at least 14. To become an admin, you have to have a JOB at ROBLOX, which requires a college degree. VERY FEW people on ROBLOX actually have the choice to work at ROBLOX, so they cannot make you an admin. I can guarentee nobody who suggests this would become an admin, because the people that suggest it are 6 year old greedy idiots. 24: Do not suggest a no guest option for your place. this is a stereotype in a way, and almost ties in with #8 (to get rid of guests), and is very rude. these could be great scripters, or even your new best friend. you have to realize guests are real people too, and are just like you non-BC members, deserving to play even though they havn't payed. If you really don't get the message I am sending here, why don't you just make a script that loopkills anybody with the name "guest ___" in it? You will get flamed, but it's your own fault. ~~~kusername1~~~
#22112078Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:05 AM GMT

do you realy expect people to pay any attention to this? also, this is not a suggestion/idea and is therefor spam. >.>
#22112165Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:07 AM GMT

I have a lot of people that pay attention to this. These "What not to suggest" threads I have made have become very popular. You also see that this is V4.9? None of these have been deleted yet, so the moderators apparently allow it. I am also suggesting that you don't suggest these. ~~~kusername1~~~
#22112264Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:09 AM GMT

i still say most people in the forums probably just take one look at it, leave it be, and post something weather it was on this list or not. i didnt read all of it, but i probably dont post many of these, but still, most people do just ignore these things.
#22112364Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:11 AM GMT

It still is my reference. If somebody suggests one of these, and I don't feel like typing a response, I just post this link. I really don't care if they look at it. ~~~kusername1~~~
#22112471Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:13 AM GMT

Agree with all [title har].
#22112519Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:14 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#22112553Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:15 AM GMT

Apperently, I don't ignore these things.
#22112625Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:16 AM GMT

eh, i can agree with all but 24. but, i guess guests are easy kills and easy to make leave.
#22112638Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:17 AM GMT

i support...........>JayR<...........
#22112660Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:17 AM GMT

and robot, i dont realy care if it helps my reputation or not.
#22112667Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:17 AM GMT

I also need suggestions on how to make this thread better! ~~~kusername1~~~
#22112715Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:18 AM GMT

You forgot one. Don't suggest anyone to be banned etc
#22112760Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:19 AM GMT

@nxt: You mean when somebody PA's somebody saying they should get banned? I guess I might be able to put something about PA's... ~~~kusername1~~~
#22112790Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:19 AM GMT

#22113080Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:26 AM GMT

thier are some of these things that have reasons to have these in the future like for the no changing the post well say you spelled something the wrong and if you had something the could be banned then they change it you are fixing the problem of spam and other bannable things and also and you are giving the people who break rules more of a reason you are incourging them to do it
#22113125Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:27 AM GMT

Stop spreading you idea.
#22113402Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:34 AM GMT

you are really good at holding a grudge against someones idea you are just shorting your life with strees
#22211524Tuesday, March 09, 2010 1:32 AM GMT

Please people please, grammar! ~~~kusername1~~~
#22214245Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

What did I miss, or what can I fix?...l ...................................................l ..................................................V ~~~kusername1~~~
#22214648Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:19 AM GMT

I just skipped to the bottom. XD No reason to read it, since I know it's good.
#22214763Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

How do you know it's good without reading? Did you read one of my past ones? ~~~kusername1~~~
#22214876Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

I read a few. I'm pretty lazy, and I have a few minutes before I have to go.
#22215214Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:29 AM GMT

Actually since there a version in your title kuser,you broke what not to suggest number 18 XD
#22215396Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:33 AM GMT

You should include the disclaimer that logic overrides this thread... I'll debate anything if the person can defend their suggestion.

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