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#221477702Sunday, July 16, 2017 4:03 AM GMT

Job Information and Tasks Low Rank Positions |Suspended| This is a rank for suspension. Either you will lose your job here, you will be demoted, or you will be put back at the same rank. |Trainee| Your job is to assist the main workers, and to attend a training to be promoted. |Junior Barista| You are more respected in the cafe, you are able to attend trainings to be promoted. |Barista| You are respected a lot, and we expect more of you. |Senior Barista| You are very respected. We expect you to be the best you can. You are a leader over the others. |Security| You are a very important role. You will kick any people that need to be kicked. You will take care of exploiters. You have a ton of expectations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MR Positions |Staff Assistant| Congrats! You were promoted to SA. Don't AA. With power comes responsibility. |Management Team| You are the job that watches over everyone. You make sure no trolling or AA is happening. You may also start hosting interviews and trainings. |Developer| You develop clothes and the cafe. ------------------------------------------------------------------- HR Positions |Administration Team| You watch over everything cafe and it management wise. You make sure the management team does their job. |Chief Staff Officer| You watch over staff. Do not let them troll. Make sure nothing fishy happens. |Chief Operating Officer| You hold meetings and help run the cafe. |Chief Executive Officer| You are the highest honor. You can't be promoted after this. This is a rare rank to achieve. You are the overseer-er of the cafe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SR Positions |Vice President| You are the leader of the groups assistant. |President| You earn this by being VP, and the P leaves. |Vice-Chairman/Woman| Earned by knowing the Chairman or by being trusted by the Chairman. |Group Holder| Holder of group. Owners alt. |Chairman| Reserved for the founder/creator of the group.

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