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#221671011Tuesday, July 18, 2017 7:03 AM GMT

https://www.roblox.com/games/923542289/The-office here's the link feel free to check it out
#221674080Tuesday, July 18, 2017 8:24 AM GMT

-what would people even use it for if they bought it -overlapping parts -plastic material for the rings (which is not an attractive material) -the plants on the rings aren't even in a pot, and there's no dirt -this doesn't look modern -those cabinets are kinda bad. the handles are too thick, and for some reason there's these black blocks on the cabinets under the desk -over-use of sand material -cubicals aren't this big -transparent parts on the bottom part of the walls shouldn't be there. cubicals only have those on the top part -why are there walls that aren't the same color as the others? kind of weird -that price is way too much -that pc is made out of wood material -too much extra space everywhere. it's not great, and i honestly don't think anyone will buy this sorry dude
#221679498Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:05 AM GMT

@cbsqueast Lmfao, you're whining about his creativity in making things not "your way" of what a realistic cubicle is. And for the record its spelled, cubicle not CUBICAL. what the.... If t## pc is wood, leave it be, that's his way of making a PC. Would you rather have slate? metal? smooth plastic?. Either way, you can still make of it as a PC. The overuse of the sand material isn't great, and I agree with that. But it isnt overused to the point where you see it all around you. Its wavy textures placed on the wall would look simplistic and great and pleasing to the eye, is how I would perspect it from a non-builders point of view. The plants on the ring are aesthetically pleasing to the eye, dirt is just going to make it look bad. You could look at the grass on the rings as futuristic plants. Based on how ignorant and how you anxiously perfectionize everything, I see now why you're a failed builder. I'm just saying, dont whine about things you dont know or things you cant empathize. You're probably one of those people who has a different view of their own building and trying to implement it onto others. Not everyone is the same, we all have our own pace in things. @BurstinCherryBlossom This place is not better sold, but rather a showcase of what your capabilities are. Its better to work on projects on what the client wants and needs, because if you build something that you dont know who wants, then it'll be a waste of your time. But hey, no one is stopping you.
#221680094Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:27 AM GMT

You wish someone would buy that for 1000. You have overlapping parts, It could use more details, drawer handles are too thick. Get better and then maybe someone would be willing to pay 1000.
#221680485Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:39 AM GMT

"Lmfao, you're whining about his creativity in making things not "your way" of what a realistic cubicle is. " dude i'm not whining, i'm literally criticizing ops place. i mentioned absolutely nothing about the "creativity" of the cubicle, all i mentioned were building mistakes and other things "And for the record its spelled, cubicle not CUBICAL. what the...." blame op, he spelled it wrong and i thought that it was right " If t## pc is wood, leave it be, that's his way of making a PC. Would you rather have slate? metal? smooth plastic?. Either way, you can still make of it as a PC." uh.. ok? "The overuse of the sand material isn't great, and I agree with that. But it isnt overused to the point where you see it all around you. Its wavy textures placed on the wall would look simplistic and great and pleasing to the eye, is how I would perspect it from a non-builders point of view." you actually do see it all around you. the material is everywhere. "The plants on the ring are aesthetically pleasing to the eye, dirt is just going to make it look bad. You could look at the grass on the rings as futuristic plants. Based on how ignorant and how you anxiously perfectionize everything, I see now why you're a failed builder." alright, i guess you're right about the first part, however the plants should be centered onto the ring instead of sticking out of the wall. but calling me a "failed builder" is just plain out rude and unnecessary. you're too toxic about this. "I'm just saying, dont whine about things you dont know or things you cant empathize. You're probably one of those people who has a different view of their own building and trying to implement it onto others. Not everyone is the same, we all have our own pace in things." once again, i'm not whining. once again, i'm criticizing the place, not trying to force a style or whatever the hell your talking about
#221717217Tuesday, July 18, 2017 9:04 PM GMT

uh btw i just sold it for 500R$
#221989612Friday, July 21, 2017 11:47 PM GMT

#222001979Saturday, July 22, 2017 2:42 AM GMT

Would pay at most 40 robux. Nice try though.

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