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#222143895Sunday, July 23, 2017 7:41 PM GMT

NOTE: Good grammar makes your chance of passing greater! 1) What rank are you applying for? 2) Why do you think you deserve this rank? 3) How did you find Tropics Cafe? 4) What can you bring to the table that others can't? Meaning, what can you do that others can't? 5) Do you have previous experience with restaurants? 6) On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how often do you use good grammar? 7) On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how active are you? 8) How long have you been a member of Tropics Cafe? 9) If you were given the ability to change Tropics Cafe, what would it be? 10) Fix this sentence for me : can i have a interview sir/mam Please welcome the player to the team if they pass their interview! When player passed report the passing player to the host of the Interview Session.

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