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#22227188Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:43 PM GMT

This is the year 2010.. The city of Ultornia, A partly futuristic city, Totally isolated from the rest of the world. Though being isolated they have huge rescources and little pollution, Drugs and guns are being mass-Manufactured throughout the 2 islands. While most of the islands are sligthly futuristic, There are small and medium areas where the entire place is fillled with Poverty, Crime and drug smuggling..There are also gangs, And a massive company. The first gang is The 3rd Street Saints, Clad in purple and black. The second gang is the Sons Of Samedi, Clad in green and white. The third gang is The Ronin, Clad in Yellow and Black And the third gang is The Brotherhood, Clad in red. Now the massive company controlling one of the largest areas...Is Ultor, Formerly a clothing shop, Ultor has its own Private Army and experimental weaponry.. Who are you? The feared and hated Ultor? The famous and infamous 3rd Street Saints? The deadly and spiritual Sons Of Samedi? The bike-riding and brave Ronin? Or the courageous and tough Brotherhood?
#22227196Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:43 PM GMT

#22227198Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:43 PM GMT

#22227222Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:45 PM GMT

*Facepalm* Name: Age: Gender: Apperance: Clothing: Gang/Corporation: (Optional.) Weapons: (Melee weapon and a firearm.) Biography: (Optional)
#22227234Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:45 PM GMT

Ronin. :D
#22227286Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:48 PM GMT

N.a.m.e: Ben Daniels A.g.e: 19 G.e.n.d.e.r: Male A.p.p.e.r.a.n.c.e: Shaven head, A Pistol shaved into it. Brown Eyes, Tanned skin. C.l.o.t.h.i.n.g: Sunglasses, Jeans, Boxers showing. Trainers (White and Red). Blue Henleys s.h.i.r.t g.a.n.g./C.o.r.p.o.r.a.t.i.o.n: 3rd Street Saints W.e.a.p.o.n.s: Dual M9's and Knife Bi..o.g.r.a.p.h.y: (Optional)
#22227304Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:49 PM GMT

Name: Dan Vickery Ag.e: 22 Gender: Male Apperance: Blonde spiky hair, green eyes, black tribal tattoo along left arm Clothing: White short-sleeved T-shirt, Black leather jacket with yellow stipe, black jeans with yellow stripe, black and yellow trainers, white fingerless gloves. Gang/Corporation: Ronin Weapons: Crowbar + Barrett M-107 Biography: none (This okay?)
#22227361Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:52 PM GMT

Name: The Black Of Satan (Spiritual FTW!)(Everypne calls him Cryptic.) Ag.e: 18 Gender: Male Apperance: Black overcoat which sweeps along the floor. Black skinny jeans, and a blakc and white stripe top. Pale skin, pinky red eyes, and long white hairm which flows down to his waist. The lower half of his face is covered by a half mask, made of ceromonial gold. It is shaped so it is a ormal mask, apart from the swirling lines which make symbols such as pentograms, the symbols of satan. Clothing: As above. Gang/Corporation: Sons of Samedi Weapons: A scythe made of odsidian, and a triple barrel pistol, with the ammo of a small, hollow ball, which was filled with a bio eating acid,which oionly eats skin, and clothign fibre. Biography: Cryptic is the leader of the sons of samedi (pwease) and rules with an iron fist. He talks all the time, and hates to be faced with an equal.
#22227379Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:53 PM GMT

Name: ??? Age: ??? Gender: Male Apperance: Pale Skin, Tall, Regular Weight Clothing: Black/Yellow Full Body Jumpsuit, Black/Yellow Full Face Mask Gang/Corporation: Ronin Weapons: Sledgehammer. GDCH.90 Biography: ???
#22227392Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:53 PM GMT

#22227401Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:54 PM GMT

Name: Daniel Kanter A.ge: 19 - 20 Gender: Male Apperance: http://www.roblox.com/Roleplay-Character-item?id=23472854 with Yellow Stripes down Back. Clothing: Look above. Gang/Corporation: Ronin Weapons: Weapons in Appearance. Biography: None.
#22227421Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:55 PM GMT

Start... I got on my bike, Civillians cowering in fear just at the sight of me, I kicked down the stand and drove over to a car mechanics.
#22227470Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:57 PM GMT

"PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG!" I yelled, holding my M9 to his head. He had finished, I grabbed the bag of Money. I smashed him with my right fist. I ran out of the shop, The Alarm going off. My Car Door was swung open on the passenger seat. I jumped in, laying the money in between my legs. The Car reversed, door shut and Zoomed off.
#22227471Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:57 PM GMT

I walked through my side of town, smiling horribly at completley terrified citizens. 10 of m Disciples followed, sneering at the citizens. (Can be the leader of the sons of samedi, pwease?)
#22227474Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:58 PM GMT

I looked around, looking at the different bikes on offer. I had to choose my first bike. "Well then..." I see a black Kawasaki Ninja parked on the sidewalk. I hijack it, get on and rev the engine up, then kick the stand in and drive off down the road, pulling a wheelie.
#22227506Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:59 PM GMT

(Sure.) I drove over to the Samedi side of town, I kept my sledgehammer on my back, And my GDCH.50 In my pocket.
#22227558Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

I was walking down a street, looking at the assorted items which were...'available'. I looked at some motorbikes. I looked into some shop windows. People ignored me until I turned my back to them. I went over to a man on his bike, revving the engine up. "Give me your bike." I say, holding one of my pistols to his head. The man hands the keys over and some cash too. "Bonus..." I say, chuckling. I swung onto the bike, kicked the stand down and drove down the road.
#22227559Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

I notice two men getting in a fight, they're drunk. I slow the bike down a bit, ready my crowbar, and jam the end of it through one of their heads, dragging them along by the head, and blood trailing behind them.
#22227562Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

(Yus!) I walked to the street, the local bank was on, now though, it was our regular supplier. I took my usual thousand, and walked out, giving the money to my group of Disciples. I was capable of looking after myself.
#22227574Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:02 PM GMT

The Car slicing the wall as it drifted round a corner. We were closing to Our Side. "A quick de tour and revenge," My Driver said. I smiled. We drove to the Ronin side of town. He handed me a Mini Uzi, "There," He said, pointing to 5 Ronins on a driveway. I sat on the door, Uzi pointed at them. He drove past. I opened fire, killing them. A Drive by Perfect. I climbed back in. The Car zoomed to our side of town
#22227589Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:02 PM GMT

I watched the Sons Of Samedi leader from across the street.
#22227610Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:03 PM GMT

I instantly saw the rival gang member. "Ronin." I snarled.
#22227622Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:04 PM GMT

I headed back to our hideout, still dragging the body along, although it was dead now. "Huh... nobody here yet..." I say, looking around and noticing graffiti all over the walls. I take the crowbar out of the body's head, gripping it tightly and waiting.
#22227648Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:05 PM GMT

I stayed, As if entirely still, My invisible face curved into a slight smile, I gripped my pistol.
#22227659Tuesday, March 09, 2010 5:05 PM GMT

"Pull over," I said to the driver. He complied. I smiled, tossing him a share of the money. I shoved the rest in my Jacket pocket. My House standing infront of me. A Little Girl ran out of the door and to me. I knelt down and hugged her. A Woman of about 21 Stood at the door, smiling. I lifted the girl up and walked with her in my arms to the woman. (My guys got a family. Perfect for something *Hint*Hint*)

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