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#222404347Wednesday, July 26, 2017 5:55 PM GMT

House Resolution on Additional House Leadership 07/26/2017 SOTH. Ozzymen SPT. Atron2 Preamble: This House Resolution shall specify the abilities of some of the additional House Leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives. This House Resolution shall not repeal or amend the House Resolution to Clarify House Leadership. Section I: (a) The Maj. Lead and the Min. Lead shall have the ability to discuss with other House Leadership on behalf of their parties for proper scheduling times for sessions. This most importantly applies for when the Speaker of the House is on-leave or vacant (the time of the session is still up to the Presiding Officer). (b) The Maj. Lead and the Min. Lead shall have the ability to select up to two Maj. Whips and Min. Whips, which shall be considered House Leadership in the absence of the Maj. Lead or Min. Lead at sessions, or when they're on-leave or vacant (and shall be given the Congressional Leaders rank in NUSA). (c) The Maj. Lead and the Min. Lead shall have the ability to enforce order at in-game sessions on behalf of the House Leadership and Speaker of the House. Section II: (a) The Maj. Lead shall have the ability to host in-game sessions as the Presiding Officer if both the Speaker pro tempore, and the Speaker of the House are on-leave or vacant at the time, and have made such known to the entire U.S. House of Representatives. (b) The Maj. Lead shall have the ability to commence voting on forums whenever the Speaker of the House is vacant, and the only other House Leadership available is the Speaker pro tempore. Conclusion: (a) This is needed as the House Resolution to Clarify House Leadership misses key components of the House Leadership like the Maj. Lead and Min. Lead, and the Maj. Whips and Min. Whips, which are all considered House Leadership and even get an in-game House Leadership team at the Congressional Chambers. Signed SOTH. Ozzymen Signed SPT. Atron2

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