#222981142Wednesday, August 02, 2017 10:58 PM GMT

I want to help test it!
#223144601Saturday, August 05, 2017 7:09 PM GMT

#223144737Saturday, August 05, 2017 7:11 PM GMT

Ugh srsly I am already making the admin and I'm not having any help. I was gonna do the main part myself. None of you are even helping. Since ur just ####### just trying to get me to stop Ima just stop posting on this. Thanks a lot ppl.
#223145303Saturday, August 05, 2017 7:21 PM GMT

ok let me ask you a question what is a string
#223148563Saturday, August 05, 2017 8:18 PM GMT

@OP We're not "trying to get you to stop." We're saying that you don't require a group of people to make an admins script.
#223204762Sunday, August 06, 2017 6:10 PM GMT

I said I'm not replying to you anymore.
#223210504Sunday, August 06, 2017 7:59 PM GMT

ok but you replied noob
#223332519Tuesday, August 08, 2017 7:54 PM GMT

Everyone look at this guy! He is making an admin script lets #### ### # ################## Why do you even care?
#223339496Tuesday, August 08, 2017 9:59 PM GMT

stop bumping it then
#223341896Tuesday, August 08, 2017 10:38 PM GMT

@OP Just stop, and take a breather, ok? We're not trying to discourage you, or tell you, to not make your admin system. That's not the case at all. We're just saying that you don't require a team to create an admin system. In fact, I have created my own system all by myself, and it works excellently! I've been studying since 2013, and I finally created the admin system of my dreams: It paid off. Moral: You shouldn't just make an admins script just 'cause, you should do it for fun, like I did when creating mine; Seeing how all this worked, how I accomplished this and that, and seeing it in action! It. Was. AWESOME. Just gotta do your best man. :)
#223422762Thursday, August 10, 2017 6:50 AM GMT

@above Couldn't have said it better myself :)
#223573819Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:50 PM GMT

Ok I take that back and ForeverHD if you hate this soooooo much then quit posting on it.
#223574022Saturday, August 12, 2017 11:55 PM GMT

And so far no one has helped. Some people did want to help but never replied.
#223575280Sunday, August 13, 2017 12:22 AM GMT

is this a joke
#223593926Sunday, August 13, 2017 9:02 AM GMT

@Ezuras Probably is at this point. :| @OP Didn't want to, but here's the criticism. [DISCLAIMER]: The intention of this comment is not to attack the OP; The intention of this is to give the OP criticism, although (very) harsh criticism. Thank you for reading this. Stop. We WEREN'T trying to you FROM MAKING YOUR PROJECT. We were telling you that did NOT REQUIRE a team to do this; It could be a one man job thing. So stop making assumptions that "we are saying you should do it." That brings up another point: You're doing this because you're making it seem that WE'RE the bad guys, and YOU aren't. By how you keep repeating this, this appears to be the case: You don't shutup about it, and you keep continuing to say that OVER&OVER again, repeatedly throughout the rest of this thread so far. Stop trying to get sympathy out of others. It only shows how much you want to seem you're in the right, and how we're in the wrong, when we're TRYING to tell you, and get this through your thick skull, that YOU do NOT require a TEAM. It's time to stop. You've made yourself out to be a hypocrite. "I said I'm not replying to you anymore." You never stated that prior to this comment, that you WEREN'T GOING to reply to ANYONE, but even so, you STILL replied on the post, although vague. Name who you were referring/talking to. "I do not know how much I will pay yet. because so far NOONE wants to do it and just sit there telling me that I am a sad loser." Again, we were NOT trying to stop you from making your admin commands, we were saying you DON'T require a TEAM to make an admin script. "I'm TRYING to make an admin system that's great, just like HD, or even Adonis. I know how easy creating a regular admin commands is, but I want this one to be amazing. And yes, I know how to script." - Had to reword, as it was censored for some reason. We know that for how many times you've told us at this point, that you're trying to make an admins script. And you EVEN SAID that it's easy to make! "I know how easy creating regular admin commands" But you still insist on having a team create it regardless! You also stated that "And yes I know how to script." You never showed proof of this. You should provide proof when you make that claim. "And thank you people that will help." This contradicts what you say later on. "Ugh srsly I am already making the admin and I'm not having any help." .. "None of you are even helping." U WUT M8?? There're people who had said they'd help you, even being able to debug the admin, and you just swept them off! Wth?? "I was gonna do the main part myself." THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HAVING A TEAM IF YOU WERE GONNA DO IT ALL YOURSELF FROM THE BEGINNING???! "Everyone look at this guy! He is making an admin script lets [TAGZ] Why do you even care?" WE WEREN'T- Omg, I'm done. In conclusion: You made yourself out to be a VERY, VERY big hypocrite, and have even blown off people who SAID that they WOULD help you. You say we're trying to stop you from making your admin, but it's yourself who's telling you not to, as at this point you're making a bunch of assumptions that aren't true, and are calling out people for telling you "not to make your admin script." Name ONE person who told you that. ONE. PERSON. Who told you this? What did she/he say exactly? Where's the proof? There's none? Then stop repeating that. The only person I see here who's telling you not to make your admin script, is indeed, yourself, but that's just my opinion. If you WANT to be an admin script developer, you should be acting like one. You think it was easy for Person299, Kohltastrophe/Scripth, ForeverHD, Scelaratis, LuaModelMaker/MakerModelLua to get theirs flying? No, it wasn't, and, don't quote of this, they get HUNDREDS of inbox messages each day with spam, being of either ideas, or people disliking the admin. They have to deal with that everyday. And you're crying over people giving you criticism? Boohoo. You shouldn't have all this seriousness about making an admin commands script, and instead should be having fun to create it, but you keep preventing yourself from doing so, and are only discouraging yourself. This's where I'm leaving off my comment. Your ignorance and hypocrisy is mind blowing. Goodbye, and thank you for reading. Sincerely, TheeDeathCaster
#223594576Sunday, August 13, 2017 9:30 AM GMT

@TheeDeathCaster I should've proofread my comment better; Here're the corrections. *We WEREN'T trying to STOP you FROM MAKING YOUR PROJECT. *So stop making assumptions that "we are saying you shouldn't do it." *By how you keep repeating this, this appears to be the case: You don't shutup about it, and you keep continuing to say that OVER and OVER again, throughout the thread so far. *It ###y shows how much you want others to think that you're in the right, and how we're in the wrong, when we're TRYING to tell you, and get this through your thick skull, that YOU do NOT require a TEAM to create an admin script.. *You also stated that "And yes I know how to script." But you never showed proof of this. You should provide proof when you make a claim like that. *A later statement, that YOU made, contradicts what you said: *There're people who had said they'd help you, even if it's being able to debug the admin, and you just swept them off! *THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HAVING A TEAM, IF YOU WERE GONNA DO IT ALL YOURSELF FROM THE BEGINNING???! *You think it was easy for Person299, Kohltastrophe/Scripth, ForeverHD, Scelaratis, and LuaModelMaker/MakerModelLua to get theirs flying? *No, it wasn't. And don't quote on this, but they get HUNDREDS of inbox messages each day, being of either constructive criticism/ideas/suggestions, or people negatively criticizing their admin scripts. *They have to deal with that everyday, and you're crying over people giving you criticism? Boohoo. I couldn't fix the censor of "only" for the third correction. :/ Ty ROBLOX.
#223610347Sunday, August 13, 2017 5:47 PM GMT

Yeah I know that no one likes the fact that ROBLOX ####### everything. And yes I now that that this is a joke.
#223610443Sunday, August 13, 2017 5:49 PM GMT

#223610526Sunday, August 13, 2017 5:51 PM GMT

Even though my admin commands are inefficient, it is open source Just look in my models and look for Potatoe's Admin. I cant post here bc itll be censored
#223761006Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:00 PM GMT

I test anything <3
#223775718Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:04 PM GMT

@VertikPixel, People are right. Making an admin takes time and at the current stage, it's not worth the time. It would not even until it's something better than before. I can work with you on anything other than admin(something worth the time and effort). If you have better things other than admin, let me know.
#223775963Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:09 PM GMT

I'll answer that question For money It's delightful, it's delicious, it's delovely!
#223775967Wednesday, August 16, 2017 9:09 PM GMT

#224542392Friday, September 01, 2017 11:37 PM GMT

Waste _ e d s, Ok. This is my last post on this thread but I will view it. And I WILL post if I find anything worth it.
#224542971Friday, September 01, 2017 11:51 PM GMT

so my figga what is the pay?