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#22360965Friday, March 12, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

---PROLOGUE--- There is a dark laboratory which seems to be used all day and all night. The owner of the laboratory is Dr.Clayede. It is the year 2780 and technology has been pushed to the max. Clayede was sitting in his chair. In his laboratory. He was on his computer, typing at extreme speed. His head was supported by his hand. Clayede was a doctor of physilogical studies. Famous for knowing nearly everything about anything. He consistently did experiments, and made the first hoverboard and hovercar. He made the first hologram and all the things which were 'Fiction' in 2010. There was one thing he hadn't done. Replaced human parts with robotic parts. Every time this was tried the human died. All the movies since 1965 have become true, except for a few. Including Robocop. One night, the wind was rustiling the leaves in the trees. The temperature was low. Clayede sat in his chair, in his laboratory, like usual. This time it was different, he had completed his first 'Robocop' cyborg. Clayede laughed an evil laugh and pulled the switch. Like Frankenstein, Clayede was crazy. Like Frankenstein, the 'monster' was coming alive. Electricity flew around the laboratory, destroying multiple objects. Though Clayede didn't care. His dream was to do this. His dream has come true. The sparks died down, the plasma died down. It was calm. Clayede's eyes formed tears. Was it already over? No. The cyborg ripped it's straps off of it's arms and legs. Clayede laughed in amazement, only to stop a second later. The cyborg looked exactly like a human, but, like Terminator, was extremely strong. The cyborg killed Clayede with a fearsome blow to the head, then wandering off into the world. It's Inbetween Us.
#22361237Friday, March 12, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

hover cars exist....we just don't use them because they are a waste of time but good twist on frankenstein.
#22361477Friday, March 12, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

---CHAPTER 1--- Daniel was a normal teenager. He was 18, liked to joke around and was an all-rounder. His life was about to change. Daniel woke up, he couldn't get to sleep. He sat up, and got some warm milk from his bedside table. He drank it all then got out of his bed. It was 6:00am. He put his clothes on, afterwards putting his jacket on then leaving his house. Daniel walked down the road for a while, stopping to enter a supermarket to buy some food. He walked down the isle and found the food section. He walked down, inbetween the vast food products and people. One person caught his attention. To Daniel, this man had red eyes. Quickly the man looked away and continued to shop. Daniel took some eggs off of the shelf and put them in his basket. He strolled over to the frozen food section and took some frozen pizza. "Perfect!" He stated, checking the ingredients. After paying, Daniel left and found the man was walking infront of him. Daniel grasped tightly onto his plastic bag and strolled infront of the man, who had a bag with 1 thing in it. Oil. Daniel glared at the man's eyes, he knew something was wrong. Suddenly the man grabbed onto Daniel's collar, and lifted him off of the ground. He couldn't breath. Daniel tried to cry for help but found only a little squeal could come out. The man searched his pockets and took his wallet out. To Daniel this was robbery. To the 'man' this was analysation. The man opened the wallet and 'scanned' the contents. Daniel infered he was a robot. He'd heard about the murder of Claydeye. Now he won't see the murder of Daniel. Daniel quickly snapped and got his pocket knife out, cutting his collar off. He fell onto the floor, quickly getting up and stabbing the cyborg. The knife bent on touch and Daniel ran. The cyborg quickly on chase after him. Meanwhile, another scientist wished the same as Clayede. He had created ANOTHER cyborg. Little did he know this one would go 'crazy' aswell. History repeats itself.

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