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#22399996Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:34 AM GMT

Humans have been long gone, no one's sure why, or even who they were. Nearly millions of years after they disappeared a lot has changed. Several cataclysmic events have happened, making animals desperately need to evolve, and so they did. Dozens of species got smarter, stronger, and more advanced, but still in a "tribal" stage. After everything calmed down, Earth was peaceful again, but looked very different. The peace continued, that is, until these new races discovered each other. Now you lead your tribe to peace... or war on the others. RULES: No magic, this is realistic. No futuristic or modern devises whatsoever. No godmodding. No ubering. No even mentioning humans, they're irrelevant to what I intend the story to be. Your race must have a weakness, you must give hints of what it is. Story-style role-playing only. HAZ FUN! Race sheet: Race name: Species evolved from: General appearance: Basic behaviors: Habitats: Architecture: Cultural facts: Weapon specialties: Additional information: Character sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Appearance: Personality: Biography: (Required)
#22400021Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:37 AM GMT

Name: Daniel Jarrot Ag.e: 23. Gen.der:.Male Race.:LionMan (Lion that talks) Appea.rance:Normal Tribal Uniform Person.ality:Nice,Kind,Joke,Loving,Forgiving Biograp..hy:Da.niel likes fighting and killing but also he has lots of friends.Hating everyone.
#22400188Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:50 AM GMT

(You have to make a race sheet first, and I wouldn't accept it anyways.)
#22400331Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:01 PM GMT

Race name: Arachgnaw Species evolved from: Spiders General appearance: Basically a very big spider with very big teeth Basic behaviors: They live in colonies, and their sole purpose is to find food. If something, object or organism, is in their way, they will eat through it to get at food. Habitats: Underground Architecture: Tunnels Cultural facts: They all serve the Elder Arachgnaw and the Elder Arachgnaw all serve the Queen Weapon specialties: Their teeth can eat through all but the hardest substances, need i say more? Additional information: They will eat through ANYTHING to get past it. ANYTHING. HINT HINT.
#22400380Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:04 PM GMT

Name: Elder Macrix A.ge: 21 Gender: Male Race: Arachgnaw Appearance: Dark purple, see above Personality: Nice to any of the same species Biography: There are rumours he started off as a minor Arach, but his family have been elders since the colony was started. Great Great Grandmother was the first Queen.
#22400386Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:05 PM GMT

Race sheet: Race name: Swolf Species evolved from: Wolf General appearance: Much larger wolf... glowing eyes and talks. Basic behaviors: Usually angry, but sometimes lends a hand. Habitats: Forest Architecture: Cultural facts: Eats meat. Also can jump higher in the air. Weapon specialties: Usually carries a staff with them. Additional information: N/A Character sheet: Na.me: Gray fang Ag.e: 57 Gen.der: M Race: Swolf Appearance: Has gray fur, long teeth, carries a staff, has a scrape over eye. Personality: Usually mean and a good leader. Biography: Leads his pack.
#22400415Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:06 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#22400419Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:07 PM GMT

(Sorry. I forgot one: Architecture: Caves)
#22400436Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:08 PM GMT

(Mrmac is accepted, Stramming is good enough. I'll make mine in a moment)
#22400460Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:09 PM GMT

(No dogs, sorry. I never said you can't join someone else's tribe.)
#22400805Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:27 PM GMT

(Oh yeah by the way we spit on the dirt to harden it and make lil' house type things. Disgusting, i know but it works amirite?) Elder Macrix was the Elder in charge of a subject that was vital to the Arachgnaw. Exploration. "Creer rick ar ri...tik?!" (You want me to do...what?!) This idea was ludicrous. They only looked underground, not... "Yes. We want you to explore...the surface." The Queen must be mad! They all remembered what happened when they tried that the first time. The platoon burrowed out of the tunnels and never came back. The very mention of "Surface" made the civilians revolt! "The operation will be entirely secret, just our secret. You and a party of 10 will go out and attempt to find new meals on the surface of this planet." "If you say so..." "Meeting Dismissed. And not a word of this to anyone but me, understand!?" "Yes, your highness." Macrix scuttled out of the room nervously. I suppose it might be worth another shot...
#22400863Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:29 PM GMT

Race name: Akal'ni Species evolved from: Birds General appearance: They are very large and look very similar to their ancestors, but they stand up straighter and have evolved to have three short fingers coming out one of the joints in their wings. Their feathers can come in a variety of colors. Basic behaviors: They are usually aggressive, and are known for being generally smarter than most races. Habitats: They live anywhere high, such as a cliff, mountains, or even very big trees. Architecture: They live in gigantic colonies of sturdy nests made from branches, usually hanging off the side of a cliff or from several trees. Cultural facts: They serve under one leader and do what he chooses. They believe in war and that the more an individual kills of an enemy, the more pleasant his afterlife will be. Weapon specialties: Usually their talons and beaks are enough, but they have begun using swords in their hands while flying. Name: Kyr'lan A.ge: 32 Gender: Male Race: Akal'ni Appearance: His feathers are brown and he has orange eyes. His beak has spiritual carvings on them and he stands generally taller than most. Personality: Very aggressive and war obsessed, yet he is still considered a genius. Biography: He has always shown success as far back as a hatchling, when it comes to brute strength or intelligence. After killing many enemies and showing his worth, it was quite obvious he could be the new leader of the Akal'ni.
#22401500Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:56 PM GMT

Race name: Quinzall Species evolved from: Quazite General appearance: A creature with very long legs and arms, evolved from a flying creature so has wings, is omnivore, can talk, is yellow. Basic behaviors: Dancing, allianceing other tribes. Habitats: They live high in the mountains, where they can practice flying peacefully. Architecture: They live in caves and sometimes nests in trees amone the mountains. Cultural facts: The live under one leader, but they all have a free will. They beleve in peace and are hoping to one day befriend the world. Weapon specialties: They can spit poision and has spinkes on them, but are developing torches and spears to use. Character sheet: Name: Quazi Ag.e: 10 Gender: M Race: Quinzall Appearance: A creature with very long legs and arms, evolved from a flying creature so has wings, is omnivore, can talk, is yellow. Personality: Happy, Good but can be tempted otherwise. Biography: Lives among the Quinzall tribe. He dreams of a world outside the earth and is one day hoping to reach that world. But first he will need to ally all of the tribes and gain their trush and help.
#22401794Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:07 PM GMT

Race name: Scorpition Species evolved from: Scorpion General appearance: A very big scorpion, maybe the size of a large car when fully grown. Twin stinger tails, and Four pincers. The pincers, when closed, make a cone shape, and spilt into four parts, which are all aposable. 8-Fly eyes (100 Eyes foriming 1 eye) Their armour overlaps forward, not backward like normal. Basic behaviors: Can talk, with a varying lisp, some enlongating their ffff's, and others their sssss's They are very good at digging, and also building. They do trade as well. Habitats: Underground, Dusty Places. Architecture: Caverns undernaeth th ground. They enchacne the growth of stalatites and stalgmites to make couloums. Cultural facts: They have a trio of councils. Sting, who control War Claw, Who control Building And Eye, who control everything else. Weapon specialties: They generally use their tails, but some very speical ones have Openeing flaps on their amrour, where several long spikes can imapale their enemies. Additional information: They are extremeley good tactitians, and builders. The mark of a royal is a white line underneath the eye, and the mark of anyone lower goes liek this, from poor to high class: blue, red, green, orange, black. Character sheet: Name: Ssscronos Ag.e: 18 Gender: Male Race: Scorpition Appearance: A Very large, fully grown Scorpition, with the blessed spikes protuding from it's armour. It tails are very long, and have black tips. His eyes are tinted white, showing the mark of a royal. Personality: Quiet, Loyal to his people. Biography:
#22402124Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:17 PM GMT

(Darkwhitelie is accepted, Quackoid isn't. This is based off REAL animals.)
#22402517Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:29 PM GMT

May I join?Thread seems interesting
#22402832Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:38 PM GMT

Rac.e name:LizardMan Spec.ies evolved from:a sapiant Lizard Gen.eral appearance:tall,with green skin,and a horn on his head,with wide eyes Bas.ic behaviors:Helpful,sometimes mean Hab.itats:Reproduces quickly,And evolved runing fast Archi.tecture:Roman(If Not,caves) Cultu.ral facts:Leaded by a alpha male/alpha female,they usually use the dem.ocrocy system type of goverment structore We.apon specialties:spear,axes,guns(guns wayyy later) Addi.tional information:they will try and make peace as much as possible,but they don't usually fight Char.acter sheet: Na.me:Branch A.ge:22 Ge.nder:male Ra.ce:LizardMan Ap.pearance:the same as the general appearance,but has a tribal leader spear Pe.rsonality:nice,smart,funny,fast,caring,Sometimes mean. Bio.graphy:when a youge boy,he always wanted to be the leader of a tribe,he wonders what happened to the Humans,but forgets about it occasional,his main goal is to lead his tribe to victory.
#22403018Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:44 PM GMT

(Just need a few more changes to yours. First of all you need to make a more clever name, second of all these races don't even know what humans are, as they went away far before any of them were born.)
#22403094Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:46 PM GMT

(@More clever name Like mine. :P)
#22403117Saturday, March 13, 2010 1:47 PM GMT

(Alrighty) Rac.e name:Branchian(s) Spec.ies evolved from:a sapiant Lizard Gen.eral appearance:tall,with green skin,and a horn on his head,with wide eyes Bas.ic behaviors:Helpful,sometimes mean Hab.itats:Reproduces quickly,And evolved runing fast Archi.tecture:Roman(If Not,caves) Cultu.ral facts:Leaded by a alpha male/alpha female,they usually use the dem.ocrocy system type of goverment structore We.apon specialties:spear,axes,guns(guns wayyy later) Addi.tional information:they will try and make peace as much as possible,but they don't usually fight Char.acter sheet: Na.me:Branch A.ge:22 Ge.nder:male Ra.ce:LizardMan Ap.pearance:the same as the general appearance,but has a tribal leader spear Pe.rsonality:nice,smart,funny,fast,caring,Sometimes mean. Bio.graphy:when a youge boy,he always wanted to be the leader of a tribe,he wonders what othere species in space are doing(if there are any),but forgets about it occasional,his main goal is to lead his tribe to victory.
#22406692Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:16 PM GMT

ok ill try again Race name: Quinzall Species evolved from: Duck General appearance: A creature with very long legs and arms, evolved from a flying creature so has wings, is omnivore, can talk, is yellow. Basic behaviors: Dancing, allianceing other tribes. Habitats: They live high in the mountains, where they can practice flying peacefully. Architecture: They live in caves and sometimes nests in trees amone the mountains. Cultural facts: The live under one leader, but they all have a free will. They beleve in peace and are hoping to one day befriend the world. Weapon specialties: They can spit poision and has spinkes on them, but are developing torches and spears to use. Character sheet: Name: Quazi Ag.e: 10 Gender: M Race: Quinzall Appearance: A creature with very long legs and arms, evolved from a flying creature so has wings, is omnivore, can talk, is yellow. Personality: Happy, Good but can be tempted otherwise. Biography: Lives among the Quinzall tribe. He dreams of a world outside the earth and is one day hoping to reach that world. But first he will need to ally all of the tribes and gain their trush and help.
#22407702Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:33 PM GMT

(Seriously? Ducks?)
#22407799Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:35 PM GMT

(You heard me.)
#22407898Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:37 PM GMT

(Bear,how about my sheet?)
Top 25 Poster
#22408127Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:42 PM GMT

Race name: Trelophosyte, or simply 'Trelos' Species evolved fr/om: Co/ ckro/aches Gen/eral appearance: Larger pincers than a normal co/ckro/ach, about 1/4 of a foot long, with a stronger shell and more legs. Basic Behavior: Same as old co/ckroa/ches, but are slightly less scared, and will take on things slightly larger than them, if they're in large numbers. Habitats: The darkest areas of any habitats that aren't freezing cold or burning hot. Or toxic to all life. Architecture: Organic (made from hardened spit connected with mud and rocks and such). Cultural facts: Most of the time, the Trelos travel in large, unrelated swarms. Weapon specialties: Their teeth, and their pure numbers. Additional information: The Trelos are most commonly found eating ant colonies from the inside out, or feasting on carcasses killed by larger things. They're omnivores, leaning more towards carnivore. They've retained the hardy nature of their ancestors.

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