#22411010Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:31 PM GMT

(The first Cs is where you liuve Justin. Chnage that and your excepted.)
#22411039Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:32 PM GMT

(i did i fixed it)
#22411194Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:35 PM GMT

The Darkians gained half of the shiny thing. It turned out to be iron ore. It was very hard, and they chipped it apart, and put it on their spears. They also used it in their houses, to reinforce them.
#22411275Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:36 PM GMT

Zarie'sfinally get their share of the rock,it was half gone,they then began to ruin into their swamp and began to examine it,they found out it had diamonds in it,they didn;t find it of value,so they merely made them into blades,the fitted them to their spears,they were now more deadly and they began making daggers and B&A(bows and arrows)
#22411336Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:37 PM GMT

(Faceapalm,m'bad,I just posted after you XD lol,kk,then just say that the 'diamonds' were Iron)
#22411430Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:39 PM GMT

They foudn that they could forge it into a sort of long spiky blade, and then they made a flat, sticky out bit. They held 10 in each Darkian, and began to make small versions so they didn't get in the way. They alos found a flexible tree, and some vine, which made something which could fling things for miles (catpult) They used the rock, and it could smash the rock itself!
#22411505Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:40 PM GMT

Many Rayligh Amboea formed in a lake
#22411672Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:42 PM GMT

The Zarie's finally let out a sigh of relief as the young ones let out a scream,they invented their language and their numbers,and school(-.- much needed yet much hated...),they also began to find out how too make fire,they dipped their arrows in a strange black slimey substance and held it too a fire and it cought on fire but only in a small area(pitch),they began too walk back too were they found the Darkians.The Zarie's had a group of ten,they looekd at the Darkians and walked up to them,they tried to talk too them
#22411774Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:44 PM GMT

They saw the Zarie's trying to talk to us. We copied their language (so we can talk to each other easier) "Hello." We said.
#22411780Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:44 PM GMT

The Rayligh Started eating small animals like bugs
#22411958Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:47 PM GMT

Zarie's they yelped in joy,"we thought you wouldn't understand..." the leader said,they looked at them and nodded "good day,and may this be the first of many meetings" The leader said as they walked off into their swamp,they came back with great news,they ebgan making arrangements and such
#22412025Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:48 PM GMT

The Darkians were happy also. They quickly began to work harder, their morale raised. They found the same liquid as the Zaries, and spread it on their bows, and spears. They also put it on the ground, and made fire, for warmth.
#22412044Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:48 PM GMT

One rayligh died while trying to catch a fly
#22412187Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:50 PM GMT

(lolishly sad =()) A Zarie began too make gifts,they also began to try and find more things,explorers were greatly increased along with scientist...
#22412343Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:53 PM GMT

The Darkians found that they could amke carts, which they could put food and water in. They put some in, and brung3 cart load to the Zarie. "For the education of your language." We said. We walked back, leaving our carts their. We then began to make a place where we could teach the young the language. (And school is born) We also found a big animal, which we called a cuddyak. It was strong enough to haul our cats.
#22412453Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:55 PM GMT

10 rayligh start attcking a dragon fly
#22412747Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

Zarie happily take it,they thank them as the Darkian walked away,they then began to study the cart,they then began making duplicates.A hunting group stumbled upon a large Buffalo like animal,it's skin was scales and it's fur was pure white,they were able to tame it and they brought it back,they found that it could cary the carts,they found others and began killing them and taming them for their skin and meat,they then made clothing,they stacked the clothes and B&A's on the cart,they began to go to Darkians when the found the orange fog they became alarmed,they hollard out and waited for them to come too the Carrier's
#22412947Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:04 PM GMT

We ran to the Zaries. "We are sorry. For the fog. When we are able, we will create a head protector." We said. We took the clothes, and thanked the Zarie's moving away.
#22412957Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:05 PM GMT

after 6 minutes they kill it and start eating
#22413157Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:08 PM GMT

The Zarie smiled as they ran back,they then began too find that when you melted the Iron just enough,it would become almost see-through(>.<" forgot what the word was X3).They began too find different shapes for it,it broke easily but the began layering it and it became see through AND harder too break,the scientist was congratulated by getting an extra ration...(lol,my little Einstein right there!),he died after eating too much...(awwww....)
#22413273Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

We were discovering the same thing. We didn't need it, as the gas around out bodies was an air supply, but we discovered, if we bent it, things became bigger. We made two, and put them in a hollow rock. We looked through. (telescope :D)
#22413614Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:15 PM GMT

(FTW!*randomly teleports infront of telescope and begins carmeldansen* =3,needed too release my inner random,it compled me too do that!) The Zarie began too make scopes,the began finding that the sap of the tree's could make thing's stick too eachother,they began too put it on their bow's and arrows,the made marks of the pitch and coated them with the melted iron so it wouldn't burst into flames,they were then able to shoot more accurate(Justin,try and run into a hunting party or something,you need to get involved!X3) the rations were getting low,a few hunting parties were sent out in search of food
#22413816Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:18 PM GMT

The Darkians had also discovered the sap, and used it for cooling it, and making (plastic) They then used the plastic as a very light container, and made our carts out of it. We also made buckets for the water. We then found a flexible metal in the rocks, and when we cut it in a certain way, it turned into a spring. We put a cap on a hollow branch, and put a large iron ball in it, on top of the spring. We let go, and the iron ball went flying. We had created the cannon.
#22413926Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:20 PM GMT

The rayligh have spotted it and started releasing poison
#22414107Saturday, March 13, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

A child Zarie was playing what he thought was pitch but wen he took fire and put it near it it Exploded,the child died but they then found gun-powder,Zarie called Gushpaw(Gewsh-taw).After awhile a new scientist made a tube,and inserted the powder in it,wiith pre-cautions,he lit a branch and when it hit the Gushpaw it EXPLODED with a loud BEH!(bang in japenese X3)