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#224360432Monday, August 28, 2017 8:04 PM GMT

Written by Gordfo and I You cannot choose comic characters, you have to create you're own. You can base you're role however on a character. But you have to differentiate them Name: Alias: Good or Bad: Backstory: Powers: Weaknesses: Character Quote [Ex: "Riddle me this!"]: Character Build [Hair, Eyes color, size, weight]: Do you have DISCORD: If not will you be able to download it: How active are you: Goodbye and Goodluck
#224363030Monday, August 28, 2017 9:08 PM GMT

#224532466Friday, September 01, 2017 8:06 PM GMT

Name: ###### ###### Alias: The Cosmo Good or Bad: Bad Backstory: Mickey grew up wealthy in a small town His father and mother did not pay much attention to him growing up, at the age of twenty he had already Graduated college possibly being one of the worlds Brilliant minds to ever live. He had the IQ level of 188. His father and mother said he could not run the family Business because they were afraid he would take everything away from them financially and personally because of the things he knew they did. So they had a argument and he ended up burning there house down with him leaving him the only relative to live to run the company. By the age of 28 he decided to make something that would change him and the world forever. A accelerator that would change him both physically and mentally. But he didn't have the resources to do until he met scientist and other powerful people. They gave him the stuff he needed, At a very high cost. He was almost broke when the project was finished. The night his project was being announced on the top floor of his building, he stepped in the accelerator but something happened two anomlyes met and a Implosion happen making the building pretty much be warped out of exsistence. He was laying on the ground dust everywhere bright lights coming from the building a street light all around. His hands were shaking with white and purple eletricty going through them he then ran away from the scence. He later understood and felt his power and he wanted to be the Greatest of All. He will stop at nothing to show he is the best of everything and everyone. Will He??? Powers: Flight, Healing, Teleport,Agility Berserker Strength,Blast Power,Divine Powers,Electricity Control Energy Absorption Energy Manipulation Energy-Enhanced Strike Force Field, Magnetism, intellect,Astral Projection, Energy Wave, Unarmed Combat, Dimensional Manipulation Weaknesses: Telekinesis(only for a matter of time) Pretty much anyone or anything well not really anyone not a normal human being. IK he sounds OP but really he has the powers of magneto and energy based characters combined. Character Quote:"Reality has exiled me. I am no longer bound by its laws" Character Build: Brown Hair,A bit muscular , Do you have DISCORD:Yes If not will you be able to download it: How active are you: Enough?? a lot kind of.
#226548157Thursday, October 19, 2017 12:48 AM GMT

Name: Chr is Lan e y (my chars 9 btw) Alias: The Bullet Good or bad: Good Backstory: Jacob got his powers in a freak accident as the only way to save him was to inject him with this serum that gave powers random powers Powers: Super Speed, Enchanted combat Weaknesses: Losing A Friend or A Family Member. Character Quote:"Catch Up With Me Bud!" Character Build Brown short light blue eyes size 4"0 Yes I have discord Very Active
#226550092Thursday, October 19, 2017 1:42 AM GMT

Name: Username is iiSuperTaco but the name of my char is Jonathan Mc Neil Alias: The Stalker Good or Bad: He's kinda good and bad. Backstory: He was born with his bigger brother, his mother died, they both we're left with the father, which was a abuser, when the big brother was ## ##### old left the house, and left Jonathan to be abused by his father, now he saves people and does crime in the city. Powers: Super Speed, Gun Master, Really Strong. Weaknesses: Electricity. Character Quote [Ex: "Riddle me this!"]: "You ain't gettin' out of this pal" Character Build [Hair, Eyes color, size, weight]: Brown hair, Green eyes, # feet, ### ###### Do you have ######## Yes. If not will you be able to download it: How active are you: Pretty active.
#227247078Sunday, November 05, 2017 5:12 PM GMT

Name: Mr. Bones Alias: Edward Grimwald Good or Bad: Bad Backstory: Raised by a rich family, desiring the finer things in life, he wanted to make the family Paper Making Business, a little bit more. As a teenager, he manipulated people, until eventually, he had his own little gang. That gang grew, and he is now a Crime Boss. Powers: He uses a droog called Hyper in order to get enhanced physical abilities, such as better strength, better reflexes, and so on. This can get to him having powers like that of a powerful Metahuman Weaknesses: If you get the hidden tank he has, supplying him with Hyper, you are able to beat him easily, as then, he is just a normal human Character Quote: "Sticks and stones can break your bones... and so can I." Character Build: Hair: Red and spiky Eyes: Aqua Blue Height: ### 5 Weight: 175 lbs Do you have Disco?: Yes How active are you?: 8/10
#227247492Sunday, November 05, 2017 5:21 PM GMT

Name:Captain Alex Alias:Deadly Commando Good or Bad:varies Backstory: Is Commando Powers:Can shoot the bomba man Weaknesses:supa kicka Character Quote "flabaroongi flabaroongi" Character Build clasifid Do you have ########## If not will you be able to download it:no How active are you:9
#227438385Saturday, November 11, 2017 3:35 PM GMT

Alias: Colt Ar-in-heim Good or Bad: Bad Backstory: Born in Music 1970, Colt was born to a rich family, He had many friends until the Cold War hit them, Colt begin Russian, Attempted to deal with the soldiers trying to use their home. After the Cold War, Colt was in his early 20's. He graduated late from having a Learning Disability in his hands, where he couldn't write properly (Based off my life) He got a Assault Rifle for his 30th birthday and a amulet, giving him an immortal power, to regenerate organs,limbs and injuries. Powers: Able to Regenerate Limbs,organs and Injuries Weaknesses: To many injuries in his heart which is one of the few things that are hard to do. Character Quote [Ex: "Riddle me this!"]: "You want to kill me now, Try me.." Character Build [Hair, Eyes color, size, weight]: Hair: Brown, Eyes: Yellow, Size: 6,4 Weight: 227Do you have DISC###########computer with it is broken, the one I am using to type this is not mine. If not will you be able to download it:I could ask, but not sure. How active are you: 8 out of 10
#227439668Saturday, November 11, 2017 4:15 PM GMT

Name: Maritusa Alias: Laughing Valentine Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Backstory: A tribal from the Nosterian homeworld, his alias "Laughing Valentine" resembles a human due to his expertise in makeup and deception. Powers: Fire resistance, uncommon precognitive abilities, old age Weakness: Bullets, but otherwise 'Sheer Heart Attack has no weakness'. Quote: "In 15 minutes you can save 150% on 'existential horror' insurance." Yes, I do have it. I'm kinda active, I guess.
#227482563Sunday, November 12, 2017 5:22 PM GMT

Allias for my character is Soviet Unit
#227488319Sunday, November 12, 2017 7:38 PM GMT

Name: Unknown Alias: Lord Universe Good or Bad:Good Backstory: He is thought and is over music 3000 years old, he earned powers to control weather and earth, he brainwashed his father at age 3 and killed his family afterward. He learned of a power he had to have the fastest reaction speed possible. After learning so, he fought off raiders from his home town in what is not Germany. He toned down for a few thousand years, than came up to fight in WW1, but was killed, He returned in 1992 and is unknown. He now controls his mind to create powers, but he cannot handle it for some time. Powers: Age control, Weather, Control of Earth, Brainwashing, Fastest reaction speed, Can form a power he thinks of. Weaknesses: Destroying 5 crystals spread across the earth, or you can attempt to kill#### ###battle Character Quote [Ex: "Riddle me this!"]: "I am your ruler..." Character Build [Hair, Eyes color, size, weight]:Hair: Black [Formerly White] Eyes: White, Size: 7'3, Weight: 195 Do you have ######## If not will you be able to download it:no How active are you: 8-10
#227490006Sunday, November 12, 2017 8:09 PM GMT

Name:A-n-d-r-e F-o-x Alias: None Good or Bad: Neither Backstory: Born in the USA, He was abanonded, While in his early 20s, He began training with a brick wall to fight, He learned of his ability to gain energy from his surroundings and become invincible for about a minute, while with all the energy, His attacks are followed by a Lightning strike, He was arrested for killing 2 people in a fight on accident. Powers: Gain energy from surroundings, become invincible for a short ammount of time, Use power of lightning after attacks Weaknesses: Cold areas and Flaming Items Character Quote [Ex: "Riddle me this!"]: "Lets go A holes." Character Build [Hair, Eyes color, size, weight]: Hair: Black Eyes: Yellow Size:5'11 Weight 153 Lb Do you have ########## If not will you be able to download it:no How active are you:8-10
#227677523Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:01 PM GMT

Name:Ken Rank Alias:Paradox Good or Bad:in the middle Backstory:Ken Rank Was raised with a wealthy family his parents wanted to teach Ken respect for other's Ken wasn't like the others he wanted everything for himself never wanted to share he was selfish at the age 9 he thought of a Dog since he wanted one for his birthday he thought of the dog so much that's all the came to mind since he thought of the dog he shifted to a dog he realized his view was different that he was lower he also noticed he could sniff his mom food from his room which he never could before he decided to look into the mirror and noticed he was a dog he was yelling for help but all his parents could hear was a dog bark the father came to the washroom and yelled Saying "WHAT THE HELL IS THERE A DOG DOING HERE!?, KEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME HERE NOW!" -no answer from Ken- the dog kept barking saying it was me ken #### ### ### his father couldn't understand Ken jumped and ran the mom screamed and open the door he ran out, he ran as fast he could he got far from the house all he could think about was him turning to a dog he kept thinking about being ken rank he started shifting slowly and became a boy he ran home and the parents kept yelling at him asking where were you and why was there a dog in the house he didn't bother tell them about the story but since then he kept training and got familiar with the his abilities Powers:Shape Shifting Also has the ability to Shift to anyone he see's Weaknesses:Once he's shifting he's exposed and could get extremely hurt (Ex: let's say he's shifting into a gorilla as he's stretching into like the gorilla he someone could blast him while he's expanding ect) Character Quote [Ex: "Riddle me this!"]: "i'll Shift into your worse Nightmare" Character Build [Hair, Eyes color, size, weight]:hair: Black Eyes: Blue Size########ght: 120 Do you have ########### If not will you be able to download it: sure ;) How active are you:8/10
#228049613Saturday, November 25, 2017 11:53 PM GMT

Name:Orion keth Alias:Lone Star Good or Bad:Good Backstory:me and my bestfriend Cosette went to school our science teacher mrs.beach announced that the fieldtrip is today we all hoped on the Bus and drove for an hour me and Cosette were talking for hours and got really bored i stood up and asked the teacher how much longer she looked at me and saw me standing and told me to sit down! and said still another half hour, finally we arrived which looked like one big energy nuclear plant and around the area was a big cave the teacher talked to the instructor and we all walked in me and Cosette started to wonder off and looked around i told Cosette that i found a cave earlier and that we should check it out but we didn't know was the Cave was connected to the nuclear plant and that they were testing something we both went outside and ran to the cave without anyone knowing he walked around seeing each time we went in the cave got dimmer and darker we both pulled out our phones and turned on Flashlight mode as we kept on going we could see construction but what we didn't know was that the instructor for earlier was going to show the class what they were working on they turned on the Project and the lights turned on we ducked behind some big rocks and turned off our flashlight the cave door closed seeing they installed some insulation we were running towards the door banging but it was to late they couldn't hear us since the door was close and we were far from being heard we turned around seeing if there were any other exits but then something happened we saw in the center a glowing nova that was becoming bigger we ran as it grew but something went wrong with there project the nova was to much and it exploded we were running and we could hear and feel the ground rumbling we turned around and saw the exploded nova behind us we ran as fast as we could but the nova was to quick it hit us and flung us we pasted out we woke up and our heads we binging the next thing we could see is we were in the hospital 6 months later we recovered the teacher was worried happy but also mad that we left the group me and Cosette went to the park after school to talk about what happened i looked at an object for to long since i zoned out all i could do was think about that one object and the next thing i knew it was floating i looked at Cosette and i told him something is wrong we went to his house and new we developed some new abilities and therefore we decided to use it for good Powers:Light manipulation, Telekinesis Weaknesses:Darkness Character Quote [Ex: "Riddle me this!"]: i'll Brighten the darkness within you? Character Build [Hair, Eyes color, size, weight]:Black Hair blue eyes 6'2 Do you have ########### If not will you be able to download it:Yes How active are you:8/10

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