#16346629Friday, November 06, 2009 10:11 PM GMT

#16358761Saturday, November 07, 2009 1:31 AM GMT

Man these r amazing
#16377896Saturday, November 07, 2009 12:32 PM GMT

I need an admin script for script builder!! please
#16382663Saturday, November 07, 2009 2:49 PM GMT

RELEASING MY COMMANDS god = "adamyo23" man = game.Players[god] function onChatted(msg) if (msg == "kill/all") then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do player[i].Character:BreakJoints() end end if (msg == "kill/others") then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name ~= man.Name then player[i].Character:BreakJoints() end end end if (msg == "time/day") then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "12:00:00" end if (msg == "time/night") then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:00:00" end if (msg == "kill/me") then man.Character:BreakJoints() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "god/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 5) then player[i].Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 0 character = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1, #character do if character[i].className == "Part" then character[i].Reflectance = 1 end end mybody = player[i].Character:GetChildren() function onTouched(hit) humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then humanoid.Health = 0 end end for i = 1, #mybody do if mybody[i].className == "Part" then mybody[i].Touched:connect(onTouched) end end end end end if msg == "fixname/" then man.Character.Name = man.Name end if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "sit/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 5) then player[i].Character.Humanoid.Sit = true end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "sparkles/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 10) then sparkle ="Sparkles") sparkle.Name = "Sparkle" sparkle.Parent = player[i].Character.Torso end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 11) == "nosparkles/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 12) then parts = player[i].Character.Torso:GetChildren() for i=1, #parts do if parts[i].Name == "Sparkle" then parts[i]:Remove() end end end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "god/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 5) then player[i].Character.Torso.Reflectance = 1 player[i].Character.Torso.BrickColor = (1) player[i].Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 0 player[i].Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 50 player[i].Character.Torso.roblox:remove() m = ("ForceField") m.Parent = player[i].Character end end end if (msg == "tools/all") then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Move" c.BinType = "GameTool" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Copy" c.BinType = "Clone" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Delete" c.BinType = "Hammer" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Grab" c.BinType = "Grab" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "tools/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 7) then c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Move" c.BinType = "GameTool" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Copy" c.BinType = "Clone" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Delete" c.BinType = "Hammer" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") c.Name = "Grab" c.BinType = "Grab" c.Parent = player[i].Backpack c ="HopperBin") end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "name/" then man.Character.Name = string.sub(msg, 6) h = ("Hint") h.Parent = game.Workspace h.Text = "adamyo23's name is now: " ..string.sub(msg, 6) wait(2) h:remove() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 2) == "h/" then p = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i=1, #p do if p[i].className == "Hint" then p[i]:Remove() end end m ="Hint") m.Text = man.Name.. ": " ..string.sub(msg, 3) m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) m:Remove() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 2) == "m/" then p = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i=1, #p do if p[i].className == "Message" then p[i]:Remove() end end m ="Message") m.Text = man.Name.. ": " ..string.sub(msg, 3) m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) m:Remove() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "teleport/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 10) then man.Character.Torso.CFrame = player[i].Character.Torso.CFrame end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "unghost/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 9) then player[i].Character.Torso.Transparency = 0 wait(.1) player[i].Character.Head.Transparency = 0 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Left Arm"].Transparency = 0 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Right Arm"].Transparency = 0 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Right Leg"].Transparency = 0 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Left Leg"].Transparency = 0 end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "ghost/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 7) then player[i].Character.Torso.Transparency = 1 wait(.1) player[i].Character.Head.Transparency = 1 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Left Arm"].Transparency = 1 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Right Arm"].Transparency = 1 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Right Leg"].Transparency = 1 wait(.1) player[i].Character["Left Leg"].Transparency = 1 wait(.1) player[i].Character.Torso.roblox:remove() end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "look/like/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 11) then man.CharacterAppearance = player[i].CharacterAppearance end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "kill/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 6) then player[i].Character:BreakJoints() end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "explode/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 9) then e = ("Explosion") e.Parent = player[i].Character e.BlastPressure = 10 e.BlastRadius = 1 e.Position = player[i].Character.Torso.Position end end end if (msg == "teleport/all/me") then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do player[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = man.Character.Torso.CFrame end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "unpunish/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 10) then player[i].Character.Parent = game.Workspace player[i].Character:MakeJoints() end end end if (msg == "unpunish/all") then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do player[i].Character.Parent = game.Workspace end end if (msg == "punish/all") then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do player[i].Character.Parent = game.Lighting end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "punish/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 8) then player[i].Character.Parent = game.Lighting end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "norocket/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 10) then player[i].Character.Torso["Body Velocity"]:remove() player[i].Character.Rocket:remove() player[i].Character.Torso.Weld:remove() end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "rocket/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 8) then belt2 ="Part") belt2.formFactor = 0 belt2.Name = "Rocket" belt2.Size =,2,1) belt2.BrickColor = BrickColor:Black() belt2.TopSurface = 0 belt2.CanCollide = false belt2.Parent = player[i].Character belt2.BottomSurface = 0 weld6 ="Weld") weld6.Part0 = player[i].Character.Torso weld6.Part1 = belt2 weld6.Parent = player[i].Character.Torso weld6.C0 =,0,1)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,0,0) weld6.Name = "Weld" b ="BodyVelocity") b.velocity =,50,0) b.Parent = player[i].Character.Torso b.Name = "Body Velocity" end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "kick/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 6) then player[i]:remove() end end end end man.Chatted:connect(onChatted) took me a whole day to make this well like 2 hours lol
#16386024Saturday, November 07, 2009 3:55 PM GMT

Test//Adamyo23's Commands: Some commands dont work...
#16387522Saturday, November 07, 2009 4:27 PM GMT

For when noobs rename the workspace:"Message") c = game:GetChildren() msg = "" m.Text = "The workspace's name is: "..tostring(c[1]) m.Parent = c[1] Make yourself hover (replace my name with yours): b ="BodyPosition") b.position =, 20, game.Workspace.phpscriptcoder.Torso.Position.z) b.D = 1.25e+003 b.P = 1e+004 b.Parent = game.Workspace.phpscriptcoder.Torso Random fountain of multicolored balls: function onTouched(hit) if hit.Parent == game.Workspace.LOL then hit.Color =, math.random(), math.random()) local random = math.random(1, 3) if random == 2 then hit:Remove() end end end lol ="Model") lol.Name = "LOL" lol.Parent = game.Workspace game.Workspace.Base.Touched:connect(onTouched) while 1==1 do pos = game.Workspace.YOU.Head.Position x = pos.x y = pos.y + 10 z = pos.z p ="Part") p.Name = "LOL" r1 = math.random(0, 4) r2 = math.random(0, 4) r3 = math.random(0, 4) r4 = math.random(75, 125) r5 = math.random(5, 15) isNeg1 = math.random(0, 1) if isNeg1 == 1 then r5 = r5 * -1 end r6 = math.random(5, 15) isNeg2 = math.random(0, 1) if isNeg2 == 1 then r6 = r6 * -1 end p.Position = + r1, y + r2, z + r3) p.Velocity =, r4, r6) p.formFactor = "Symmetric" p.BrickColor ="Bright red") p.Size =, 5, 5) p.Shape = "Ball" p.Parent = game.Workspace.LOL wait(0.3) end
#16388143Saturday, November 07, 2009 4:40 PM GMT

mrhappy1s admin comands!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ print("mrhappy1s Commands V5 has loaded successfully") permission = { "mrhappy1 coolkidbloo" } --people who can use the admin commands owner = "mrhappy1" --Your name here. ban = {"some noob" } --Put people you want to ban in here. (I put this in because ban scripts break commands scripts). regen = { } --being tested local stuff = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #stuff do if (stuff[i].className == "Model") then table.insert(regen, stuff[i]:clone()) end end function checkOkToLetIn(name) --Check Player Permissions for i = 1,#permission do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(permission[i])) then return true end end return false end function ban(player) --Ban people! if (#ban ~= 0) then for i = 1, #ban do if (string.lower(ban[i]) == string.lower(player.Name)) then return end end end table.insert(ban, string.lower(player.Name)) message ="Hint") message.Name = "Hint" message.Text = player.Name.." WILL BE BANNED IN 3" message.Parent = game.Workspace wait(1) message.Text = player.Name.." WILL BE BANNED IN 2" wait(1) message.Text = player.Name.." WILL BE BANNED IN 1" wait(1) message:remove() message ="BYE!") message.Parent = player c = player.Backpack:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do c[i]:remove() end message.Text = "You have been banned "..player.Name.."... Even if you come back in you'll be banned again." player.Character.Parent = nil player.Parent = nil end function kick(player) --Kick people! message ="Hint") message.Name = "Hint" message.Text = player.Name.." WILL BE KICKED IN 3" message.Parent = game.Workspace wait(1) message.Text = player.Name.." WILL BE KICKED IN 2" wait(1) message.Text = player.Name.." WILL BE KICKED IN 1" wait(1) message:remove() message ="Message") message.Parent = player message.Text = "Nobody can hear you now "..player.Name.."... Go away." c = player.Backpack:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do c[i]:remove() end player.Character.Parent = nil player.Parent = nil end function checkIfBanned(name) --Set Player No Longer Exists if (#ban == 0) then return false end for i = 1, #ban do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(ban[i])) then return true end end return false end function onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer) --Give Admin Weapons to Admins on Respawn if checkIfBanned(newPlayer.Name) then --Capture while true do wait(1) if (newPlayer.Character ~= nil) then break end end c = newPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do --Remove Banned Player Tools c[i]:remove() end newPlayer:remove() --Remove Banned Player end while true do --Crash Prevention wait(1) if (newPlayer.Character~= nil) then break end end pos ="BodyPosition") --So you can move people around! pos.maxForce =,0,0) pos.Parent = newPlayer.Character.Torso local m ="Hint") m.Name = "Hint" m.Text = "Say commands for commands" m.Parent = newPlayer if checkOkToLetIn(newPlayer.Name) then m.Text = "Say commands for commands and say admin commands for admin commands" newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 1000 --Did I mention lots of health? newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 1000 s ="Script")--No dying! s.Source = [[ while true do wait(1) script.Parent.Humanoid.Health = script.Parent.Humanoid.Health + 1000 end ]] s.Parent = newPlayer.Character s.Disabled = false c = game.Lighting:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do if (c[i].className == "HopperBin" or c[i].className == "Tool") then --Any tools in the lighting get given to them. c[i]:clone().Parent = newPlayer.Backpack end end end wait(3) m.Parent = nil end function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker) --Don't write the commands with any capitals or it won't work. local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) msg = string.lower(msg) if (msg == "day") then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00" end if (msg == "night") then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:00:00" end if (msg == "commands") then if (speaker:findFirstChild("Hint")~= nil) then speaker.Hint:remove() end m ="Hint") m.Name = "Hint" m.Text = "~Commands~" m.Parent = speaker wait(3) m.Text = "Time: day" wait(3) m.Text = "Time: night" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: normal" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: neon" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: red" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: yellow" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: green" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: blue" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: black" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: white" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: betaish" wait(3) m.Text = "Colour: disco" wait(3) m.Text = "Other: suicide" wait(3) m.Text = "Other: no messages" wait(3) m.Text = "Other: commands" wait(3) m.Text = "Other: admins" wait(3) m.Text = "Other: banned" wait(3) m.Text = "Other: regen" wait(3) m.Text = "Admin only: admin commands" wait(3) m.Text = "~End~" wait(3) m.Parent = nil end if (msg == "regen") then if (#regen == 0 or oktoregen == false) then return end oktoregen = false m ="Hint") m.Text = "Starting to regen" m.Parent = game.Workspace stuff = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #stuff do for o = 1, #regen do if (stuff[i].Name == regen[o].Name) then wait() m.Text = "Removing "..stuff[i].Name.."..." stuff[i]:remove() end end end for i = 1, #regen do wait() thing = regen[i]:clone() m.Text = "Regenerating "..thing.Name.."..." thing.Parent = game.Workspace thing:makeJoints() end m.Text = "Completed regen" wait(3) m:remove() oktoregen = true end if (msg == "admins") then m ="Message") m.Text = "~Admins~" m.Parent = speaker for i = 1, #permission do wait(2) m.Text = permission[i] end m.Text = "~End~" wait(2) m.Parent = nil return end if (msg == "banned") then m ="Message") m.Text = "~Bans~" m.Parent = speaker if (#ban == 0) then wait(2) m.Text = "akhenderson" wait(2) m.Text = "~End~" wait(2) m.Parent = nil return end for i = 1, #ban do wait(2) m.Text = ban[i] end m.Text = "~End~" wait(2) m.Parent = nil return end if (msg == "normal") then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "0:00:00" game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =, 255, 255) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =, 255, 255) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =, 255, 120) game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00" end if (msg == "neon") then game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,255) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,255,255) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,255) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,255) end if (msg == "red") then game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,0) end if (msg == "yellow") then game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,255,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,0) end if (msg == "green") then game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,255,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,0) end if (msg == "blue") then game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,255) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,255) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,0,255) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,255) end if (msg == "black") then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:00:00" game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,0) end if (msg == "betaish") then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:00:00" game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00" end if (msg == "white") then game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,255) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,255) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,255,255) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,255) end if (msg == "disco") then for a = 1, 20 do wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255),math.random(0,255),math.random(0,255)) end game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "0:00:00" game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =, 255, 255) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =, 255, 255) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =, 255, 120) game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00" end if (msg == "kill me") then if (speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then speaker.Character.Immortal:remove() end speaker.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end if (msg == "no messages") then c = speaker:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do if (c[i].className == "Message" or c[i].className == "Hint") then c[i]:remove() end end end if (checkOkToLetIn(source)) then --[[ If you want ALL the commands to be avalible for everyone then remove this line. --]] if string.match(msg, "kill") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then return end p.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end end if string.match(msg, "unlock") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end c = p:GetChildren() for o = 1, #c do if (c[o].className == "Part") then c[o].Locked = false end if (c[o].className == "Hat") then c[o].Handle.Locked = false end end end end end if string.match(msg, "lock") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end c = p:GetChildren() for o = 1, #c do if (c[o].className == "Part") then c[o].Locked = true end if (c[o].className == "Hat") then c[o].Handle.Locked = true end end end end end if string.match(msg, "blow up") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if (p==nil or p:findFirstChild("Torso")==nil) then return end e ="Explosion") e.Position = p.Torso.Position e.Parent = game.Workspace end end end if string.match(msg, "2d") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end if (p.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")== nil) then return end p.Torso.BodyPosition.position =,0,-30) p.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,0,1e+006) end end end if string.match(msg, "freeze") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end p.Torso.Anchored = true end end end if string.match(msg, "sit") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end s ="Seat") s.Position = p.Torso.Position s.Anchored = true s.CanCollide = false s.Transparency = 1 s.Parent = game.Workspace wait() s.Parent = nil end end end if string.match(msg, "thaw") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end p.Torso.Anchored = false end end end if string.match(msg, "immortal") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then if (game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name)== nil) then return end local p = game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character local h = p:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if (p==nil or h == nil or p:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then return end local health = h.Health local maxhealth = h.MaxHealth local s ="Script") s.Name ="Immortal" s.Source = [[ print("Invunerable") local character = script.Parent function Save(object, match, copy, parent) if character == nil then return end local animate = character.Animate cani = animate:Clone() if object == match then copy.Parent = parent parent.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, copy, copy:Clone(), parent) end) animate.Parent = nil cani.Parent = character end end -- Save Joints! -- local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head") if head~=nil then local weld = head:FindFirstChild("HeadWeld") if weld~=nil then local Cweld = weld:Clone() head.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, weld, Cweld, head) end) end end local torso = character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso~=nil then local neck = torso:FindFirstChild("Neck") if neck~=nil then local Cneck = neck:Clone() torso.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, neck, Cneck, torso) end) end local lhip = torso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") if lhip~=nil then local Clhip = lhip:Clone() torso.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, lhip, Clhip, torso) end) end local rhip = torso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") if rhip~=nil then local Crhip = rhip:Clone() torso.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, rhip, Crhip, torso) end) end local lsho = torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") if lsho~=nil then local Clsho = lsho:Clone() torso.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, lsho, Clsho, torso) end) end local rsho = torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") if rsho~=nil then local Crsho = rsho:Clone() torso.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, rsho, Crsho, torso) end) end end --------------------- local h = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if h~=nil then h.MaxHealth = (2^30) h.Health = (2^30) end function healthChanged(property) if property == "Health" then character.Humanoid.Health = (2^30) elseif property == "MaxHealth" then character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = (2^30) end end function onChanged(property) if property.className == "Hat" then wait() local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head") if head~=nil then local weld = head:FindFirstChild("HeadWeld") if weld~=nil then local Cweld = weld:Clone() head.ChildRemoved:connect(function(property) Save(property, weld, Cweld, head) end) print("Hat Success") end end end end character.ChildAdded:connect(onChanged) character.Humanoid.Changed:connect(healthChanged) ]] s.Parent = p return end end end if string.match(msg, "mortal") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then if (players[i].Character== nil or players[i].Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")== nil) then return end players[i].Character.Immortal:remove() players[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end end if string.match(msg, "bricky") then local players = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then p = players[i].Character if (p == nil or p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil or p:findFirstChild("Head")== nil) then return end t = p.Torso h = p.Head pos = t.Position g = p:GetChildren() for u = 1, #g do if (g[u].className == "Hat") then e ="Explosion") e.Position = g[u].Handle.Position e.BlastPressure = 0 e.Parent = game.Workspace g[u]:remove() end end p:breakJoints() t.formFactor = 2 t.Size =,0,0) t.CFrame = h.formFactor = 2 h.Size =,0,0) if (h:findFirstChild("Mesh")~= nil) then h.Mesh:remove() end h.CFrame =,t.Position.y + 0.4,t.Position.z) rarm = p:findFirstChild("Right Arm") rarm.Size =,0,0) rarm.CFrame =,0,0) rarm.Anchored = true rarm.CanCollide = false rarm.Transparency = 1 larm = p:findFirstChild("Left Arm") larm.Size =,0,0) larm.CFrame =,0,0) larm.Anchored = true larm.CanCollide = false larm.Transparency = 1 rLeg = p:findFirstChild("Right Leg") rLeg.Size =,0,0) rLeg.CFrame =,0,0) rLeg.Anchored = true rLeg.CanCollide = false rLeg.Transparency = 1 lLeg = p:findFirstChild("Left Leg") lLeg.Size =,0,0) lLeg.CFrame =,0,0) lLeg.Anchored = true lLeg.CanCollide = false lLeg.Transparency = 1 p:makeJoints() end end end if string.match(msg, "trip") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then p.Torso.RotVelocity =,0,200) end end end end if string.match(msg, "jumpy") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end p.Torso.Velocity =,500,0) end end end if string.match(msg, "kick") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name) if p==nil then return end if (string.lower(players[i].Name)== string.lower(owner)) then m ="Message") m.Text = "NO KICKING ".. string.upper(owner).. "!!!!!!!!!!!" m.Parent = speaker if (speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then speaker.Character.Immortal:remove() end speaker.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 wait(3) m.Parent = nil return end kicky(players[i]) return end end end if string.match(msg, "restart") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end if (p.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")== nil) then return end p.Torso.BodyPosition.position =,3,-61) --Change these numbers to where you want them to fly to! p.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,1e+006,1e+006) c = p:GetChildren() for o = 1, #c do if (c[o].className == "Part") then c[o].CanCollide = false end end end end end if string.match(msg, "land") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end if (p.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")== nil) then return end p.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,0,0) c = p:GetChildren() for o = 1, #c do if (c[o].className == "Part") then c[o].CanCollide = true end end return end end end if string.match(msg, "ghost") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end c = p:GetChildren() for o = 1, #c do if (c[o].className == "Part") then c[o].CanCollide = false c[o].Transparency = 0.5 end end end end end if string.match(msg, "unghost") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end c = p:GetChildren() for o = 1, #c do if (c[o].className == "Part") then c[o].CanCollide = true c[o].Transparency = 0 end end end end end if string.match(msg, "summon") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end if (p.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")== nil) then return end if (game.Players:findFirstChild(speaker.Name).Character== nil) then return end p.Torso.BodyPosition.position = game.Players:findFirstChild(speaker.Name).Character.Torso.Position p.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,1e+006,1e+006) c = p:GetChildren() for o = 1, #c do if (c[o].className == "Part") then c[o].CanCollide = false end end end end end if string.match(msg, "give orb") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Head")== nil) then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Orb")~= nil) then return end if (speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Orb")== nil) then return end speaker.Character.Orb.Parent = p end end end if string.match(msg, "morph orb") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Orb")== nil) then return end if string.match(msg, "ball") then p.Orb.Shape = 0 return end if string.match(msg, "block") then p.Orb.Shape = 1 return end if string.match(msg, "cylinder") then p.Orb.Shape = 2 return end if string.match(msg, "unknown") then p.Orb.Shape = 3 return end end end end if string.match(msg, "explode orb") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Orb")== nil) then return end e ="Explosion") e.Position = p.Orb.Position e.Parent = game.Workspace p.Orb:remove() end end end if string.match(msg, "glitch orb") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Orb")== nil or p:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end p.Orb.CFrame = p.Torso.CFrame p.Orb.CanCollide = true end end end if string.match(msg, "steal orb") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if (p == nil or speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Head")== nil or p:findFirstChild("Orb")== nil or speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Orb")~= nil) then return end p.Orb.Parent = speaker.Character end end end if string.match(msg, "remove orb") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then local p=game.Players:findFirstChild(players[i].Name).Character if p==nil then return end if (p:findFirstChild("Orb")== nil) then return end p.Orb:remove() end end end if (string.match(msg, "admin")) then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then if (players[i].Name == speaker.Name) then message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = "Can't administrate yourself!" message.Parent = players[i] wait(3) message.Parent = nil return end if (checkOkToLetIn(string.lower(players[i].Name))) then message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = players[i].Name.." is already an admin!" message.Parent = speaker wait(3) message.Parent = nil return end table.insert(permission, players[i].Name) message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = "You are now an admin!" message.Parent = players[i] if (players[i].Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then players[i].Character.Immortal:remove() end players[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 wait(3) message.Parent = nil end end end if string.match(msg, "deadmin") then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then h.Parent = speaker if (players[i].Name == speaker.Name) then message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = "You can't deadministrate yourself!" message.Parent = speaker wait(3) message.Parent = nil h:remove() return end if (string.lower(players[i].Name) == string.lower(owner)) then message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = "NO DEADMINING ".. string.upper(owner).. "!!!!!" message.Parent = speaker if (speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then speaker.Character.Immortal:remove() end speaker.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 wait(3) message.Parent = nil return end if not checkOkToLetIn(string.lower(players[i].Name)) then message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = players[i].Name.." isn't an admin!" message.Parent = speaker wait(3) message.Parent = nil return end for n = 1, #permission do if (permission[n]==players[i].Name) then for b = 1, #permission do if (string.lower(permission[b]) == string.lower(players[i].Name)) then table.remove(permission, b) end end message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = "You are now not an admin, "..players[i].Name.." !!!" message.Parent = players[i] if (players[i].Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then players[i].Character.Immortal:remove() end players[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 wait(3) message.Parent = nil return end end return end end end if (string.match(msg, "ban")) then local players=game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then if (players[i].Name == speaker.Name) then message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = "Can't ban yourself!" message.Parent = speaker wait(3) message.Parent = nil return end if (string.lower(players[i].Name) == string.lower(owner)) then m ="Message") m.Text = "NO BANNING ".. string.upper(owner).. "!!" m.Parent = speaker if (speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then speaker.Character.Immortal:remove() end speaker.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 wait(3) m.Parent = nil return end if checkIfBanned(players[i].Name) == true then message ="Message") message.Name = "Message" message.Text = players[i].Name.." is already banned!" message.Parent = speaker wait(3) message.Parent = nil return end banify(players[i]) return end end end if (msg == "admin commands") then if (speaker:findFirstChild("Hint")~= nil) then speaker.Hint:remove() end m ="Hint") m.Name = "Hint" m.Text = "~Admin commands~" m.Parent = speaker wait(3) m.Text = "kill [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "2d [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "freeze [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "thaw [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "trip [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "jumpy [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "kick [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "restart [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "land [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "ghost [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "unghost [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "summon [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "admin [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "deadmin [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "sit [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "immortal [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "mortal [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "bricky [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "give orb [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "steal orb [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "explode orb [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "glitch orb [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "morph orb [person] [shape] (ball, block, cylinder, unknown)" wait(3) m.Text = "remove orb [person]" wait(3) m.Text = "admin commands (lol)" wait(3) m.Text = "anti-message" wait(3) m.Text = "disconnect (crashes server, don't use)" wait(3) m.Text = "die" wait(3) m.Text = "ghost" wait(3) m.Text = "ghostbusters!" wait(3) m.Text = "orb" wait(3) m.Text = "peoplewhite" wait(3) m.Text = "land" wait(3) m.Text = "2d" wait(3) m.Text = "start" wait(3) m.Text = "cometome" wait(3) m.Text = "randommovement" wait(3) m.Text = "clone" wait(3) m.Text = "freeze" wait(3) m.Text = "jumpy" wait(3) m.Text = "ultra jumpy (you won't come down!)" wait(3) m.Text = "freezetwo" wait(3) m.Text = "thaw" wait(3) m.Text = "savagebeating" wait(3) m.Text = "zeeky boogy doog" wait(3) m.Text = "[the code for this can only be accessed by highest ranking members]" wait(3) m.Text = "listen" wait(3) m.Text = "private --sets maxplayers to 1" wait(3) m.Text = "clanmode --sets maxplayers to the number of members in the clan" wait(3) m.Text = "public --sets maxplayers to 12" wait(3) m.Text = "party --sets maxplayers to 20" wait(3) m.Text = "~End~" wait(3) m.Parent = nil end if (msg == "antimessage") then local c = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do if (c[i].className == "Message" or c[i].className == "Hint") then c[i].Parent = nil end end local a = game.Players:GetChildren() for b = 1, #a do d = a[b]:GetChildren() for e = 1, #d do if (d[e].className == "Message" or d[e].className == "Hint") then d[e].Parent = nil end end end end if (msg == "disconnect") then --Only use in edmergancies. This disconnects everyone game:remove() end if (msg == "die") then local m ="Message") m.Text = "EVERYONE IS GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!" m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(4) local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Name ~= speaker.Name) then if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Immortal")~= nil) then return end c[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end end wait(2) m.Parent = nil end if (msg == "ghost") then --You can walk through stuff =) local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character.Torso.CanCollide = false c[i].Character.Torso.Transparency = 0.5 c[i].Character.Head.CanCollide = false c[i].Character.Head.Transparency = 0.5 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm").CanCollide = false c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm").Transparency = 0.5 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm").CanCollide = false c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm").Transparency = 0.5 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Leg").Transparency = 0.5 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Leg").Transparency = 0.5 end end end if (msg == "ghostbusters!") then --Change this if you want. local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character.Torso.CanCollide = true c[i].Character.Torso.Transparency = 0 c[i].Character.Head.CanCollide = true c[i].Character.Head.Transparency = 0 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm").CanCollide = true c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm").Transparency = 0 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm").CanCollide = true c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm").Transparency = 0 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Leg").Transparency = 0 c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Leg").Transparency = 0 end end end if (msg == "orb") then if (speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Orb")~= nil or speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Head")== nil) then return end o ="Part") o.Shape = 0 o.Name = "Orb" o.Size =,1,1) o.TopSurface = 0 o.BottomSurface = 0 o.BrickColor = o.CanCollide = false o.Position = speaker.Character.Head.Position o.Parent = speaker.Character p ="BodyPosition") p.maxForce =,1e+006,1e+006) p.position = speaker.Character.Head.Position p.Name = "BodyPosition" p.Parent = o s ="Script") s.Source = [[ while true do local Head = script.Parent.Parent.Head wait(0.1) script.Parent.BodyPosition.position =, Head.Position.y + 3.5, Head.Position.z) end ]] s.Parent = o s.Disabled = false end if (msg == "peoplewhite") then local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Name ~= speaker.Name) then if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Head").BrickColor = c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso").BrickColor = c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm").BrickColor = c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm").BrickColor = c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Leg").BrickColor = c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Leg").BrickColor = end end end end if (msg == "land") then local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then if (c[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")~= nil) then c[i].Character.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,0,0) a = c[i].Character:GetChildren() for b = 1, #a do if (a[b].className == "Part") then a[b].CanCollide = true end end end end end end if (msg == "2d") then local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then if (c[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")~= nil) then c[i].Character.Torso.BodyPosition.position =,0,-30) c[i].Character.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,0,1e+006) a = c[i].Character:GetChildren() for b = 1, #a do if (a[b].className == "Part") then a[b].CanCollide = true end end end end end end if (msg == "start") then local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Name ~= speaker.Name) then if (c[i].Character == nil or c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") == nil or c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil or c[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")== nil) then return end c[i].Character.Torso.BodyPosition.position =,5,0) --Change these to where you want them to fly to c[i].Character.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,1e+006,1e+006) a = c[i].Character:GetChildren() for b = 1, #a do if (a[b].className == "Part") then a[b].CanCollide = false end end end end end end if (msg == "cometome") then local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (string.lower(c[i].Name) ~= speaker.Name) then if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then if (c[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")~= nil) then if (game.Players:findFirstChild(speaker.Name).Character~= nil) then c[i].Character.Torso.BodyPosition.position = game.Players:findFirstChild(speaker.Name).Character.Torso.Position c[i].Character.Torso.BodyPosition.maxForce =,1e+006,1e+006) a = c[i].Character:GetChildren() for b = 1, #a do if (a[b].className == "Part") then a[b].CanCollide = false end end end end end end end end if (msg == "private") then game.Players.MaxPlayers = 1 end if (msg == "clanmode") then game.Players.MaxPlayers = 5 end if (msg == "public") then game.Players.MaxPlayers = 12 end if (msg == "party!") then game.Players.MaxPlayers = 20 end if (msg == "clone") then local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (string.lower(c[i].Name) ~= speaker.Name) then if (c[i].Character == nil or c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") == nil or c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")== nil) then return end if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Head")~= nil and speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Head")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Head").BrickColor = speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Head").BrickColor end if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil and speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso").BrickColor = speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Torso").BrickColor end if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm")~= nil and speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm").BrickColor = speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Left Arm").BrickColor end if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm")~= nil and speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm").BrickColor = speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Right Arm").BrickColor end if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Leg")~= nil and speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Left Leg")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Left Leg").BrickColor = speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Left Leg").BrickColor end if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Leg")~= nil and speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Right Leg")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Right Leg").BrickColor = speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Right Leg").BrickColor end if (c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil and c[i].Character.Torso:findFirstChild("roblox")~= nil and speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil and speaker.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("roblox")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso"):findFirstChild("roblox").Texture=speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Torso"):findFirstChild("roblox").Texture end end end end if (msg == "freeze") then --This freezes everyone local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Name ~= speaker.Name) then if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso").Anchored = true end end end end if (msg == "jumpy") then --Boing! local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso"),200,0) end end end if (msg == "ultra jumpy") then --You will go up, but you will NEVER come down... local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso"),10000,0) end end end if (msg == "freezetwo") then --This freezes you as well local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso").Anchored = true end end end if (msg == "thaw") then --This unfreezes everyone local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso").Anchored = false end end end if (msg == "savagebeating") then --You may want to change local m ="Message") m.Text = "Massive Beatdowns!" m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(4) local c = game.Players:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Name ~= speaker.Name) then if (c[i].Character ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and c[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~= nil) then c[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 1 end end end wait(2) m.Parent = nil end if (msg == "zeeky boogy doog") then local m ="Message") m.Text = "RANDOM PEOPLE ARE SAYING ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG!!!!!!!" m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(4) for i=1,100 do local x = math.random(-256,256),math.random(-256,256) local y = math.random(0,157) local z = math.random(-256,256) local r = math.random(6,16) local ex ="Explosion") ex.Position =,y,z) ex.BlastRadius = r ex.Parent = game.Workspace wait(.05) end m.Parent = nil end if (msg == "Dooms Day") then local m ="Message") --Change the position of the explosion for mass destruction! m.Text = "The end is near," .. string.upper(speaker.Name).. "has triggered ultimate doom" m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(4) game.Workspace:remove() end if (msg == "listen") then local m ="Message") m.Text = "EVERYONE SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO MEEEE!!!!!!!!".. string.upper(speaker.Name).. "!!!!!!!!!!!" m.Parent = game.Workspace game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,0,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,255,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,255,0) wait(0.5) game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "0:00:00" game.Lighting.TopAmbientV9 =,214,223) game.Lighting.SpotLightV9 =,197,197) game.Lighting.ClearColor =,0,0) game.Lighting.BottomAmbientV9 =,140,120) game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00" m.Parent = nil end end function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, newPlayer) end) newPlayer.Changed:connect(function (property) if (property == "Character") then onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer) end end) end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(onPlayerEntered)
#16388197Saturday, November 07, 2009 4:42 PM GMT

i wrote those admin commands :D
#16391820Saturday, November 07, 2009 6:02 PM GMT

I know some scripts and I have made much. Here are some small scripts to newbies: game.Workspace.NAME.Head:remove() = kill someone game.Workspace:BreakJoins() = kill all game.Workspace.NAME.Torso:remove() = same as first game.Players.NAME:remove() = kick someone from server game.Players:remove = delete server(not completely delete) game.Workspace:remove() = same as before(completely delete) game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "12.00.00" = day game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "24.00.00" = night game.Players.NAME.Backpack:remove() = removes someone's tools game.Workspace.NAME.Torso.Transparency = 1 = invisible torso, same with Left Arm, Right Arm, Head, Left Leg and Right Leg.
#16392951Saturday, November 07, 2009 6:28 PM GMT

What does archevible do however you spell it
#16392996Saturday, November 07, 2009 6:28 PM GMT

#16396857Saturday, November 07, 2009 7:57 PM GMT

#16396930Saturday, November 07, 2009 7:59 PM GMT

who has an epic super suit script?
#16398751Saturday, November 07, 2009 8:40 PM GMT

----------- --Kill All-- loadstring('game.Workspace:BreakJoints()')() --Falling Bricks of DOOM-- while true do wait(1) p ="Part") p.Parent = Workspace p.Color =,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)) p.Size =,400),math.random(200,400),math.random(200,400)) p.Position =,2000,0) p.Touched:connect(function(h) if h.Parent ~= game.Workspace then h.Parent:BreakJoints() end end) end
#16400211Saturday, November 07, 2009 9:11 PM GMT

so this is where people in script builder go to get quick scripts...
#16400322Saturday, November 07, 2009 9:14 PM GMT

no i save all of mine in a word folder :P me and coolkidbloo do that
#16400997Saturday, November 07, 2009 9:28 PM GMT

here are some scipts I know ---------------------------------- Brick e ="Part") e.Parent = game.Workspace e.Name = "Brick" e.Size =,1,2) e.Position =,10,10) ------------------------------------------------ Explosion local e ="Explosion") e.Parent = game.Workspace ------------------------------------------------ Message local m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Hello World!" wait(10) m:Remove() ------------------------------------------------- I know some more!
#16407118Saturday, November 07, 2009 11:37 PM GMT

local c = game.Workspace:GetChildren() local i = 0 while i < #c do if tostring(c[i]) == "Person299's Admin Command Script V2 Part thingy" then c[i]:Remove() end i = i + 1 end I really hate that script...
#16407306Saturday, November 07, 2009 11:41 PM GMT

i need a super suit, perferably red and black
#16408459Sunday, November 08, 2009 12:04 AM GMT

-This script is good for if a person is trying to ban you. :3 --Anti Ban script From Coolkidbloo if game.Players:findFirstChild("Your Name here") == nil then h.Text = "Why did you ban ..Your Name here.. WHY!?" local m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Now i must shut you down! Goodbye Noob D:<" wait(4) game.NetworkServer:Remove() --Im not sure if it will fully work %100.
#16408722Sunday, November 08, 2009 12:10 AM GMT

You guys are noobs. Your giving BANNING and KILLING and SERVERBLOCKS to absolute strangers! If I had 1 Tix for everytime I saw someone using one of shanethe13's scripts, the Tickets would create a number so large, the universe would explode. I am NOT KIDDING. STOP POSTING!
#16411932Sunday, November 08, 2009 1:06 AM GMT

#16412285Sunday, November 08, 2009 1:12 AM GMT

Yeah, but noobs abuse your scripts and make us REAL scripters miserable!
#16412941Sunday, November 08, 2009 1:23 AM GMT

meh i can deal with it people problably wont know how to make it work on them XD
#16413217Sunday, November 08, 2009 1:29 AM GMT