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#22541446Monday, March 15, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

and who wants 2012 to come two years too early?
#22542621Monday, March 15, 2010 10:41 PM GMT

There are SOME mainstream pop that is good though. And JUST pop itself can have lots of skill involved. However, most MAINSTREAM pop is overrated, and it is extremely repetitive. And @ people who listen to it ONLY because everyone else does: GET A LIFE. Just because someone else listens to it has nothing to do with you HAVING TO TOO. Repetition is a great literary device, but not when you use it a billion times. In fact, repetition is only a literary device due to the fact the human brain pays more attention to repetition of basic keyboard/software beats. There are some who have broken that seal. Lemme guess. Mendezio is going to come here and be full of himself [he calls himself famous] and say the same repetitive arguments. And if he has a brain he wouldn't reply at ALL; this would turn into 9 page argument that has loopholes Mendezio has left. I'm replying with a head full of ignorance though. This thread is full of ignorance too. And yes, that was a flame, and yes, this thread shouldn't even exist. Goodbye.
#22557267Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:36 AM GMT

Read the title of this thread and then see my point, see why I combat you every day. See the reason I have 9 page arguments. You my dearest friend, is ignorant.
#22558134Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:58 AM GMT

You don't combat me. You just leave the same pointless arguments. And whoever has a life wouldn't start arguments on forums seriously >.>. And to point out "You is". You have no reason to start arguments either. You just feel like it, and you think that all music sucks except for pop.
#22558176Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:58 AM GMT

I accept NO MOAR replies. Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post Don't Post
#22567320Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:55 PM GMT

You just feel like it, and you think that all music sucks except for pop. ______________________________________________________________________ I just show people that pop is the most popular music right now. You are ignorant for not believing me.
#22575555Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:39 PM GMT

well mendezio, people these's days are follower's just trying to fit in the "now" days which halp of those people don't like pop but they intend to follow just to be in the crowd.
#22591999Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:56 PM GMT

I'm gonna report either Mendizio or Kingddd if you guys don't stop bickering. You guys are acting like 2 year olds in a candy shop, fighting over the same thing for differant reasons. Just stop. It's immature and just plain babyish. There, I said it.
#22592259Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

Does anyone read rules. Two reasons this forum and creator could be locked/banned. 1. 2012 - Doomsday. No Doomsday posts or threads. You believe in what you believe. We don't want kids having their heads filled with the stupid judgment "2012" is the end of the world. It isn't, now leave it at that. 2. Flaming a genre. Don't like it? Good, that's nice. Now keep your opinions to yourself. You could post a gentle message saying "Nah, I don't like pop, not my music type," or "Anyone like pop," then post "I don't, just wanted to see who did." So, follow the rules.
#22593128Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:13 AM GMT

I'm gonna report either Mendizio or Kingddd if you guys don't stop bickering. You guys are acting like 2 year olds in a candy shop, fighting over the same thing for differant reasons. Just stop. It's immature and just plain babyish. There, I said it. __________________________________________________________________________ Dude, me and kingddd have been doing this for about 3 months.
#22593817Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:24 AM GMT

That's the point. We want the flame wars to just stop.
#22594446Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:33 AM GMT

Flame Wars
#22597093Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:08 AM GMT

GameBeater wins. Kingddd, YOU are the one flaming Mendezio. I grew up with Mainstream Pop and Disturbed. All of you must've grown up with Rock. As you see, we're the same. Now, why can't we just all settle down, and drink some nice cuppa tea. I noticed most of the people that flame Pop says "CUZ POP IS FLAMING ROCK!!!!!!!" Now, can you name anybody flaming pop? I only know 1 that all of you would think of first: Mendezio. I saw what was with MEndezio in a thread aout Lady gaga' Hit song "Paparazi". He said the Rock lovers kept flaming pop, and he tried playing nice. It's called breaking the barriers of "Alright, enjoy what you enjoy. It's not so serious that you hate Pop", and plunging deep into "DIE DIE DIE!!!!" I noticed Animeluv, Kingddd, Imnotdead, and Bingoboy all flaming pop. I only noticed Mendezio as the closest person to flaming, but he isn't a flamer at heart. I've heard abiout 7 people say "GET OUT, MENDEZIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It's called, Retaliation. Blame Imnotdead and every Pop flamer for attacking Mendezio. Do not blame directly him. Now, All rock is doing is saying, "WE'RE FLAMING CUZ ALL OF POP IS FLAMING US!!!!!!!!!!!", when Rock is Flaming pop, and it stops as a 1-way there. To wrap it up, Peace is the answer. Saying "OVUHUSE OF MAINSTREAM POP WILL CAUSE ME TO NUKE AMERICA!!!" Is nothing but causing senseless bloodshed, fuelign a flame, and waking up the troll. So, next time, Think before you write certain sentnces. Name a list of Flamers that Love Pop. Because we don't need Lies and Hatred. Just CALM DOWN, Rock. What if I walked in and said, "THE MASS NOISE OF HEAVY ROCK WILL CAUSE AN OFF-SCALE EARTHQUAKE THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD!!!" This is what this thread is about. 2012 is when the Mayan Calendar ends. The Mayans must've run out of room. I also have another reason for 2012, but I'd get banned for it (NO POLITICS) ĜŁΔЯΪЛĞĐRДĢØЙ ΔЌΔ ØVΞЯRŴΔŦČĦΣŘ
#22599251Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

So you automatically assume that rock is flaming pop. wow, just wow. Some people who flame pop could like Rap, Hip Hop,Country,Blues,Jazz,New Wave,ect. MUSICALLY RACIST MUCH?
#22599287Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

Technically "Pop" means popular music.
#22600388Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:58 AM GMT

Look, PieIsLemons. The Rap and Hip Hop community is rather friendly, yet is only mad at Rock due to the flamers that burst in and say "SLIPKNOT IS BETTER!!!!!!@!!!" I never seen Country Lovers post on a Pop thread. Blues, Never seen anyoen here liking it. New Wave? Nobody liking it here. Trance? No flamers there R&B? Same as Rap and Hip Hop. Others? No flamers that I know of. Directly Rock. If you say Rock is only a small part of the flamers, Then explain the posts I've seen. "Slipknot is better" in a Rap thread. "AC/DC Is better than Lady Gaga" and much much more. Explain that.
#22600482Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

okay im a little offended by using slipknot...but can you please use disturbed or some other band?? please?
#22600705Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

Sorry for offending you, Revenger. I will not do Disturbed though, As I like them(Since I grew up with my father listening to Indestructible FULL BLAST) What band should I use to replace it? Not Disturbed, Green Day, Three Days Grace, or Guns 'N Roses.
#22600958Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

ok lets say...black sabbath or linkin park
#22602720Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:37 AM GMT

Alright, I'll do so. How about Nirvana?
#22602801Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:39 AM GMT

okay, even though your jsut using it in an example.
#22604567Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:25 AM GMT

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#22607264Wednesday, March 17, 2010 5:01 AM GMT

Lilly allen did your forget about her?

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