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#225811474Sunday, October 01, 2017 5:06 AM GMT

----Make sure this goes in stater gui. ---Sorry but there is no ban. "Enter Name"--Enter the target's username to run 1 of the options below. - "Kick"--Kicks the target with a built in kick message 'You have been kicked for violation of rules.' "Kill"--Kills the target "Roblox Lock"--Locks the target in place.--Sometimes doesn't work. "No Animation"--Removes the target animation -Such as walking. I added it anyway. "Invisible"--Make the target invisible from the map so other people can't see them. "Visible"--Makes the target visible so others can see the user again. "Shut Down"--Shuts down the server.--Target's Username not needed. "Sword"--Swords the target a sword doesn't always work. "Freeze"--Freezes the target in place. "Thaw"--UnFreezes the target that was frozen (Freeze). "God"--God's the target. "Force Field"--Puts a force field around the target. "Sparkles"--Puts sparkles around the target. "Troll"--Idk why I added this, doesn't even work. (Put what you want to make this troll thing do" "Punish"--Punishes the target. -Removes them from the map so they can't move. "UnPunish"--Puts the target back to the place they were punished at. "Shiny"--Makes their head shiny - "Script Execution"--Target's username not needed, makes a gui on the bottom left of screen hit "Show" and a scripting thing pops up. (like developer console.) ---------------------------------------------- Local 1: "Enter Name"--Enter a target's username. - "SkyFall"--Teleports player high in the air and makes them fall. "Assassin"--Makes the target an assassin "Cam Lazer"--Removes you from WorkSpace / game. WASD + EQ to move, hold down left click to make the certain area you click explode. "iOrb" give an orb around the target. --Wouldn't suggest it could lag the server. (Did to me) "Knife"--Gives the target an exploiters knife and kills others.(Wouldn't recommend.) "Lance"--Makes your torso small and gives the target random guis around the target. -- "Invisible all"--Makes the whole server invisible. --There is no "Visible all" for the server "NSword"--Gives the target a sword on their back. "Crystal Sword"--Gives the target a crystal shiny sword. "MiniPeep"--makes the target very tiny. "EyeBall"--Gives the target a giant eyeball over their head. (Like overseer.) "Spike"--Gives the target a spike tool. "Scythe"--Gives the target a scythe. "Nil Dragon"--Gives them a dragon of exploiter--Wouldn't Recommend, they could get banned. "Atlas Sword"--Gives the target super powers, and lightning bolts. "Surface Gui"--makes a random gui on the target's screen. "Laser Rifle"--Makes the target into a laser rifle--Doesn't work. "Draw"--Gives the target a draw tool to draw around the server. "Zephyr"--Makes 2 cubes around the person. "Laser Eyes"--Gives them laser eyes tool make other players turn into fire. "Swoop"--Swoops the target. "Admin"--Admin's the target. --DO NOT USE THIS ACTION, THEY CAN ADMIN OTHER PEOPLE ASWELL. "Explorer/Reader"--Gives the target explorer to the server. -------------------------------------------------- Local 2 "Enter Name"--enter a target's name. - "5tr0b3"--Gives the target an MLG laser rifle. "Spider Bot"--Like rc7, makes the target into a spider bot.(Wouldn't recommend it.) "Santoryu"--Gives the target 3 swords and makes them super powers. "Explorer"--Gives the target more access to the server's explorer. "Dominus Tabs"--makes dominus hats around you with the usernames of people. (Showes for 3 seconds.) -- The rest of the boxes are for you to add. To : Solar Snow : Developer Trixy Toxic
#225811505Sunday, October 01, 2017 5:07 AM GMT

go away roblox.Forum["Let's Make A Deal"]:ClearAllChildren()
#225811743Sunday, October 01, 2017 5:14 AM GMT

Eagle Fire Claw, I am Solar Snow's developer I made him a stuff that it is to big to put in 1 PM ( Private Message ) so I made a forum and sent him the link to this forum. To: Eagle Fire Claw
#225812069Sunday, October 01, 2017 5:26 AM GMT

Use discord or something

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