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#225896559Monday, October 02, 2017 9:40 PM GMT

So Whenever I walk onto a part(a thin part i created and named it pressureplate) i want it to spawn a something. So when ever i walk onto the part it spawns a car. I have this so far: game.Workspace.Pressureplate.Touch:connect(function() Game.workspace.car.spawn end) i just took a car off the explorer so i know im missing alot of things. anyone know the script to make a item spawn once you click/walk onto a part
#225896845Monday, October 02, 2017 9:47 PM GMT

perhaps try workspace.Pressureplate.Touched:Connect(function() workspace.car:Clone().Parent = workspace end) Kerbodyne
#225897301Monday, October 02, 2017 9:59 PM GMT

ok so how do i hide the car thats already there. when I test the game there is a car already spawned and when I go onto the pressureplate it just spawns cars ontop of it
#225897405Monday, October 02, 2017 10:01 PM GMT

Prior to running the code he told you search workspace for a car already existing and :Destory() it. Programmer, DevForum Member, RDC Attendee, Roblox QA Tester, and Roblox Beta Tester.

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