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#225967848Wednesday, October 04, 2017 6:03 PM GMT

Can someone help me make this script for admin use only please? game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(pl) pl.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if msg == 'Alton' then --or 'j######## wait(0.8) local answer1 = game.ServerStorage.Alton:Clone() local answers = { "Hello", "Welcome back" } answer1.Frame.TextLabel.Text = answers[math.random(1,#answers)] an############## #l############ wait(3) answer1:Destroy() else if msg == 'You alright?' then wait(0.8) local answer1 = game.ServerStorage.Alton:Clone() local answers = { "I'm very good", "Never better", "As good as always" # ######################################### # ################################ ########################### # ############ #################### ############################## ################ ############ ######### #####
#225967874Wednesday, October 04, 2017 6:05 PM GMT

Ok never mind roblox are gits
#225969945Wednesday, October 04, 2017 7:25 PM GMT

Roblox admins? Nuclear | Polar Arts Developer
#225972661Wednesday, October 04, 2017 8:36 PM GMT

No, so that it has my close friends as admin so that they can use the commands.
#225972995Wednesday, October 04, 2017 8:44 PM GMT

#225973002Wednesday, October 04, 2017 8:44 PM GMT

local admins = {'str_at'} setmetatable(admins,{ __call = function(self,arg) for i = 1 , #admins do if admins[i] == arg then return true end end end }) --you use this table like a function and it will check if the name u put inside of the parenthesis is in the table. --ex: admins('Spectrum555') would return nil since my name is not inside of that table but if you put admins('str_at') it would return true
#225995776Thursday, October 05, 2017 11:33 AM GMT

Thanks but that didn't work, unless I put it in the wrong place...
#226107086Sunday, October 08, 2017 1:40 AM GMT

you use it like a check if admins(name) then --do stuff end

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