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#22646Saturday, April 14, 2007 12:58 AM GMT

I have a partial script but I think that I need more to it. Any help would be appriciated greatly. If u need me to post the script I have I will. Thanx Totti
Top 100 Poster
#22666Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:06 AM GMT

Post it.
#22692Saturday, April 14, 2007 11:22 AM GMT

#22693Saturday, April 14, 2007 11:25 AM GMT

print("Totti's CTF Game!") redflag=script.Parent.RedFlag blueflag=script.Parent.BlueFlag rfpole=redflag.Pole bfpole=blueflag.Pole rfpos=rfpole.Position bfpos=bfpole.Position red_score=game.Workspace.RedScore blue_score=game.Workspace.BlueScore hasred=game.Workspace.HasRed hasblue=game.Workspace.HasBlue hold_red=false hold_blue=false --CAPTURE FLAG function onTouchedRed(part) if(hold_red==false) then local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local has = game.Workspace.HasRed if (h~=nil and has.Value=="") then local team = h:findFirstChild("CTFTag") if (team~=nil ) then hold_red=true local msgtext = "" local showmsg = false if (team.Value==0) then --THIS IS RED local flagtag = h:findFirstChild("FlagHolder") if (flagtag~=nil) then showmsg = true red_score.Value = red_score.Value + 1 flagtag:remove() hasblue.Value="" bfpole.CanCollide=true bfpole.Transparency = 0 blueflag.Cloth.CanCollide=true blueflag.Cloth.Transparency = 0 msgtext = "RED SCORED! RED: "..red_score.Value.." to Blue: "..blue_score.Value end end if (team.Value==1) then --THIS IS BLUE local flagtag=Instance.new("IntValue") flagtag.Name = "FlagHolder" flagtag.Value = 1 flagtag.Parent = h hasred.Value = h.Parent.Name rfpole.CanCollide=false rfpole.Transparency = 0.5 redflag.Cloth.CanCollide=false redflag.Cloth.Transparency = 0.5 --TODO: Show that they own it msgtext = h.Parent.Name.." CAPTURED RED FLAG!" showmsg=true end if (showmsg==true) then message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = msgtext message.Parent = game.Workspace wait(1) message.Parent = nil end wait(1) hold_red=false end end end end function onTouchedBlue(part) local has = game.Workspace.HasBlue if(hold_blue==false and has.Value=="") then local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if (h~=nil) then local team = h:findFirstChild("CTFTag") if (team~=nil) then hold_blue=true local msgtext = "" local showmsg = false if (team.Value==1) then --THIS IS BLUE local flagtag = h:findFirstChild("FlagHolder") if (flagtag~=nil) then showmsg = true blue_score.Value = blue_score.Value + 1 flagtag:remove() hasred.Value = "" rfpole.CanCollide=true rfpole.Transparency = 0.0 redflag.Cloth.CanCollide=true redflag.Cloth.Transparency = 0.0 msgtext = "BLUE SCORED! RED: "..red_score.Value.." to Blue: "..blue_score.Value end end if (team.Value==0) then --THIS IS RED local flagtag=Instance.new("IntValue") flagtag.Name = "FlagHolder" flagtag.Value = 1 flagtag.Parent = h hasblue.Value = h.Parent.Name bfpole.CanCollide=false bfpole.Transparency = 0.5 blueflag.Cloth.CanCollide=false blueflag.Cloth.Transparency = 0.5 --TODO: Show that they own it msgtext = h.Parent.Name.." CAPTURED BLUE FLAG!" showmsg=true end if (showmsg==true) then message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = msgtext message.Parent = game.Workspace wait(1) message.Parent = nil end wait(1) hold_blue=false end end end end rfpole.Touched:connect(onTouchedRed) bfpole.Touched:connect(onTouchedBlue)
#22694Saturday, April 14, 2007 11:26 AM GMT

It doesn't wwork by itself u need teams and flag scripts and other stuff I think...
#22695Saturday, April 14, 2007 11:58 AM GMT

Yes, i belive you need his other scripts to go with that. Maybe not, but thats what i think. Koopa
#22788Saturday, April 14, 2007 9:52 PM GMT

yah unfortunately i don't have his other scripts
#22804Sunday, April 15, 2007 12:11 AM GMT

I could possibly give them to you. Koopa
#22810Sunday, April 15, 2007 1:13 AM GMT

that would possibly be cool but message me them please if u could possibly give them to me lol
#22885Sunday, April 15, 2007 5:11 PM GMT

just copy paste the reed flag script on the red flag and the blue on the script
#22908Sunday, April 15, 2007 6:49 PM GMT

I dunno if i have all those scripts
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