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#227299903Tuesday, November 07, 2017 2:26 AM GMT

Advanced Ranks: Beginning from the Koawan rank, you will receive moderator commands. Please read the admin guide for more information. Advanced ranks have been in the order for quite some time, the more experienced Gray Jedi who are now eligible to host at the rank of Koawan, training new Gray Jedi. Advanced ranks are the Role models of the order, as they are someone who can help you whenever you need it. From here on out you need a disc00rd that works. A mic is not required. You need to have at least one Teidowan for each ADV rank. Approvals/ training proof: Beginning from the Koawan rank , you must earn approvals from a higher rank. Approvals are earned, not freely given from bribe. Spamming and begging for approvals will put your rank into jeopardy. During your trials, you will submit screenshotted evidence of a higher rank saying you earned their approval and event hosted proof.. However, false approvals will result in a demotion, for example lying about an approval, editing a screenshot or message sent to you. The best way to get an approval is to question what higher ranks feel in the rank, what they see it as. Then, you will take their suggestions, and add it into your daily activity, and you’ll be showing if you earn their approval or not. Approvals mean you are ready for the next rank. Screenshot each event you host in the #Announcements channel for the proof of you hosting events. For Co-hosting ask the host to pm you saying "You Co-hosted (type of training here.) Training requirement: Every Koawan plus must host at least two events every week. Failing to due so without prior notice can and will result in strikes and demotions. [ADV] Koawan: Beginning at this rank you have mod. Requirements for this rank: 1) Have been a Silver Knight for three + days 2) Write three case studies with one being on the Jedi one on the Sith and one on the Gray Jedi. 3) Write a essay explaining the difference the Jedi, Sith, and Gray Jedi and why the Gray Jedi has more potential. 100 words 4) In a grammar test, score 8/10 or above 5) In a admin test, score 8/10 or above 6) Co-host III total trainings 7) Win 3/7 duels 8) Four case studies 9) 3 Approvals from Koawan plus [ADV] Maenowan: Requirements for this rank: 1) Have been a Koawan for three + days 2) Have great activity 3) Have serenity and control 4) Have great leadership 5) Have great problem solving skills 6) Great knowledge in lore 7) Great combat skills and technique 8) Have Maturity 9) Have 3 approvals from a Gray Jedi Instructor + proving you have those traits shown above 10) Host IV trainings and I gathering 11) In a lore exam, score 5/10 or higher 12) In a combat test, win 2/5 duels or higher 13) Complete three made up scenarios on how to solve problems quickly, and correctly ADV] Gray Jedi Instructor Requirements for this rank: 1) Have been a Maenowan for 5 + days 2) Have great activity 3) Have serenity and control 4) Have great leadership 5) Have great problem solving skills 6) Great knowledge in lore 7) Great combat skills and technique 8) Speaks with grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling at all times 9) Has Maturity 10) Has ability to work under pressure 11) Have three approvals from a Gray Jedi Master + proving you have the traits shown above 12) Host V total trainings and II gatherings 13) In a Lore test, must score 7/10 or higher 14) Write a essay why you should become a Gray Jedi instructor 15) Four Case studies 16) Complete Four scenarios High ranks: High ranks are the leaders of the order, solving everyday problems that concern the whole order itself. High ranks are expert problem solvers, and are great leaders as well. They are the top of their class, have great knowledge in lore, and some of the order’s best combat skills. They are the best role models of the order, as they are to show what a Gray Jedi must be in the best way. Gray Jedi Master 1) Requirements for this rank: 2) Has been a Gray Jedi Instructor for 10 + days 3) Have great activity 4) Have serenity and control 5) Have great leadership 6) Have great problem solving skills 7) Great knowledge in lore 8) Great combat skills and technique 9) Speaks with grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling at all times 10) Has great knowledge with admin, rarely has admin problems 11) Can deal with server problems when council cannot 12) Have more then half Council of Balance approve you, proving you have the traits shown above 13) Write an essay on why you should become a Gray Jedi Master 14) Two paragraphs on what the role of a Gray Jedi Master is 15) Six case studies. 16) Hosted ten or more events Council of Balance/ High Council of Balance Requirements for this rank: Selected by a vote by current councilors, or handpicked by the Grandmaster or the Master of the Order Master of the Order Requirements for this rank: Have great experience within the council, with outstanding activity and devotion to the Order. Selected by current councilors to lead the Council, or be selected by the Grandmaster Grandmaster Requirements for this rank: Group owner by standard Selected by Group owner, if on temporary leave

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