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#227333740Wednesday, November 08, 2017 2:51 AM GMT

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I join NKSD or Can I Join NKPD? A: We have something called Regional Academy. It consists of 4 Sessions and after the 4 sessions you take a test. If you pass the test you may join either NKSD or NKPD. There are no NKSD or NKPD trainings it is just the RA and you get promoted by being active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why did I get banned for shooting cops? A: IT IS FOR A REASON!!! People set up Roleplays and we have no tolerance for people who just come into the Roleplay and start shooting cops. It is NOT TOLERATED!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When are trainings? A: Trainings are normally held on Sundays but sometimes we have them other days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where is the training center? A: We always post on the group shout that there is a training being held and it will include the Training Center link. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I be a civilian? A: Yes! Of course! We welcome all to join our civilian group! It is under allies called "(NK) New Kempton" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I be a Middle Class Citizen in the civilian group? A: Yes! We rank people to the correct rank in the Civ group on the weekends mostly but you might be ranked during the weekday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I not be a student? A: You go to the trainings and work your way up the ranks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is The an application center? A: No the only way to rank up is by trainings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why was I banned for no reason? A: Most likely it is that you were not RPing correctly Ex: Shooting Cops For No Reason, FLIPPING YOUR VEHICLE, Glitching into the gun store, Tasing someone in there car, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why was I banned for flipping my car? A: Normally we give warnings but it is different for the scenario, but yes, you may not flip your car at all!!! Unless you are told it is okay by the officers on scene or around you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I be accepted into NKSD or NKPD A: (Same Answer For The First) Short answer is no. Unless you go through the Regional Academy and get your certification, you may not join NKSD, NKPD or HTPD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I Patrol? A: YES! Patrol when ever you please, we encourage our members to Patrol when ever they would like to! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: (This one is a comment) I was admin abused. A: Most likely you were not. Our Administrators and our Moderators are highly trained and know what to do. But in the case that you feel it was true Admin Abuse feel free to DM an HR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the New life rule? A: The new life rule states that if you are shot/killed in anyway you are no longer on that RP as the person that you were RPing as. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If have anymore questions feel free to message me, and any other MR+. ALSO SEND QUESTIONS USING REPLY!!!
#227334914Wednesday, November 08, 2017 3:42 AM GMT

NLR = New Life Rule (Means if you die you forget everything that happen before you died.)
#227401347Friday, November 10, 2017 3:58 PM GMT

Can you reset when getting chased?
#227554751Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:02 PM GMT

No, unless you are instructed to do so.
#227658510Saturday, November 18, 2017 6:14 AM GMT

Good job Ahoch.
#227666592Saturday, November 18, 2017 2:13 PM GMT

No, unless you have permission or else a ban.
#227716262Sunday, November 19, 2017 3:29 PM GMT

I have met like 5 admins before and they never seem to believe the students which I find is stupid. Once I almost got banned because the admin didnt believ me.
#227720474Sunday, November 19, 2017 5:22 PM GMT

What do we do with the guns if we can't kill anyone?
#227779009Monday, November 20, 2017 11:07 PM GMT

You may kill people but you must make an RP out of it.

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