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#227502630Monday, November 13, 2017 1:06 AM GMT

Hey I was wondering if anyone is good at scripting? I want to make a game... but I'm bad a scripting I am pretty good a building. So anyone wanna start a game with me? I Just need like a good scripter. Contact me on ####### at upsetkyle1234#0556 we can talk business...
#227502958Monday, November 13, 2017 1:15 AM GMT

#227503124Monday, November 13, 2017 1:18 AM GMT

Why is there so much hype about linking that thread to people.. I wrote criticism extensively on it, like page 5, but to sum it up I just don't see a reason in linking it to people like this who clearly can't afford what they're asking for and don't know what it takes on the scripting side of things to make it happen. For serious dev/buyer interplay, maybe, but when they're at the point of competence for it to matter, they'd probably make a deal tailored to the details of the project and not to a one size fits all buyer/seller interaction guideline X)
#227518396Monday, November 13, 2017 1:59 PM GMT

ctrl v is shorter than typing 'leave'
#227518442Monday, November 13, 2017 2:02 PM GMT

not unless you got this in your clipboard permanently 😅
#227518967Monday, November 13, 2017 2:34 PM GMT

Who says I don't! In all seriousness though, it's a quick way to give a complete and detailed response that actually can let someone understand it's useless to repost/bump their same request over and over, the intent isn't per se to only educate people who'll adjust their wording to magically become a great person to work for.

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