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#227562279Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:11 AM GMT

- VAIN(s) rule and path to becoming a high in command more likely. The more you follow these rules, the more you will receive promotions. V1] - Maturity - It is easy to determine who can and who cannot type fluently, all we ask is that you type to the best of your ability and when you do type keep it pertaining to the topic. If we are raiding, talk only in teamchat and keep it about the raid. Use grammar whenever you can, using grammar promotes a more serious enviroment and it is not hard to do this V1] - Your Dedication to VAIN - As a comrade of VAIN your dedication to being a true warrior is by being loyal & by being a very organized comrade. A true warrior is ready to kill off any clan for the empire. A true warrior always wears his/her uniform, even when off duty. Even though this is not required, but it shall increase a more advantage of being promoted in VAIN to a higher rank. V3] - Loyalty to the King of VAIN - The King of VAIN is the most respected figure of the empire, what he says inevitably is what goes. A true member of VAIN will follow around the King in-game to protect him whenever he is noticed at off-duty places, unless he requests to be alone. V4] Speaking/Your Speech(s) - Only speak when spoken otherwise, when you feel it that it is important to speak and that it is necessary that means only for calling out if we’re being raided. If you want to speak to someone privately, whisper them by typing /w friendsname or by simply clicking on their name in the chat. V5] Punishment(s) in VAIN - If you do not follow rules you will be warned, and the 2nd time you do not follow the rules you will be exiled and removed from VAIN so I highly recommend you read the rules and our contents closely. Authority. Allegiance. & Adequacy
#227562419Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:16 AM GMT

Valn? The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
#227562613Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:22 AM GMT

Heil VAIN! Authority. Allegiance. & Adequacy nftitan123
#227563255Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:46 AM GMT

enemies: Everyone! stop

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