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#227571675Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:15 AM GMT

Introductions: Name: Blademaa Party: Independent Previous Experience: 4th President of [ISL] Iceland, 1st and only Chief Justice of [ISL] Iceland (retired), 2nd-in-Command of the OSCE (retired), Commander of the OSCE Forces (retired), Amender of the Icelandic Constitution. Languages: English and German Expertise: Icelandic Law and Political know-how, Negotiator, Court Handling and Proceedings Speech: Hello Iceland. My name is Blademaa, a presidential candidate for the upcoming elections. Some of you may know, but most may not. I want to start off by saying that it is an honor to be among fellow Icelanders, especially those who are so devoted to bringing back Iceland. "Like a Pheonix rises from the ashes, than so shall the nation in tatters" - Anonymous. Iceland has done just that. Albeit a slow progression, the nation has seen unprecedented growth since September of this year. There is much to be done. Much that still needs to be finished. Have no fear, though, as I plan on pushing our nation to those goals and more. First off, goals that a good candidate should establish should also be achievable. That being said, there are a few goals I have in mind, and with your vote, these goals can and will be achieved. Growth shall start off this list of goals. Even though growth can be unpredictable, it cannot be achieved without activity and active sponsoring. To perform such tasks, I would choose an exceptional and experienced member to serve as my Minister of Immigration. With the immigration department up and running, I would see to it that our primary goal is to spread the word that Iceland has returned. Alongside the Minister of Immigration would come the Minister of Foreign Relations, who will establish alliances with age old allies lost during the Icelandic Exile. Establishing these alliances once again will be the first step towards Iceland's growth. This will be my primary goal as President, among other goals. Military will follow behind as the first secondary goal. All great nations need equally great defense. The Military will serve as just that. An exceptional and experienced Minister of Defense will be chosen to lead the establishment of the Icelandic Military Forces. As President, I will oversee the operations of the Military, as well as encourage fellow Icelanders to take part in serving this great nation. This sprout of activity will allow for establishment of the Icelandic Police Department (ILPD). It will also offer our great nation's citizens a position to fulfill that which will give them a sense of purpose in Iceland. Activity ties in to the aspect of establishing a military. With the establishment of the military, citizens will start to become more active in Iceland. Allowing for the establishment of companies within Iceland, such as coffee and clothing stores, will give those not wanting a military life another front to follow. Another plan for boosting activity is allowing citizens to participate in the political process. Should citizens disagree with a bill-to-be-passed, they can challenge it through petitioning or by conference with Parliament. Pushing the citizens out of the Political Process insinuates that they have no say, and as President, I would not allow such to occur in Iceland. In short, growth requires activity, which is aided by the reestablishment of the military. These three goals, accompanied by smaller goals such as establishing a historical archive, are all part of my collective effort to aid in Iceland's revival. No matter how slow our progression is, it is still progression. Iceland will rise from the ashes of its past, and like a pheonix, it will be a bright beacon to those who look towards the future. Be apart of the revival of Iceland. Become the Pheonix that rose! Vote for Blademaa. Signed, Blademaa Afterwords: Leave a vote down below by replying with the model "I'll rise up for Iceland because...(reason). My vote is for Blademaa."
#227721540Sunday, November 19, 2017 5:47 PM GMT

I'll rise up for Iceland because...it is a great nation, my vote is for Blademaa.

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