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#227592069Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:05 AM GMT

I'm working on a somewhat small project, may be bigger in the future idk, but basically I have really bad issues with bullet lag (I don't think its even that but whatever). Basically what is happening is whenever you move there is a HUGE delay in the bullet spawning and the bullets moves very slowly. This doesn't happen in studio because everything is local obviously. Basically how the system I'm using works is the client side moves this gun that is in the CurrentCamera. When the player hold ##### the button a loop happens causing a RemoteEvent to get fired with the Client's Gun's CFrame. This fires every 0.05 seconds. I realize this is a horrible system but I have no idea what else to do. You can try the game here to see what I'm talking about: https://www.roblox.com/games/1167857483/Gravity-Cubes

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