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#227617539Thursday, November 16, 2017 11:03 PM GMT

Political Stance: Independent Hello, sir/ma'am, I, DennisTheHumble, am running to hold a seat in the United States Senate. If you do not know much about me, I am a long time ROBLOX veteran (since 2007), former CIA AiC (Agent in Charge), and former White House Staff Secretary to the WHSCOS. I've seen our strong group at it's highest and lowest. I've talked and brainstormed with some of the greatest political minds on ROBLOX in our very own group. At this point, we need to fix things one step at a time starting with the House itself. The high amount of vacant seats and the missing high profile members of the House are a point of concern, but can be fixed nonetheless. Being a member of two different agencies at different times, I saw the trouble some high ranking officials caused through different eyes. I've seen the trouble as a Citizen, Immigrant, CIA Agent, and WHS member. Not only does the House need to be repaired, but other agencies need to be fixed as well, With me in the Senate, I will make sure that the right people are appointed AND approved for the right job. No more will we have unskilled, immature, and/or inactive people "lead" our many important agencies. We work together to get things done. My job as a Senator is to make sure that your experience as an American citizen is fulfilling, enjoyable, and worth-while. Thank you for your time and please consider DennisTheHumble as your vote for House. Thank you and have a pleasant day. God bless. Signed, DennisTheHumble "Roll your Sleeves Up! It's Time to Work!"

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