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#22770583Saturday, March 20, 2010 4:39 PM GMT

Neil was on a cruise ship. He was going across the Pacific Ocean. The weather forcast showed that he was going to have cloudless days and no waves reaching over two feet tall. Two nights after that forcast, a dark raincloud could be seen on the horizon. "Funny, I thought the TV said cloudless skies," He said as he watched the dark cloud. "It's probably going to drift away," someone told me. He went back into his room to sleep. Unfortunately, he didn't get a minute of shut eye that night. The ship rocked back and forth all night, and claps of thunder were heard outside. Suddenly, a man burst into his room. "Get dressed and grab only what you need! The ship's a-sinkin!" The man ran to tell everyone else on the cruise ship as Neil feverishly packed. A lamp slid off the end table. Neil now noticed the ship is slightly tilted. Neil got everything he would absolutely need and pulled on his life-jacket. He walked out onto the deck. The sky was dark, occansionally lit up by a spark of lightning. Waves were pounding against the side of th ship. Rain was pouring down. He walked up towards the bow of the ship, which was almost like walking up a hill due to the ship tilting. He looked at the back deck of the ship, it was now flooded and water was quickly rushing up at him. Neil climbed to the very nose of the ship and leapt into the stormy waters. He couldn't remember a thing after spiralling down into the warm salt water (Yes, it was warm water, he was not near the north, or the south. He was crusing near the equator). Coughing out water and sputtering, Neil laid on his back, still drenched by the water. He was on the sandy shores on an island. He could see a tropical forest a few paces up from the sandy banks. He coughed again and his eyes slowly closed as he fell unconscious again... Join: Name: Age: Appearance: Equipment: Story:

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