#228409158Monday, December 04, 2017 12:59 AM GMT

It's been almost a year since Jailbreak has been available to play and been on the front page ever since. Let me tell you why JB is the best game ever made in Roblox history. It's been on the front page ever since its release and has NEVER lost its place. That means ######### is doing something correct. Jailbreak is popular for a very good reason. Just because a game is popular don't make it so you can critisize or hate on it. Use your brain you b###n##### ######### ################################ can't critisize or hate a game if you can't make a better game and have it popular, which you and your future generation will never achieve. In your dreams. You're only allowed to critisize ANYTHING if you can do better, which you can't. Use your brain you buff#########s called common sense, which most of you lack. Jailbreak ALWAYS gets weekly updates, that means many people pay Robux on the game to support the game. People pay money for the game = more updates, and meaning the game will NEVER get boring. Easy as that you buff#########Jailbreak is played by basically by every single big Roblox Youtubers every single day. That means something you ######### Jailbreak brings many money to Roblox. It's Roblox's #1 su##e########## in its history, better than any game that has ever existed on Roblox. And let me tell you another thing, Jailbreak is family and kid friendly. Phantom Forces is not kid friendly, it has a lot of blood, and that is not allowed. Jailbreak has kid friendly content such as cars, bungee jumping, etc. Plus every single thing on the game is obtainable without having to pay a nickel. Phantom Forces is the exact opposite, you NEED to pay Robux to progress, Jailbreak you don't. Another thing, Phantom Forces has no objectives. Jailbreak does. It has missions which you can complete, making the game never boring and never repetitive. Plus it's an open world game. You can explore the game completely freely just like it's GTA Online you buff#########Jailbreak has been number # on #he front page ever since and has NEVER lost its place. That means asimo##################thing correct. Jailbreak is not overrated. Get it through your skull. Not to mention Jailbreak brings in that cheese to big Roblox YouTubers. You can't complain when a game as successful as Jailbreak is Roblox's number # source of income, that means ######### is doing something correct. He's utilizing Roblox correctly unlike ### ##### #### ############ Use your brain RN&D. Jailbreak is not overrated. We're in the #### century, stop mourning about the past, it was never good and NEVER WILL BE. We have great games on Roblox that are family friendly unlike PF or any other games that has ever existed on Roblox pre ##### Jailbreak is also extremely safe to play, there are never any exploiters ever on JB, that means it's safe to play. Open your eyes
#228409209Monday, December 04, 2017 1:00 AM GMT

isn't *
#228411940Monday, December 04, 2017 2:08 AM GMT

@Chilly Yeah I forgot about them.
#228412064Monday, December 04, 2017 2:12 AM GMT

Says the guy who forces his opinions on others (to mrbobb)
#228412150Monday, December 04, 2017 2:14 AM GMT

## ###### ## ###### ####### ## ###### #### ## # #### ##### ## ##### ### #### #### ## ######## ### ##### ####### ## ####### ### ###### ####### ##### ### #### ## #### #### ### ##### ###### ## #### ##### ######### ## #### # #### ## ### ##### #### # ###### #### ### #### ## ######## #### #### ### ###### ##### ### #### # ######## ####### ## ## ##### #### ####### ### ######## ##### #### # #### ##### #### ### ## ### ### ####### ## #### #### # ##### ## #### ## ########## ## ###### ## ######### ## ##### ###### ### ###### ######### ##### ###### #### ### #### ##### ##### #### ### ####### ####### #### ##### ### #### ###### ### #### ##### ## ## ### #### ## ### ### ### ###### ## ##### #### #### #### ##### #### ##### ######### ### ##### ######### #### #### ##### ##### #### ## ## ### ####### ## #### #### ##### ## ### #### ####### ##### ##### ####### ###### ###### ####### ## ######## ########## ## ### ## ### #### ##### #### #### ##### ###### ########### ### ####### ### ##### #### ## ########## ## ### ### ## ### ## ### ###### ##### ## ##### ## ### ###### ## ###### ## #### # #### ### #### #### # ######### ### ##### ####### ###### ##### ## # ########## #### ### ### ##### #### # ########## ##### ## ## #### ### ####### ###### ## ### ## ### #### #### ##### ### ### #### ###### ### ####### ###### ### ####### #### ### #### #### #### ######### ### ## ### ##### ######## ### ######### ## #### ###### ####### #### ##### ######## ### # #### ####### ### #### ### # #### #### #### ######### ## #### ######## #### ###### ###### ### ## ###### ######## ### ## ### ### #### ######## ### #### ## ### ### ##### ##### ### #### ## ### #### #### ###### ## ### #### ##### ## # ### #### ### ## #### ## ## ########## ## #### # ########## ########## ### #### ####### ## # ####### ### ## #### #### ### ###### #### ## ## #### ## ###### #### #### ## ### #### #### ## #######
#228412238Monday, December 04, 2017 2:16 AM GMT

1. Number of people playing it dosent make it a good game. If thats the case then im guessing the lower classes in society are better because there are more of them then the upper class. 2. "You can't critisize or hate a game if you can't make a better game and have it popular" Okay then any famous movie you have a negative opinion on is wrong then because YOU probably never made a good movie that got to the big screens or even make a movie at all. 3. "Jailbreak is played by basically by every single big Roblox Youtubers every single day" you mean those cringe artists that are ruining Roblox? Also there the only reason why Jail Break is so big like do you see the amount of noobs that play that game? Yeah those YouTubers fan bases basically play what there idols play as if the fanbase is some hive mind. 4. Omg your totally right about Phantom forces theres totally no freaking objectives in any of the game modes like team death match, domination, and Capture the Flag. Nope no objectives at all and no way to get cases, keys, or money to buy either of those. 5. Also I love how your such a hypocrite and judge Phantom Forces which is a successful game but YOU NEVER MADE A SUCCESSFUL GAME. xD 6. Cant say Phantom Forces is pay to win when Jail Break has SIX game passes and Phantom Forces has ZERO!!! Also the SWAT game pass literally has in its desc. "Unlocks new clothing, an even better machine gun, black pistols, and a riot shield. You even get a sick SWAT Van, exclusive to SWAT members. Riot shield blocks 60% of bullet damage!" And to get the Swat gamepass you need to pay 300 ROBUX which you need to get with REAL MONEY. So yes Jail Break is a god dang pay to win. So my conclusion is your a hypocrite, completely not even capable of a debate, and uh very dull and really need to go back to school like come on man just stay in school
#228412361Monday, December 04, 2017 2:18 AM GMT

in terms of success, yes, it's by far the best game in roblox history can confirm :)
#228412402Monday, December 04, 2017 2:19 AM GMT

I do not agree with this subject, but I know that Jailbreak is popular for? Free models. I found a car which is exactly the same, the developer didn't make it, and it was made way before Jail break was even thought about.
#228412447Monday, December 04, 2017 2:20 AM GMT

@Black You have officially taken this kids guts and showed it to him/her.
#228412481Monday, December 04, 2017 2:22 AM GMT

I have a few things to say about this. Jailbreak has very bad deal with buying money with robux, the game is kinda pay to win, the game is unfair against the criminals. Jailbreak did lose it's place for a couple of hours to Restaurant tycoon. In the summer it got weekly updates but ####### it takes like a month for the game to get updated. There is loads of people exploiting in the game. Phantom forces does have objectives in it. Jailbreak can get repetitive, Jailbreak is not that similar to GTA. Jailbreak has to do with becoming a criminal and causing bad things and there is loads of violence. That's just my response to what you said.
#228412599Monday, December 04, 2017 2:24 AM GMT

really long; did read jiggy siggy
#228414875Monday, December 04, 2017 3:28 AM GMT

Bump so more people will put you in your place.
#228414918Monday, December 04, 2017 3:29 AM GMT

@Charging Not free models, you did not find a car from free models from Jailbreak. you only found it because people exploit copied Jailbreak you buffoon
#228414954Monday, December 04, 2017 3:31 AM GMT

this was a good post, read it all and can highly agree. but here come all the triggered wanna-be classic robloxians with the fake blind nostalgia for favor over prison life. Just because it's classic doesn't mean it's better. Prison life is pretty bad to be honest. Most of the people who hate on jailbreak are just mad because they get arrested. Yo mama
#228414961Monday, December 04, 2017 3:31 AM GMT

Who- Such is life in the zone
#228415031Monday, December 04, 2017 3:33 AM GMT

ik this is bait but i never fully grasped how to play jailbreak. you have to steal a keycard from a guard, but it never works because they just turn around and ##### #### i cant ever find the criminal base either, so i just endlessly drive around the desert map, not gaining any money, wasting my time
#228415084Monday, December 04, 2017 3:35 AM GMT

it isnt bait. Just because you agree with it doesnt mean its bait Yo mama
#228415472Monday, December 04, 2017 3:48 AM GMT

'almost a year' dude can you count? its barely even half a year soisoisoisoi
#228415844Monday, December 04, 2017 4:00 AM GMT

You can't critisize or hate a game if you can't make a better game and have it popular, which you and your future generation will never achieve. In your dreams. You're only allowed to critisize ANYTHING if you can do better, which you can't. Use your brain you buffoons. It's called common sense, which most of you lack. Okay, but not all of us creates games. If the creator of the game enjoys making them ,then so be it. Jailbreak ALWAYS gets weekly updates, that means many people pay Robux on the game to support the game. People pay money for the game = more updates, and meaning the game will NEVER get boring. Easy as that you buffoons. It will get "Boring" at some point, other games like Murder games lost most of it fame. The game gets repetitive ,because the goals are usually how much money you can get in a certain amount of time. Jailbreak is played by basically by every single big Roblox Youtubers every single day. That means something you buffoons. Jailbreak brings many money to Roblox. It's Roblox's #1 successful game in its history, better than any game that has ever existed on Roblox. TONS of Youtubers do this so their channels won't die. It obvious they play it ,and not to mention other Youtubers play other games as well? Other sentences is just either pointless or just facts that are obvious.
#228416015Monday, December 04, 2017 4:06 AM GMT

"And let me tell you another thing, Jailbreak is family and kid friendly. Phantom Forces is not kid friendly, it has a lot of blood, and that is not allowed. Jailbreak has kid friendly content such as cars, bungee jumping, etc. " "Jailbreak is family and kid friendly." "kid friendly." "Jailbreak" A GAME ABOUT ESCAPING COPS IS KID FRIENDLY. THIS GOT ME GOOD, HAH!
#228416055Monday, December 04, 2017 4:07 AM GMT

We're in the music 21st century
#228416373Monday, December 04, 2017 4:20 AM GMT

This... This isn't real... right? Ok, let me take this WHOLE post as if its real. "Just because a game is popular don't make it so you can critisize or hate on it." You know people can have REAL problems with the game, right? "You can't critisize or hate a game if you can't make a better game and have it popular, which you and your future generation will never achieve." That's like saying you can't criticize food if you aren't a master chef. "Jailbreak ALWAYS gets weekly updates, that means many people pay Robux on the game to support the game." Remember the last MAJOR update that created a huge change in how you played it? Literally, part of an update was "improved icons". "Jailbreak is played by basically by every single big Roblox Youtubers every single day. It's Roblox's #1 successful game in its history, better than any game that has ever existed on Roblox." Ok? How popular something is determines how good a game is? Well, Many popular Youtubers played No Man's Sky, is No Man's Sky a great game? "And let me tell you another thing, Jailbreak is family and kid friendly. Phantom Forces is not kid friendly, it has a lot of blood, and that is not allowed. Jailbreak has kid friendly content such as cars, bungee jumping, etc." Yeah, because COMMITTING CRIMES AND SHOTING PEOPLE is REALLY kid friendly. "Plus every single thing on the game is obtainable without having to pay a nickel. Phantom Forces is the exact opposite, you NEED to pay Robux to progress, Jailbreak you don't." Um... what. Last I remember, Phantom Forces only really has you pay skins, something that is optional. "Another thing, Phantom Forces has no objectives. Jailbreak does. It has missions which you can complete, making the game never boring and never repetitive." You really don't know the point of mission based team games, do you? Also, you compare Jailbreak to Phantom Forces a lot, but they are completely different to each other. Why not compare Jailbreak to Prison Life, as they are very similar games? "Not to mention Jailbreak brings in that cheese to big Roblox YouTubers." Yes, money dictates quality. I guess STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 2 is the BEST GAME EVER because it gives EA a bunch of money. Overall: WHAT WAS THIS. I really hope that this is fake. Please use YOUR brain to think properly. All of your points were "Jailbreak is great because it popular!" which isn't a great point at all because popularity doesn't determine quality. Just THINK next time.
#228420046Monday, December 04, 2017 7:21 AM GMT

No they don't, they just don't know how to play And that's the point, if you don't like the food then cook it yourself No, the last major update was new vehicles like the monster truck, that's a big update Yes, popularity determines how good a game is because that just shows that people like to play it because the game developer did something correctly that brings people back to play it You don't have to just only shoting people and commit crimes, you can do those ramps, bungee jump, go to apartments, etc No it's not, the other team has a higher advantage since they have better weapons What? Because Prison Life is centered IN the prison, while Jailbreak is centered in the city and outside of the prison, hence the name JAIL BREAK. If you owned a game company you would want as much money as possible as well, don't be saying that you wouldn't, because you would.
#228420320Monday, December 04, 2017 7:38 AM GMT

Phantom forces obejective: Git gud Git gun Git gooder Git money Git kills Git points Jailbreak objective: Uhh, save for a car?
#228420557Monday, December 04, 2017 7:55 AM GMT

Not to mention that Jailbreak gives all free to play players a hard time. If you want to buy the monster truck you can only get a limit of 2600 cash every 10 minutes or so. that means 26000 every 1 hour and 40 minutes. So that means you'd get 260k every 10 hrs of farming. Take the cops being there, and the chance of not having a card, and divide that by 7. Thats about 37142 every 10 hours. So 3714 cash every hour, or 371 cash every 10 minutes. ~JUST AN AVERAGE ~ Thats only for free to play crims.