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#227724803Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:31 PM GMT

I want to make a self check-in for my airline, but i do not know how to code. Here is what I need for it: Clicking a brick brings up GUI Gui has 3 buttons, ECO, BC, and FC When ECO is pressed, the player receives an item from ServerStorage and their name is changed to: (name)|ECO When BC is pressed, and the player does not have the required shirt worn, they will be prompted with a buy button to buy the shirt. If they are wearing the shirt, They will be given an item from ServerStorage and their name is changed to: (name) |BC When FC is pressed, and the player does not have the required shirt worn, they will be prompted with a buy button to buy the shirt. If they are wearing the shirt, They will be given an item from ServerStorage and their name is changed to: (name)|FC After they receive their item and name, the gui closes. I would really appreciate if you could make this for me ;p
#227725163Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:36 PM GMT

#227725224Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:37 PM GMT

Hey there, I could work out on that for you for let's say 800 robux (Before tax), since it includes custom name scripting, gui designing aswell as marketplacing. If you're interested, join my primary group's Djscord <- and send me a ping. Cheers, Flub
#227725811Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:46 PM GMT

I do not have the money for that, sorry.
#227725853Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:47 PM GMT

then dont ask for help nub if (dev.ShouldLearnNewLanguage){dev:LearnJS()}
#227725914Sunday, November 19, 2017 6:48 PM GMT

no need for worthless comments you annoying rat.

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