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#227760297Monday, November 20, 2017 11:12 AM GMT

Hey hey! I'm back! This time, I decided to bring a piece of code along with me. Every time this code is executed, it does it in order, although it looks like it would run otherwise. What should I change in order to make it more random? local bulb = script.Parent function onClick(player) if pl##################################################hen local iclone = bulb:FindFirstChild("IdeaScreen"):clone() iclone.Parent = player.PlayerGui end local ideaui = player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("IdeaScreen") local flow = math.random(1,6) if flow == 1 then ideaui.Frame.IdeaText.Text = action[math.random(1, #action)].." "..afteractionnoun[math.random(1, #afteractionnoun)] elseif flow == 2 then ideaui.Frame.IdeaText.Text = action[math.random(1, #action)].." "..afteractionnoun[math.random(1, #afteractionnoun)].." "..clickbait[math.random(1, #clickbait)] elseif flow == 3 then ideaui.Frame.IdeaText.Text = adjective[math.random(1, #adjective)].." "..genericnoun[math.random(1, #genericnoun)].." "..title[math.random(1, #title)] elseif flow == 4 then ideaui.Frame.IdeaText.Text = adjective[math.random(1, #adjective)].." "..propernoun[math.random(1, #propernoun)].." "..title[math.random(1, #title)] elseif flow == 5 then ideaui.Frame.IdeaText.Text = propernoun[math.random(1, #propernoun)].." "..title[math.random(1, #title)] elseif flow == 6 then ideaui.Frame.IdeaText.Text = genericnoun[math.random(1, #genericnoun)].." "..title[math.random(1, #title)] end end bulb.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClick)
#227760379Monday, November 20, 2017 11:20 AM GMT

If you're wondering what the first line of code is, I apologize. Roblox's poor excuse of a filter blocked out a particular word in regards to certain humans of a certain age, so the whole first line got messed up. Roblox seriously needs to find a better algorithm so simple words don't get censored.

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