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#227891371Thursday, November 23, 2017 5:49 PM GMT

There is a notorious scammer on Roblox who's username is "MllerGemini" (I between the m and l). For years he's been stealing my ideas and sometimes model and placing them in hi game "Merrick San Roblo". In order to get this game famous in 2013, he begged me and ElmachoLoco (EtCurate) to come to his place knowing we owned two large groups "Rilla $quad" and ".44s". Every single day he'd beg us to come knowing our followers are sure to follow. From this point on he started showing his true colors. 1. Calling you a kid when you're the same age. (This is because he's a narcissist who wants to appear superior). He's made over 5K USD with his game and scammed several people of limited and USD. TrevowFlowersPng, Cutecookie14, craccson, semish0x, TheHatterOfMatter, tjkeegan, djmaxlxd,111king, lilwanye233, migosvibe, etcurate, mediczack, phillrenals, ArabianLion, DaRealGee_Money, Crescented, skelris(Scripts) and several others can vouch. Mller lied to me and EtCurate claiming we were co-owners of "San roblo" (San garbage) due to the fact we were the ones that got it famous and supplied him ideas, however we've yet to receive any form of commission (DevEx of course) and RBX (Group Funds via sales of items). We are owed at the LEAST 33% Commission each. He's notorious for stealing ideas and not giving others credit for him. This is because he is a sociopathic narcissist who uses others as narcissistic supply. This showed when he seemingly "Threatened" (Yeah right, don't get hurt.) me when I left his trash group "San Roblo" and restarted my own following. He's made several attempts to steal my games and even went to my places for "Inspiration" (To steal more ideas) and present it to his following as if it's his idea to receive praise. (The narcissist favorite drg) PLEASE BEWARE This individual is highly arguementive (Apart of his manipulating tactic), deceptive, manipulative, and artificial. He uses gsalighting tactics to get his way and if you refuse to comply he will lie to you in order to sabotage you out of spite. It is well known among the listed that he is a pathological liar. After I EXPOSED him for being a FRAUD he transferred his limiteds to his alternate accounts in which he stalks and harasses me. The most recent alt of his is "YHWHYWHSHI". He is currently on their trying to make "New friends" (Find new victims in which he can use as narcissistic supply). This individual is highly dangerous to young minds and does such low morale things including becoming a Marine only for the "Free housing and praise/attention". He claims to be some Marine hero but in reality he just works on computer servers ALL DAY. This individual will pretend to be your friend ONLY to drain you of your happiness, good health, mental energy and to uplift his self. If my honesty and credibility is in question, ask anyone that knows me on here. I am not perfect but I AM NOT a liar, thief, narcissist, hypocrite, Sociopath, Fake and most of all a USER |If I dislike you, you will know and MllerGemini, I'm still waiting for you to report this to your "Latin Kings" because you know they WILL DISAPPROVE of your actions. I've already shown your messages and actions to a friend of mine within that nation. None approve of your deception but I asked your punishment be put on standby until you come clean. Wont Stop until till everyone know he FAKE!!

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