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#228061334Sunday, November 26, 2017 3:13 AM GMT

• Introduction This Warning Guide is made for all guests and staff of PBR. Everyone should follow the rules of PBR, as they're very simple to remember. Please note that breaking any of these rules will result in a termination of rank, ban, P-Ban, kick, etc. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Policy 1: Appropriate attire: All of PBR's guest and staff should have on semi-formal attire. This includes wearing a shirt to cover your body, wearing pants to cover your legs, etc. If you are not in appropriate attire, you will be warned by one of our admins. Refusal will have you banned from the game. 2: Spamming: No one is allowed to spam at PBR. If anyone is caught spamming, they will be banned automatically without warning. 3: Exploiting/Hacking: If anyone exploits or hack the hotel, that is an automatic Permanent Ban from the server. We do NOT tolerate this. 4: Glitching: If you are caught glitching into our staff areas, other people's rooms, etc, you will be warned to stop. Not doing so will have you kicked or banned from the server depending on how severe it is. 5: Swearing: Swearing is not allowed at PBR. If you are caught swearing, you will be warned to stop. If continued, you will be banned from the game. 6: Being Friendly: Please be friendly to all of PBR's guest and staff. We want to make PBR a safe environment for everyone to have fun in. We do not tolerate disrespect. Disrespect will have you warned, and if continued, kicked or banned from the game. 7: Racist Remarks: Racism is NOT allowed here at PBR. If anyone is caught being racist, that is an automatic Permanent Ban from the game. We do NOT tolerate that. 8:Inappropriate Behavior: Inappropriate behavior is NOT allowed at PBR. If you are caught doing something inappropriate, you will be asked to stop, and if continued, banned from the game. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Credits thrasherhamp Chairman Verified by Pelican Beach Resort Executives.

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