1)#########your Roblox Username? My Username is ki##############################o######## good do you speak English? Im on scale 10############a scale of # to ### how professional usually are you? Im on scale ##
### How would you describe yourself? Have any Goals in the Department? If so, what are they? Im kien######################## State Patrol. My goal is to get passed by this application, Seaside County Sheriff's Office.
5) H## do you define an arrest, in your own words? So when suspect having a guns or cont##########ms so im need to arrest him also if a suspect has broke a Laws.
6) W##t is reasonable suspicion, in your own words? If i reach and search the suspect on his pocket or his body.
7)Wh#########################your own words? If the suspect got chase by State Patrol or trying to escape the State Patrol
8) What are your pros and cons? State below:
Pros:Like to patrol around the Seaside State.
Cons:When im nervous.
## How easy is it for you to adapt to new systems? To follow rules or the ######### in the group Description.