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#228362567Sunday, December 03, 2017 3:50 AM GMT

-Iron Brigade ranks- Even though these ranks might be higher or lower than each other does not matter, only Officer Regiment+ are high ranks any regiment rank bellow is equal to another. -Scout Regiment: Scouts are to give info to officers of a regiment, they should avoid combat and stay hidden, there job is to find the enemy and report there moves and location, they only use swords and some times muskets. Max members: 10####-Infantry Regiment: Infantry are soldiers who should kill all enemies when told and follow commands quickly and responsive, they use muskets only. Max members: 20#################egiment: Sh#################ood shooters from fa#############upport infantry and also work on there own, they must learn to shoot quickly and accurately, they only use rifles. Max: 15########### The Elite are trained to master all commands and be great scouts, shooters, defenders and raiders and must go into many trainings and be in the group for a certain time, they use any weapon that gets the job done and must master all weapons. Max: 10####-Officer Regiment: The officer regiment is for leaders of the regiment they lead on e regiment and only on e, they are recruit members and train members in there regiment. Max:#####-Brigade XO: The XO leads any Regiment (group rank) they choose and the officer of the regiment will still lead with the XO, the XO also trains the officers and helps keep the Brigade active. Max: 1 ##-Brigade CO: Leader of the Brigade and hosts raids for the Brigade, trains officers, the XO and makes sure everyone is active and respectful in the brigade. -Rules- -Be respectful to all members in the Iron Brigade or not in it. Punishment: Demoted -DO NOT ask can a tryout or training be hosted. Punishment: Demoted -Stay active and if you miss a week without a reason to be gone there will be a punishment. Punishment: Demoted/Exile (Warning will be given) -DO NOT talk back to high ranks (Officers+) Punishment: Demoted (Warnings will be given) -DO NOT post anything about you raging quitting because you were demoted on the wall or Union army wall. Punishment: Exile -Go to raids and give a reason why will not be coming or will not be there. (If you posted a going in active reason on the wall you will not be punished also) Punishment: Demoted -Tryouts- -Scout tryouts: You will need to finish the obstacle course in at least a minute then you will be shot and need to dodge all the shots form the instructor, Finally you will scout the enemies (Instructors) and give the location to you team and there movements. Chance of joining: High -Infantry tryouts: You will start will formations then a march, then shoot from a medium range, you will then do gun commands, arms, and do a TDM, the players with the most kills will be chosen. Chance of joining: High -Sharpshooter tryouts: You will do all the same things the Infantry do but you will shoot targets from a very far range and do many far range duels, the people who hit all the targets and get the most kills gets chosen. Chance of joining: Medium/low -Elite tryouts: Anyone who wants to be in elite must master all formations, weapons, and at least be in the group for more than a month, they also must do all tryouts for each regiment in the group, they also must be responsive and quick about all commands and formations, in a TDM they will always need at least fi ve more kills than deaths, they must be taught to lead incase the person leading them dies in combat, they must learn to work as a team and not let the members down. Chance of joining: Very low -Officer tryouts: This only happens if the officer leaves or becomes in active, Officers will be chosen for there skill at the regiment they are in. Chance of joining: low/medium -Iron Brigade Agreement- By joining the brigade you agree to follow the rules and will take all punishments without raging about them, and if you have a reason why you should not be punished for something that you have been accused of please tell a high rank to rank you back with proof and anyone accusing a person should have proof of them doing it.

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