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#228365351Sunday, December 03, 2017 5:20 AM GMT

So here's a little background to my problem. Back in January of 2015, I got scammed into giving my account away. It was stupid. But being the gullible 11-year old I was back then, it just happened. Bam. And with no verified email, my ROBLOX Account was gone. The guy changed the pass######## that was that. (He didn't even use it after the BC membership expired, which was February of 2015) It's been 2 years now, and I've already done several threads about this with no clear response. But what I want to know is how you get your account back without a verified email. I didn't know how to verify my email back then and later on, I found out that the email wasn't even legitimate. There has to be a way for me to prove that I was the original owner of that account, which was CoolPokemon2468. I just want to ask the simple question: Is there a way to get my account both with the circumstances above? With no verified email, no pass#########ust have the knowledge of the account itself. If there isn't, then the devs really need to either add a last resort verification system or stop the scams/hacks (which isn't possible at the moment). P.S. You can criticize me all you want about how stupid I was to get scammed that easily, but I'm not alone, just you know.
#228368608Sunday, December 03, 2017 7:20 AM GMT

i've done the same thing around the same age with a few different games (i was very gullible at the time as well) and i learned the hard way that you can't get it back. think of it this way: if you said all of the above when asking for literally any account while claiming you owned it, and the mods believed you and gave you the account, then the system would be completely broken from people lying and getting accounts with thousands of dollars worth of valuables. so the short answer: no. i'm not saying i don't believe you, just that you need proof for the account. sorry that happened though, and i hope that everything else works out for you :)
#228370117Sunday, December 03, 2017 8:18 AM GMT

You can email ROBLOX [email protected] Since you bought BC, you can give them proof, such as your billing information

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