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#228403825Sunday, December 03, 2017 10:54 PM GMT

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello and welcome Marine! Maybe you are trying to get promoted but you cant! Well that may be because, of not being active enough! So this are our ranking system. -------------------------------------------------------------------- E-1: Everybody that joins the group has been this rank! E-2: You have to be a bit active but not really. E-3: Play like twice a week and you have a big chance of getting promoted :O! E-4: All the people that are on this rank can be on the ODST team! (This rank is for being really active. E-5: Be really active and have to be a good roleplayer. E-6: Same as E-5 E-7: Same as E-5 and E-6 E-8: Still same as E-5, E-6, and E-7 E-9: You get to be in Spartan team OMG! O-1:Gets A lot of respect and gets VIP Admin! O-2:Same as 0-1 O-3:Gets to do Group shouts and get vip admin! O:4: Gets to Create group items and group shouts with vip admin! O-5:Gets to Promote people (OMG) do group shouts and Vip Admin And Create items! O-6: Gets to Promote and Kick people (Too much save me) do Group shouts, gets vip admin and creates items! [-]Moderator: Gets mod, Do gorup shout, delete wall posts, and lots of other things! [-] Dev Admin: Creates games Gets Mod or Admin (Normal dev gets mod and Lead dev Admin) And lots of other things! [-] Head Admin: Only my friends and trusted people get this rank! [-] Owner: Only i get this rank.

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