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#228405139Sunday, December 03, 2017 11:24 PM GMT

Name: Naerys Targaryen Title: -Princess of Dragonstone -Do wager Lady of Raven Hearth -Coordinator of Targaryen Royalty -Diplomat of Raven Hearth Alias: -The Mother -Naerys Ravenwood -The White Queen -Septa Naerys Allegiance: -House Targaryen -House Ravenwood Portrayed by: ZainDelRey Born: 263 BC, Dragonstone Mother: Rhaella Targaryen Father: {Aerys II Targaryen} Wed: {Ares Ravenwood} Children: -Lorvell Ravenwood -Ashe Ravenwood -Alysia Ravenwood -Dormin Ravenwood ________________________________ Naerys Targaryen is the Elder Sister of Rightful Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Naerys is the second child and eldest daughter of Lord Regent Aerys Targaryen & Rhaella. She wed Ares Ravenwood and is the mother of the current Lord of Raven Hearth, Lord Lorvell Ravenwood. She is the Do wager Lady and Diplomat of Raven Hearth and is the Head of the Royal Targaryen Bloodline. ________________________ Appearance & Character: Naerys had the Targaryen looks, a fine and delicate beauty, almost unworldy. She was slender, with violet eyes and fine, pale, porcelain skin, near translucent. She bore a certain resemblance to her younger sister, Daenerys Targaryen. Naerys dressed well, but simply, and seldom wore her crown or any other jewelry. Though she had the silver-gold hair of the Targaryens, she often bound it in a long white cloth upon her head or concealed it beneath a cowl. Naerys is a kind, religious and clever woman she is well known for her unusual appearance and unique name. As well has her mangement to manage and forge alliances. ____________________ History: Naerys is the second child and eldest daughter of Regent Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen, born in 263 BC. According to Queen Mother Rhaella, she almost died as a young girl and was sickly for most of her life, finding most physical activity to be very taxing. She ate ### ###tle and was painfully thin, almost emaciated. Naerys admired music and the color white, played her role as the Princess of Dragonstone, and enjoyed embroidering. She was also devout in her faith, and often found solace in the pages of The Seven-Pointed Star. She would have become a septa, had her father allowed it. However, she did travel to Kings Landing and resided in the Sept of Baelor where the High Septon refereed to her as "Septa Naerys." ______________________ Wed life: At the young age of eighteen, in 279 BC, Naerys was arranged to wed Ares Ravenwood, a simple lord in the Riverlands. Rhaegar Targaryen spoke against this refusing the alliance. Naerys admires Rhaegar for what he did to disapprove of the match. Aerys was embarrassed by Rhaegar. Much later, in 280 BC, Lorvell was born, 281 BC the following year another son named Ashe. A third child and first daughter, in 283 BC, named Alysia. Then a son, the youngest named Dormin in 287 BC. Naerys had risen up her children, her eldest child and first son, Lorvell was named Heir to Raven Hearth. Naerys was most close to her son, Lorvell and her only daughter Alysia. Sadly, in the year, 295 BC, Lord Ares Ravenwood grew old and feeble, and then died. However, Naerys was religious that she had a great beauty. When Ares grew feeble and died. It wasn’t Naerys' wish, she wasn’t a Goddess or a Sorceress herself but for some reason she was picked as a source of womanly beauty. After her great Lord, Ares Ravenwood died. The Septons and Septa’s were surely shocked. Naerys was not a maiden and she still appeared as young as one. Naerys would be a Light in the Faith of the Seven. She remained in the Sept of Baelor for 3 months until she departed to Raven Hearth where she belonged. Much later She went to Dragonstone for the funeral of her father, Aerys II.
#228405231Sunday, December 03, 2017 11:26 PM GMT

judging by your cyber profile your character sounds very attractive. perhaps i, ciphilus chlamidean, can be the cohort of her. not you, you are probably not that attractive i just have a tent in my pantalones for naerys targaryen, not ##### #######
#228405340Sunday, December 03, 2017 11:28 PM GMT

ciphilus chlamidean, OMFG VID IM DEAD

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