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#228408966Monday, December 04, 2017 12:54 AM GMT

**TRAINING PROCEDURE:** Hello. I’m going to be implementing a new Training Procedure until I get the Training Guide Forum up. So, let me go over the Training Procedure. —— ** Announcing Trainings ** You need to announce Trainings at least 20-30 minutes in advance. The Training Shout will be explained below. **Training Shout** [Training Session] Trainings || Host: (user) || Co-Host: (user) || Come on down to the Training Center for a possible promotion! S-locking in 20 minutes. Once you’ve shouted the Training Session, you then go to the session notification channel and copy and paste the same thing as the group shout, but in addition, make sure to add @ here to the channel. If you need help with that, see the session notification channel and see how other people did it. —— Getting Trainings Situated THE HOST SHOULD ARRIVE FIRST All admins should be lined up NEATLY in the lobby in STS form. (STS = Shoulder to Shoulder) The host should enable PTS. (Permission to Speak) when they get to the session. Once shouting is done, trainers should arrive 20 minutes before the session begins. Trainers should not arrive earlier than 20 minutes, if they do, they will be asked to leave. Once trainers arrive, they should then get all Trainee - Receptionist situated. They should all be sitting down and not talking. If someone talks without PTS, warn them. If they do it again, kick them. Don’t be scared to kick them. Starting Trainings Once it is time for the session, the host should s-lock the server by saying the command :slock on Once the host slocks, the host should then say the following: “Hello! Welcome to today’s Training Session! I’m your host, (username!)” If there is a co-host, they will say their introduction AFTER the host. Once the host and co-host have introduced themselves, the HOST will go over the rules. Example: “:m I will now be going over the rules. Please pay attention and refrain from talking.” Then, do the rules. (1) Please be respectful to your trainer and fellow trainees. Your trainee took the time out of their day to help you. (2) Foul language is not permitted on Pelican Beach Resort facilities. Anyone caught using foul language will be demoted and removed from the server. (3) Please use proper grammar and punctuation on Pelican Beach Resort facilities. Not doing so will possibly have you demoted. (4) In order to pass Trainings, you’ll need to get at least 3/4. You may all train/re-train for the rank you’d like. Beginning Trainings Once the rules have been read out, and the host and co-host have introduced themselves, the doors will open and all Trainees will be told to go inside the Training Area and to pick their rank. Once that has been done, the host will assign the co-host to view all the Trainee - Receptionist to make sure they are on their correct lines. If someone happens to Re-Train for another rank, the co-host will go up and ask if they are re-training for another rank. If they say yes, then leave them be. If not, kick them. Once the co-host has viewed everyone and have made sure that everyone is on their correct lines, the host will name admins to train. REMEMBER THAT ONLY MANAGEMENT+ CAN TRAIN. The maximum Trainers there can be is 3 for each section. 3 for Bar Attendant, 3 for Security, 3 for housekeeping, and 3 for Reception. Naming people should be in grammar. Example of naming: Use the command (name) for naming people. :name (user) Receptionist Trainer It shouldn’t be “Receptionist Helper”. They’re all trainers. TRAINING TRAINEES Once Trainees and Staff have been dismissed to their areas, the trainer will introduce themselves. The trainer will also introduce the helpers. Once you’ve introduced them, tell the trainees the following: “Trainings will consist of 2 grammatical fixes, 2 trivia questions, 2 trolling simulations, and 4 (for Bar, orders/drinks) (for Security 4 security simulations) (for housekeeping, 4 cleaning simulations) (for reception, 4 giving/taking room simulations) Once that is done, you will then tell them the amount of points they need to pass. Everyone needs 9/10####p##s#####If they do not get 3/4 by the end of the session, DO NOT pass them. If you do, there will be consequences. Once you’ve told them the rules for training, you then move to the 2 grammatical error questions. Be sure to say something like: “Grammatical Corrections: We will now be moving to grammar fixes. I will be sending you 2 incorrect grammar sentences that you must correct.” “Trivia: We will now be moving to Trivia. I will be sending you 2 Trivia Questions. This will be about the group. You may use any available resources to help you. “Trolling Simulations: We will now be moving to our trolling simulations. I will act as if I was an actual troller at the restaurant. Remember not to give me a warning, or else you will not receive the point.” Job Simulations: For Bar, order 4 drinks. For housekeeping, ask them to clean the rooms and serve guests. For Security, act as if there was a hacker and exploiter and see how they react. For reception, tell them to take and give rooms. POINT SYSTEM: If they get both grammatical questions right, they .50. If they only get one right, they get .25. If they get both trivia questions right, they get .50. If they get both the grammar and trivia right, that’d equal to a full one p###t############## get one right, and get both right on grammar, that’s .75. If they get both trolling sims right, and they got all grammar and trivia right, that’d equal to a full 3 points. Lastly, if they get the 4 Simulations for their rank right, that’d equal to 4 points in total, which means they pass!

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