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#228429946Monday, December 04, 2017 5:38 PM GMT

Hello, here's the link to the main game : https://web.roblox.com/games/1117443905/Falcon-Airlines-Beta This is a list for workers to read. Down below is listed all the expectations for Falcon Airlines. All workers are expected to follow these. Thank you. Workers are expected to wear there uniform at all times while on the game. Workers must play the game at least once per month. Workers are expected not to be away from keyboard during flights, if this happens it will result in a ban. Workers must use correct grammar and spelling (If you live in a country which uses different spellings for words you are excused). Workers can not be late for work, you will delay the flight (We recommend getting there early). Don't start a flight without permission from a HR. Be kind to all travellers, even if they are rude to you. Don't talk about anything which isn't relevant to the game.

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