#23261776Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

Chase: I turn to the door, because I hear the gates crash. "What th-" *CRASH* On the door. "JESUS!" I yell to the mansion, alerting everyone... and Everything... in the mansion. I rush to the doors and lock them. I grab my steel pipe and push it into the door handles. "That should hold it for a while." I say to myself, slowly backing away from the doors with my gun out. *Thud* Another bang on the doors. I look around and see a few hand tables, and push them infront of the doors. Hopefully that'll keep 'em back.
#23261854Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:19 AM GMT

Seamus: *I run to the door* "What in the world-?" *I look at the door barricades* "What is this? What's-" *BANG ON THE DOOR* "Whoa..."
#23262151Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

*suddenly a steel rod breaks through the door as the haggard uses it as a lever to wrench the door open, hands clawing through at the wood*
#23262352Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

Seamus: "Okay, well, I have no ducking clue what that thing is, but I'm suggesting that we FREAKING RUN." *Starts to run up the staircase*
#23262423Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

*several zombies break through the door and charge after them*
#23262463Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

Chase: I start backing up the stairs. "Jesus! What the heck is that thing!? It's rippin' through the friggin' doors!" I say, then I run up the stairs and follow Seamus.
#23262519Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:28 AM GMT

*the hagard limps after them*
#23262557Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:29 AM GMT

Seamus: "JUST FREAKING RUN!" *I'm on the balcony over the doors, passing to get to another one across the room*
#23262606Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:29 AM GMT

Chase: I start shooting the zombies in the face. "Jesus!!" I yell, as I keep shooting the zombies. Then, I notice the one zombie that looks different, with pipes sticking out of it, and huge claws. "My GOD! RUN!!" I say, then turn back and run up the stairs and enter through a door and keep running.
#23262656Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

*the hagard throws a sharp pipe, rigth into chases right leg*
#23262752Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:31 AM GMT

Seamus: *I get to the door on the other side* "C'mon!"
#23262963Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:34 AM GMT

Chase: I clutch at the pipe in pain. "GAH, JESUS!" I pull my self up with my free hand and start shooting zombies. "Jesus Christ, run Seamus!"
#23263007Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:35 AM GMT

Seamus: *I look at Chases injury* "What about you!?" *Looks at the zombies and starts to shoot them*
#23263112Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:36 AM GMT

Chase: "I don't think I'll make it!" I start to limp up the stairs, while shooting zombies. After a few steps, I fall down. "Agh! It huuurts..." I start to fade out because of blood loss. I manage to pull myself near to Seamus and shoot most of the zombies before I black out.
#23263219Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

Seamus: "Dang!" *I pull Chase into the door I was about to go in* *I stare at the Haggard* "What the...?" *It tries to throw a pipe at me, but I close the door just in time, only going right past my head, through the door* "WHOA!"
#23263265Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:39 AM GMT

*the haggard attempts a snicker... but his tounge starts to fall out so he stops and starts limping toward them again*
#23263368Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:40 AM GMT

Seamus: *I find myself in a bedroom, so I drag Chase onto a bed* "Dang, that friggin' pipe's in there good..." *Hears the Haggard* "Alright... we gotta move..."
#23263660Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:45 AM GMT

*several more zombies poundthe door down and rush in as the haggard stands in teh doorway* (there are about 5 other zombies left)
#23263975Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

*Zombies sudden fall* *Charly pumpsshotgun* Hia!
#23264029Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

*Charly steps over zombies* So... whats been going on?
#23264033Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

Seamus: *I look up and see a vent* "If only I could get Chase up there..."
#23264069Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

Mabye I could help, you Seamus.
#23264118Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:52 AM GMT

I could give you a boost.
#23264146Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:52 AM GMT

*the haggard jams a pipe into pancake's chest* (remember... he's STILL standing in the doorway)
#23264180Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:53 AM GMT

*falls down the steps*