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#23033834Friday, March 26, 2010 12:03 AM GMT

Welcome to a nation in oceania,called farago,this country has a rich and fairly new history,it was annouced it's own country just recently... of course,currently,there is a dictator-ship in power,the people cannot proteest the dictator-ship,because if they do, They will be arrested,or even worse, Killed. the current dictator is named "Mark Williams the first",a group of rebels,named "The Reapers" want to replace with current goverment with a demcrocy,they can provide you a varity of weapons,you can choose to become a rebel/mercinary,and wreak havic on the island,and cause more rebellion groups to form,and then,a civil war,but it will never be easy though,or you can be a govermental soldier fighting for the goverment to keep your current goverment under control,here are bios: Mercinary(s):can be hired by both factions,what-ever has the best money. Reaper(s):whats the current dictator-ship out of the goverment,and wants a demcrocy. Govermental Soldier:a soldier working for the goverment,is part of the farago army/police force(ect...),and it's your job to not let anything get out of hand. ---------- Rules: no ubering,spaming,ect...,comman roblox rules,and forum/roleplaying rules applay you can do whatever you want,but,you have to ask me if you can choose to change through a different side(roleplay when your choosing a different side) ------------------------ CS: n.ame: a.ge: appearance: bio: side:(Mercinary,Reaper,or govermental soldier) tools:(weapons,ect...,no ubering weapons,weapons you would normally find) please post "I read it all" just so I know you have read it all. ------------------ some weapons found in farago: Assault rifle(m16) pistols(any type) sniper rifles(50 cal,ect...) shotguns(any type) and wayyyyyyyy MORE!!! ------------ you can also hijack anything.
#23034069Friday, March 26, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

n.ame:Branch a.ge: 22 appearance:http://bestgamewallpapers.com/files/just-cause-2/rico.jpg bio:a highly skilled mercinary,he is/was hired by the reapers,and will always be a reaper. side:Mercinary tools:Grapiling hook.assault rifle,deagle (*govermental soldier(s))
Top 50 Poster
#23034488Friday, March 26, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

n.ame: Nathanael Reyes a.ge:16 appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Nathanael-16-item?id=21057379 bio: Very stupid, yet extremely lucky mercenary. Goes wherever keeps him neutral with both sides, and gets him most money. side:Mercenary tools:M21, Barret, dual glocks, knife set.
#23034527Friday, March 26, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

(shal we start?)
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#23034616Friday, March 26, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

(Sure) I get into town with my team. My best friend Max, and my computer assistant Ashley. (Lol i use this team in every mercenary team i make) We drive back to our H.Q. An abandoned school in the country. We get out and walk inside. Max goes to the shooting range. Ashley goes to her computer. I go up to ashley. "Any missions?" "I'll search." She says. (So, who controls the missions both sides give?)
#23034775Friday, March 26, 2010 12:19 AM GMT

(well,i control the missions,but each side has a char that gives the missions) Mercinaries:None,your choice Reapers:a girl named bolo sontoyis,she controls the reapers govermental soldier(s):a man named Grick,he is a general in command of killing off the reapers,and any rebel groups reapers mission:infeltrait a goverment base and steal data,then send the data to the reapers govermenental soldier:kill off one of the reapers leaders,killitag
#23034845Friday, March 26, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

name:Verk Dattis a.ge:23 appearance:bullet proof vest,black pants,black shirt bio:N/A side:Mercenary tools:An-94/gernadier,barret 50.cal,knife,PDA
#23034879Friday, March 26, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

(btw,that is one of the govermental soldier's missions,to kill off a rebel leader,out of meny missions for both sides) i reload my m-16,and grappeling hook on to a roof top,peering over to see any soldiers
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#23034882Friday, March 26, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

Ashley informs me of these people and their missions. I nod. "Hmm." I ponder. "Look up which side is paying more." I say. "On it." Ashley says, searching it up. (Pays?)
#23034974Friday, March 26, 2010 12:22 AM GMT

Credits=farago money. reapers:1000 Credits,plus a body guard govermental:2000 credits,plus a armored car
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#23035075Friday, March 26, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

"Alright." I say. "Get me in contact with this goverment mission giver guy." I say. "He pays more." Ashley nods and tries to find his contact, then attempts contacting him.
#23035251Friday, March 26, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

the govement offical picks up "Hello,we are gald you can offer us your assistants,now,i got a problem with the mission though" "The leader is heavidly guarded,by a convoy,traveling west,in to G'rim,i will send a govermental helocopter,get on,get to one of the sides of the helicopter,were the convoy is on,and unload hell on the convoy from the sky,the helicopter will try and stay with the convoy as much as possible." he says
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#23035366Friday, March 26, 2010 12:27 AM GMT

"Very well." Ashley says then she hangs up. "Boys! A helicopter is comin to pick you up, I'll send the briefing to your headsets." She shouts. Max and I get our weapons then wait outside.
#23035563Friday, March 26, 2010 12:30 AM GMT

the helicopter arrives,it is a old goverment helicopter,it looks like this: http://www.gamerzines.com/system.store/media/images/600/just-cause-2-24aeeff80b8b1c.jpg (the one the guy is hanging on to)
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#23035623Friday, March 26, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

Max and I climb onto the helicopter. "So we gona be shootin with our own guns or does this helicopter got one of those miniguns with explosive bullets?" Max asks.
#23035696Friday, March 26, 2010 12:32 AM GMT

"Well,since this is a old helicopter,all helicopters this old are not supplied with weapons,they usually carry supplies,so use your own weapons"the general says
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#23035981Friday, March 26, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

Max nods. "Sounds like a job for my buddy, whos real good at sniping." Max says. I grin. "I can get that leader easy if we're not spotted easily." I say. Max takes out his javelin rocket. "And I always have this." He says. "Costed me my old house, and the ammo from my savings but its all good." he says with a grin. I sigh. "Dont actually use that unless you need to."
#23036132Friday, March 26, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

the helicopter lifts off,and flys towards the convoy,it flys over a moutain,and the convoy is spotted over the horizen "Alrighty,open fire when we get close" the helicopter pilot says. the convoy is 6 cars in total,4/6 cars are armored,with a mouted turrent on top,and 2 of the cars are unarmed.
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#23036282Friday, March 26, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

I grin. I aim my barret and shoot the driver of a car through the window in an attempt to get him to crash into another car. Max takes out his M60. "This should do some damage." He says as starts firing when they get close.
#23036353Friday, March 26, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

(Did you get this from mercenaries or something?) I was in a plane gonna drop out i the air from a car in 2 minutes.I load up the plane door open and flares pop out and I go and start driveing to a Mansion.
#23036355Friday, March 26, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

the helicopter recives fire from the machine guns,machine gun bullets rattle the helicopter "WERE GOING IN HOT!"the pilot yells,he hovers over the convoy
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#23036395Friday, March 26, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

Max continued shooting his M60 machine gun at the convoy. "WOOOHOOO!!" I take my M21 and started shooting at them, trying to makeout which car had the leader.
#23036502Friday, March 26, 2010 12:45 AM GMT

(i got this from just cause 2) the helicopter pilot swirls left,the unarmed car at the end of the convoy swirls out of control,and flys off a near by clif,as large bullet holes were seen in the windshield and all over the car,the car explodes on the ground on impact,surly killing all occupants of the car
Top 50 Poster
#23036590Friday, March 26, 2010 12:46 AM GMT

I reload my m21. "WHICH ONE HAS THE LEADER IN IT!?" I shout, continuing to shoot. Max fires his M60 all over the cars. "I dunno but those armored cars sure take a beating!" I turn on the grenade launcher on the M21 and launch a grenade right at the front of the convoy.
#23036667Friday, March 26, 2010 12:47 AM GMT

(Just Cause 2,Mercenaries,Mafia are bascally like deh best) I arrive at the mansion with a small crew.I got a small Taskforce under my control from the Ex0ps.(Ex0ps is who Im part of,they send mercenaries over the world to make money,its bascally mercenaries united)

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