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#23060285Friday, March 26, 2010 7:25 PM GMT

You once lived a normal life, as a citizen in the calm town of Westall. Then it happened. It was all over the news, that a stray asteroid was being pulled towards the sun. But Earth was in it's way. The asteroid was large enough to wipe out all life on the planet, and the goverment fled via a space program. Cowards. And they left you there, your fate in the hands of a rock flying towards Earth. And yet you are alive. But what will you do now? The remains of the town have been taken over by several makeshift gangs, and they are all furious at the goverment for leaving them for dead. So are you. The only way you'll survive here is if you join them. Whatever happens, you must survive The Aftermath. Gangs: The Vulcan Coalition: The biggest and most organised gang, The Vulcans are a ragtag group of old gangs and citizens who have pulled a life out of working to help eachother stay alive. Their weaponry is the second strongest, consisting of pistols, police batons and the occasional rifle. The Almighty: A bunch of egomaniacs bent on taking over the town, The Almighty consists of richer citizens who feel as if they are gods for surviving. They are the smallest group, but make up for it with the most powerful weaponry, made up mainly of rifles and pistols, with the odd SMG lying around. The mellee weapon of choice tends to be a crowbar. The Lone: A group of beggars and homeless that somehow survived, The Lone are one of the most suited to the Aftermath, due to how they have already needed these skills before. They have befriended the Vulcans via trading whatever they can scavenge for vital equipment. They barely have any weapons, but they do have broken bottles, planks of wood and sometimes a nailgun or two. Diplomacies: Vulcans Allied With: The Lone At War With: The Almighty The Almighty Allied With: No One At War With: Everyone The Lone: Allied With: Vulcans At War With: The Almighty CS Name: A.ge: Gang: Appearance: Weapons: (Correspond to group) Job (Before): Job (Present): Bio/History/Personality:
#23061722Friday, March 26, 2010 7:56 PM GMT

Name:Jacob O'Connor A.ge: 28 Gang: Vulcans Appearance: Black hair with a unique white stripe down the middle. White-skinned (don't mean to be racsist). Weapons: (Correspond to group) A M9 pistol and a Magnum .44 revolver Job (Before): Detective Job (Present): Recon/Scout Bio/History/Personality: Shipped home from war a few years ago, Jacob is trained to fight, and is very stealthy. He was seperated from his family when the asteroid hit, and is searching for them. He is calm under pressure, and usually tries to find a way around fighting, due to the horrific things he's seen as a soldier.
#23062329Friday, March 26, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

Na.me: Jake Pemar A.ge: 23 Gang: The Vulcans Appearance: Tall, lanky, brown hair and green eyes, jeans, dark green t-shirt, brown overcoat, army helmet and goggles. Weapons: Pistol and baton Job (Before): Engineer Job (Present): Tank/Humvee jocky Bio/History/Personality: Calm, cool and collected. He knows his way around engines and vehicles. He also can build machines from scrap. A very inventive individual.
#23062650Friday, March 26, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

(Don't really have tanks here, the most we get of vehicles is the odd old banger pickup truck. lolwut.)
#23062711Friday, March 26, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

(Okay, so he does jeeps and trucks.)
#23062854Friday, March 26, 2010 8:17 PM GMT

Name: Mister Shrike A.ge: 32 Gang: Almighty Appearance: Black business suit, black fedora and bandages underneath the hat. Weapons: SMG and a Wrench Job (Before): Engineer Job (Present): Engineer Bio/History/Personality: He worked as an engineer for fourteen years, then the meteor crashed and he lost his wife. He helps repair weapons, walls and create some fiersome weapons, such as his 'Buzzer', part of a chainsaw stuck to a stick of steel that can cut through metal.
#23063051Friday, March 26, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

(mrmac are you gonna make a character?)
#23063332Friday, March 26, 2010 8:27 PM GMT

Name: Mr. Mac Harum A.ge: 21 Gang: Vulcans Appearance: See avatar. Weapons: M1 Carbine, Baton Job (Before): Co-Leader of an old gang Job (Present): Leader (I'm basically the most powerful guy in the city. Loloverpowered.) Bio/History/Personality: Was the brother of an old gang's leader, and thus was a helper with the matters concerning it. Lost his brother in the disaster and the remains of his gang accepted him as their new leader. The Vulcans were formed on that day. (P.S: Jobs are here: Engineer Scout Spy Scavenger Robber (Steals off of other gangs) Soldier (Fights, duh) Leader (Only one per gang, geniuses.) Heavy* Sniper*-WAIT A MINUTE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE TF2 GO AWAY) *Ignore these, i'm making a joke -_-
#23063373Friday, March 26, 2010 8:28 PM GMT

BTW, Leaders are not admin only or anything. Just first come first served, so take them while you can!
#23063461Friday, March 26, 2010 8:30 PM GMT

I claim Leader of Almighty
#23063503Friday, March 26, 2010 8:30 PM GMT

(Wanna start rping now?)
#23063519Friday, March 26, 2010 8:31 PM GMT

Well done.
#23063555Friday, March 26, 2010 8:31 PM GMT

(Start when you want.)
#23063653Friday, March 26, 2010 8:33 PM GMT

(go ahead mac, you can start XD)
#23063800Friday, March 26, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

(I'm guessing that most of the town is covered in ash, and theres not much light geting through now, right?)
#23063890Friday, March 26, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

Name: Luke Tyler A.ge: 29 Gang: The Vulcans Appearance: Sleek Black everything Weapons: (Correspond to group) Rife, and a police baton Job (Before): detective Job (Present): Spy Bio/History/Personality: TBD
#23063938Friday, March 26, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

(luke, you stole meh job >.<)
#23063994Friday, March 26, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

(sorry...i just like to use detective ;-;)
#23064026Friday, March 26, 2010 8:41 PM GMT

(how about CIA agent or something? It sounds cooler XD)
#23064047Friday, March 26, 2010 8:41 PM GMT

(RAAAAAGGGGGEEEEE.............Fine CIA agent)
#23064502Friday, March 26, 2010 8:49 PM GMT

Name: Andy A.ge: 22 Gang: Vulcan Appearance: My character Weapons: Police Baton, rifle Job (Before): CIA agent Job (Present): Undercover cop Bio/History/Personality: Andy was living his normal life, trying to hunt down criminal noobs, when it happened. A huge asteroid heading for earth. He quickly jumped into the nearest house, hoping to survive. It was a miracle that he even survived. He is really nice to everyone except criminals.
#23064519Friday, March 26, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

(whos gonna start us off, 'cause it aint gonna be me)
#23064568Friday, March 26, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

(i will) Andy: *gets out of the house* "Whoa."
#23064821Friday, March 26, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

Jake drove down the ash-covered road, leaving tire-tracks in it. The headlights. carved a narrow band of light in the dark air surrounding the truck. The steel plates welded the old truck protected it from bullets. The plates even covered the windshield, with only thin plates to see through. He brought his radio to his mouth and said "Hey, Gunney? Hows it going up there?". "*Coughcough* Dusty, you get gunner-duty next patrol." the gunner responded. The 50 cal. turret mounted on the back of the truck was exposed to the ash-filled street.
#23064957Friday, March 26, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

Andy: *tries to call Jack* "Can you pick me up?"

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