#26167139Sunday, May 23, 2010 7:38 PM GMT

(Boom. Headshot. Brb, getting the character sheet :l)
#26172850Sunday, May 23, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

#26180851Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:21 PM GMT

Virt: -storms in the room- Huh? [The Room is empty, except for a record player and a small slip of paper] Virt: -walks over to the paper, picks it up, and reads it- ["Ahaha, your siblings are not here! Just try and find them. ~Skull"] Virt: -crumples up the piece of paper- I'll get you yet, Skull... (Virt's gonna go on an epic quest, while meeting the other people in this thread along the way. :3)
Top 25 Poster
#26180948Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#26205364Monday, May 24, 2010 1:13 PM GMT

(Not to late to join, or to late to post. Or, to late to be late to do things. Why am I late?) Peach: Thanks mate! ~Runs in~ Zack: Whatever... ~Goes after him~
#26219135Monday, May 24, 2010 8:30 PM GMT

(Srry I haven't been posting.. I'm just kinda lazy <:P ) Scratch & Kay: *walking along* ????: kekeke.. *following them* Scratch: *stops* Did.. you hear something? Kay: No why? ????: *jumps back behind a shy guy* Shy Guy: . . .? What are you doing? ????: Shh! Watch it! Those guys must be friends of those dudes.. Shy Guy: Oh.. Scratch: *turns around* ..? Oh just a Shy guy... wait what's he.. he has a mushroom? Shy guy: *looks down at mushroom* Aw you better not take that.. my wife packed me this for lunch! Scratch: ..... Don't worry I won't-- wait you can talk? Kay: *stops and turns around* What's taking you so long?! Come on! *turns back around and walks* Scratch: *shrugs, turns around, and follows* ????: *steps in front of the shy guy and shoots blank cards at them* Scratch: ? *dodges to the left and the cards hit Kay* Oops. Kay: Ow! *gets trapped in one of the cards* Scratch: ?! ????: Perfect. *Runs past scratch and grabs all the cards* OOOOPS! SORRY PRINCESS! Scratch: ..... I'm a dude? Oh well I better follow that guy.. *starts walking* Shy guy: WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT! *runs after Scratch*
#26225765Monday, May 24, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

*walk to 4 halways* Xar'th: since your newbies to the Draco Language, this hallway is culture. other one is tech. other: history. last one: nature.
#26250390Tuesday, May 25, 2010 11:18 AM GMT

Peach: Ok... I guess... Zack: Newbies? Says you... ~Takes out a random dictionary~ I snagged this from Gregon, I hope he won't mind... ~Meanwhile~ Gregon: There's a book missing in my library... ZACK!!!! ~Back with them~ Peach: I can doubt it... Zack: Oh yeah? ~Reads the dictionary~ Peach: Um... I think it's for Chinese... Zack: 哦,是嗎?[Oh really?] Peach: Yeah... Zack: 但是,嘿!至少我說一種語言你不知道,打了,老兄![But hey! At least I speak a language you don't know, beat that, mate!] Peach: Gladly... MAGNUS... Zack: 不!我已經得到您的消息...我恨馬格努斯丹... [Don't! I already get your message... I hate that Magnus Dan...] Peach: Oh... How do you say his name in Chinese? Zack: 丹馬格努斯 [Magnus Dan] Peach: Thanks! Now, let's continue...
#26276211Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:19 AM GMT

(Awkward.. Sorry but kinda -SPOILERS- ????'s name is in Japanese..)
#26293399Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:30 PM GMT

(For anyone's information, that was Traditional Chinese, not Japanese. There's a difference... I only used Traditional Chinese for their talks, never used something else. Yet...)
#26311023Wednesday, May 26, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

(koopa?) Xar'th:你如何選擇 你的權力?[are you going to choose?]
#26337660Thursday, May 27, 2010 1:27 PM GMT

Peach: Right... I'll take Culture. Zack: Hey, I wanted Nature. Peach: Why? Zack: Have you ever seen, "Tiger V.S. Tokyo, Zack the Tiger Edition?" Peach: I don't think I've ever seen a monster rampaging China, or anything like that... Wait... Zack The Tiger Edition? Zack: He,he... About that... Um... Gregon's Idea... Never mind about that... Peach: Right... I go to Culture, you Nature. Zack: Ok. I'll just speak Chinese than... Peach: Your not Serious... Zack: 你以為我是不夠的嗎? [You think I'm not SERIOUS enough for you?] ~Goes to Nature~ Peach: I'm out... ~Goes to culture~
#26347692Thursday, May 27, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

Xar'th: *multiplys into 2, one goes down nature, one culture*
#26355378Thursday, May 27, 2010 10:13 PM GMT

(Yeah I know it was Chinese)
#26375971Friday, May 28, 2010 6:17 AM GMT

(I know some people know, some might don't...) Peach: Did he just... Zack: Yep, Multiply, but, it's not that big a deal... Peach: Really? Zack: Yep, if you read Gregon's books fully, you would've known... Peach: Why can't you multiply? Zack: You want lots of tigers jumping around, attacking what comes in in their first sight? Peach: No... Zack: That's why... Peach: I'll just, go... ~Continues~ Zack: Have it your way... ~Continues~
#26550038Monday, May 31, 2010 4:19 PM GMT

(i feel like playing on my new NES.)
#26610864Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:57 PM GMT

(Grats for that, really... It's almost the end of the year, and my grades are pretty good... I wonder what will my parents give me, if I show them my good report card. Maybe Wii, or PS3. Or maybe something I've been waiting for a long time... Yay me.)
#26724369Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

#26786502Friday, June 04, 2010 9:23 PM GMT

#26909473Sunday, June 06, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

???s: *charging beams* Puff:........ test subject: ? Puff: oarbots..... oarbots: *surround them* oarbot sargent: TARGET SIGHTED. COMMENCING ATTACK. Puff: remember what i taught you X02. test subject: ??? Puff: your codename. X02: *leaps into the air and launches the 2 tails into the ground* Puff: *runs up to oarbot and tail-smacks it* X02: *picks up oarbot, grabs oar from head, and throws body to ground*
#26947911Monday, June 07, 2010 2:17 PM GMT

Magnus Dan: Magnus, Punch! Magnus Dan punched Sieghart, out of the arena. Sieghart: Dam*... C. A.: I don't believe it folks! The great Sieghart, has been defeated! We have a new champion, Magnus Dan! Magnus Dan: Thanks, but keep that title to Sieghart once he comes back. I'm out of this mess... Magnus Dan somehow left the arena. Sieghart returns to the Arena. Sieghart: He's gone... I'm gonna get him... Sieghart ran where he went.
#27493378Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:29 PM GMT

(Heya guys! Now that school is out, I have more time to rp and all that jazz! Well, my sister is having some trouble with Super Paper Mario, so maybe it'll give me some ideas for this post! XP ) Scratch: *picks up card* ...... Great. Might aswell just wander along and hope to find a way out.. *after OVER 9,000 hours of wandering aimlessly... (not to be taken literally)* Scratch: DEAD END?! WTH!! General Guy's Replacement: (since Mario beats General guy in paper Mario, here's his replacement.) ALL RIGHT! How is Section C? Shy guy: All systems go! I mean.. their ready sir! General Guy's Replacement: FUDGE!!! Scratch: Umm guys? Wrong company. You guys go back to Nintendo. general guy's replacement: Huh-what? Scratch: *kicks them back to Nintendo* Now where was I??
#27605730Friday, June 18, 2010 5:57 PM GMT

(Hi! Welcome back! We hope you have a... We hope you have a... ~Throws out the tape~ Dam, I should stop listening to my friend's ideas sometimes... Anyway, like mentioned earlier, welcome back.) Magnus Dan continued running through the desert, suddenly running into a strange portal. Magnus Dan stopped, he looked around, and saw a very large throne room. Magnus Dan: Now... How did I get here, again? A voice sudenly echoed in the room. Echo: So... You think your so tough, after beating my previous partner, eh? Magnus Dan: What the... Show yourself! Suddenly, Shaden appeared from the top of the very high Throne. Shaden: My name is Shaden. True ruler of Shaden island, welcome, to my throne room... Shaden started going down from his very high throne. Magnus Dan: Shaden? Shaden: ~Sigh~ Why must I repeat myself for the simple ones... Yes, Shaden. I believe you already were at Shaden island, now, weren't you? Magnus Dan: Yes... I saved their China Town from S. Why do you ask? Shaden: Well... I appreciate you from saving our China town from S. But, do you know your now on Shaden island? In my throne room, deep within the mountain? Magnus Dan: Oh, so that's why there's magma outside this window... Shaden: That's not a window, it's only a TV monitor, shaped like a window, I was inspecting the magma below. Yes, I put a camera there, to look at it, and it's levels are rising every hour or so... Magnus Dan: So... Why did you bring me here? Shaden: I heard that you were after the Magnus Knights... Right? Well... You'll be surprised that the last Magnus Knight your seeking... Shaden got in front of Magnus Dan in that point. Shaden: Is, me... Magnus Shaden! Shaden started transforming his body, that grew twice his size, his skin turned yellow, his jacket was torn apart, revealing a Purple scar, on top of a Green scar slice. A strange sword appeared on his right hand, while a strange launcher like thing, appeared on his left hand. He grew red thorns in most places of his body, his eyes turned red, while the mouth looked like it disappeared. He turned into Magnus Shaden. Magnus Dan: Wow... Magnus Shaden: Ah, ha! Finally, after all these years, my body enabled me to transform, to my true form! Which, will crush your bones easily. Magnus Dan: I don't think so... The scenery around them starts to be filled with Magma, flames, dark clouds of thunder. And, other things that are supposed to be in an epic fight... They did a few stances of themselves, and then rammed right into each other! ~Meanwhile...~ Peach: ~Yawns~ Wow, this is boring... Zack: ~Sleeps under a banzai tree~ Peach: Eh, I'll take a nap to... ~gets under another banzai tree, and starts sleeping~
#27613803Friday, June 18, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

-the battlefield- both: *thrown agenst wall* Oarbots: *surround them* Oarbot sgt.: surrender or we'll-- *loud explosion and smoke, and out of that came 4 Mecha Dracos, one that was Puff's (in A.I. mode), one pink with hearts coming out of its head, one with hotrod flames and fire coming out of its head, and one grey one with green veins* Atom (in green veined): surrender, Oarbots! A.I. in Puff's: ALERT. ENEMYS SURROUNDING MASTER. ATTACK MODE ACTIVATED. Sophia (in pink): STAY AWAY FROM MY PUFFY!!! Puff: *facepalm* Propain (new name will be Clutch.) (in hotrod suit): ill make you so embarssed, youll think Dr. Robotnic made you.
#27618915Friday, June 18, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

Scratch: I WANT OUT! *hits head off the wall and gets knocked out* I like..... stuff.... *falls over* *2 days later* Scratch: *wakes up* Huh...?? Dash: Chao chao? (You ok?) Scratch: What...? Oh.. I'm in chao world? Dash: Chao chao chao... (Well.. kinda..) Scratch: *gets up and rubs head* My head still hurts... >.o Dash: Chao! Chao chao.. (Ha! You'll be fine. Just come along with me.) Scratch: This is awkward.. *follows*