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#35686257Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:21 PM GMT

Sorry for putting this on hiatus. So much stuff going on. Oh, and guess who's going to be in this book also. I shouldn't have done that.
#35700144Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

#35816462Friday, October 22, 2010 2:56 PM GMT

This book: Ben's now.
#35933973Sunday, October 24, 2010 1:13 PM GMT

*pipe organ*
#37123947Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:50 AM GMT

Beep Beep, erasing of failed resistance group storyline. We need to let a Fancy Gentalman in need of 20 dollars in and a shaved... Something. Chapter 4 I woke up in my Hotel room alone. I was going to get some water and have some cereal before telling the others to get their bags. I started to walk across the Dark Green carpet and poured some ice into a cup before I heard it. I HEARD IT. I heard it before, and knew it would be the last thing a less equipped person would hear. The Siren. Like a bomb that was about to go off. I turned towards the windows and heard tapping. Thankfully, I had the blinds closed, so I only saw the legs and Tentacles being used as a base. I grabbed my bags and ran out into the hall to tell the others. But I looked back. And it was gone.
#37183756Thursday, November 18, 2010 7:38 PM GMT

the siren from Killing Floor?
#37285281Saturday, November 20, 2010 7:32 PM GMT

No, the Siren from "Joke's Over" By EverymanHYBRID. (Great series, it's really creepy)
#37323166Sunday, November 21, 2010 6:54 AM GMT

(AAAAAAAAAAND BEN'S ERASED FROM THE SERIES.... We all love that smiling Zalgo boy, but, he's ah hem, goin' to pull the sword of time, and we can't have a 17 year old boy smiling! They're supposed to whiiiiiiiine... .And so, if you guys don't know, I shall be doing this booooooooook about Sleeeeeeeeeeeeendy! Come back soon for:) CHRISTMAS WITH SLENDERMAN, PART 1 TRAILER! Narrator: Did you ever have a buisness man in you house who's Faceless? Slendy: Um, I don't shave, sorry. After the accident at that park.... (Laughtrack) N: Tall? Slendy: (Walking through a doorway and hits top) Ah, my neck pains are coming back! Totheark: Dude, you all right? I knew you should have begged that way.... (Laughtrack) N: And has long hands? Slendy: ( To Family): Erm, Mrs. Cornethal, I can't use forks. Dad: (Getting tripped on accident by Slenderman's tentacles) Ah! (Laugtrack) N: And has a 20 dollar obsession? Slendy:( In Raggedy clothes) Gimme 20$ no wifin in da club. Jay: (Puts 20 bill in can) Slendy: Thank you kind sir! God bless you! COMING THIS WINTER
#39412178Friday, December 24, 2010 6:32 AM GMT

It was doomsday.My nightmare. I couldn't allow this to happen. Yet it did. The walls were lined with blood. I saw Thunder's room, and Puff's. They were right next to each other. I saw Slenderman gripping a small girl. I knew that wasn't going to happen. Just as he was about to tear her apart, I leapt onto him. With knife in hand, I tried to slash at his "Face" and instead went right into the chest. I just singlehandedly killed myself. His essence started to pull me in, and the world around me was disapeering. I shut my eyes, flailing my knife, and heard a squish, and a scream. I was flung out of him, and banged my head on a fire extinquisher, heard a crash, and myself slipping, as if pulled. I WAS pulled. NO. NOT HIM. It was a beast. Silent as Slenderman, and animal instincts. Even worse, I was responsible for it's creation. I looked down and saw to empty eye sockets staring back. I was being dragged off the building. Just then, I heard a twang. It was a stray arrow. It lost his grip and tumbled down the building. I was getting used to the surroundings. I got my grip on something. Something wet. The morning sun shone throw it, and I barfed. It was sick. This monster. I wanted to kill it. No, that would be to easy. TORTURE it. That'd be better. And me? Forget that. If I die in the process, I'd be able to be in someone else. What the frack was I thinking? I needed to concentrate on him. I leaped up. I saw a pool of blood at my feet. I ran. and having the element of surprise, I managed to stab him in the back. I jumped and rolled into the hallway, before noticing Puff and Thunder were already gone. Fighting. I turned the corner and saw them fighting a hallowed: A person controlled by the Slenderman, very little of them left, filled by HIS will. "All right guys, it appears things aren't as rosy as they were last year huh, hah?" (Trying to stop being a Mary Sue, so sorry if I'm not that good at writing normally without being a Chuck Norris) (This story's darker than you can imagine guys. Sadly, no more humor.
#92949491Wednesday, March 27, 2013 5:00 AM GMT

(Is there CS sheet? no? ok then.) Name: GIO (Sekai ga shinu koto wa mokuteki o motte imasen..)
#92952051Wednesday, March 27, 2013 6:06 AM GMT

Go screw yourself.
#92952099Wednesday, March 27, 2013 6:07 AM GMT

* takes out guns* I shot all of the characters. They are dead now.
#121521560Sunday, December 29, 2013 7:04 AM GMT

post 11111
#121735229Tuesday, December 31, 2013 3:32 AM GMT

Damn, wow. I think if we cut out a lot of the words this could serve as some very convincing rule thirty four in text format. I mean, wow.

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