#24107819Sunday, April 11, 2010 5:49 PM GMT

seros catches it and plays with it.
#24108121Sunday, April 11, 2010 5:54 PM GMT

seros jumps on the desk. then on the tv. the on the ceiling's bars. then on the bed. then at the ball on the floor.
#24108406Sunday, April 11, 2010 5:59 PM GMT

Tak rolled her eyes, and began to apply more makeup to her face.
#24108617Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:02 PM GMT

(seros actually did a mess. tak was supposed to look after seros. after all, he's an animal.) seros sleeps (how lulz, techy is gonna come back and find seros sleeping where he left him, his room messed up and tak doing make up)
#24108900Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:06 PM GMT

Tak was ignoring Seros, and was updating her Twitter. Meanwhile.. Techy was searching for Ivy in the forest. "Ivy!" Techy called out. No answer. "IVVVYYYY!!" Techy yelled. Still no answer. Techy sighed. "This is going to be harder than I thought.." Techy sighed.
#24108965Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:07 PM GMT

seros was sleeping (please get techy to come back, see mess, blame tak)
#24109192Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:11 PM GMT

"It's pointless.. I might as well just go back and see how Tak is doing.." Techy sighs. Techy flies back home, and sees the mess. "Woah! Tak, did you play hockey with him in here!?" Techy asks. "No. He was just playing with a dumb ball or whatever.." Tak mumbled. Techy facepalmed.
#24109229Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:12 PM GMT

seros is still sleeping. exactly where he was when techy left.
#24109451Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:16 PM GMT

#24109864Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

B |_| |\/| |>
#24110000Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:25 PM GMT

"Tak, quit trying to blame the dragon." Techy said. "Like, fine!" Tak mumbles. "I'll go search for Ivy again; this time, don't trash my room, okay? If I find him, I'll call you." Techy says, flying out the window, searching for Ivy.
#24110090Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:26 PM GMT

seros flies after techy, then picks up a smell. he flies to the back of the forest.
#24110861Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:38 PM GMT

Techy was searching far and wide, but couldn't manage to find Ivy. But, he did find a muffin. Meanwhile... Ivy was at the back of the forest. He sighed. "If Tak and Techy saw me right now.. Oh man... It's not enough that I have to have an evil sister, but now this madness!?" Ivy says to no one in particular.
#24110945Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:39 PM GMT

seros lands next to ivy and makes a growling sound.
#24111381Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:46 PM GMT

Ivy notices Seros. "Thank you for your patronage! The Soup is done!" Ivy says, trying to run away. Meanwhile.. Techy was eating a GIANT banana.
#24114420Sunday, April 11, 2010 7:32 PM GMT

seros grabs ivy, then flies to techy. minutes later of flight, he drops ivy next to techy.
#24115643Sunday, April 11, 2010 7:46 PM GMT

btw bump
#24127061Sunday, April 11, 2010 10:46 PM GMT

#24158882Monday, April 12, 2010 6:09 PM GMT

#24162238Monday, April 12, 2010 7:53 PM GMT

(Excuse me, but may I join?)
Top 25 Poster
#24162410Monday, April 12, 2010 7:56 PM GMT

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#24163612Monday, April 12, 2010 8:19 PM GMT

Name: Tann Zeno Nickname(s): Tannmeister Species: Wolf A.g.e: 25 G.e.n.d.e.r: Male F.a.m.i.l.y: (If you have one.) Mach Zeno, and Shadon Zeno (Shadon isint alive though, he is in the future.) Personality: Find out for yourself. Appearance: (Images Can Be Used.) Image coming soon! Night Form Name: (If you have one.) Shadow Wolf Night Form Abilities: (If you have one.) Many. Night Form Appearance: (If you have one.) Normal, but quills have red streaks, and longer claws. Not to mention a demonized personallity. Biography: A long time scientist, he is most famous for creating a sucseesful hedgehog, Mach Zeno.
Top 25 Poster
#24163908Monday, April 12, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

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#24166161Monday, April 12, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

(Fine Spiderpig. If you want to control EVERYTHING about this thread, GO AHEAD. >_>)
Top 25 Poster
#24166305Monday, April 12, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

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