#23314299Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:05 AM GMT

I cursed under my breath. I shot the Prototype that dodged my RPG missile and severed it's neck from body. It randomly fired a gun that hit a fire extinguisher and a valve. I heard a "ssssss" noise and ran out the building. It exploded. "Whew."
#23314383Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

The Prototype then walked out of the building and looked at him. It then jumped onto an 8 foot story building and ran after Me.
#23314513Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

"WHAT! IT FREAKIN EXPLODED!" I threw a rock at the ground. "There is no way. That thing is dead!!" I ran. And ran. I skimmed up the building and tailed it. I was extremely close. I tackled it and cut off it's limbs and dug into it's chest. I went into a rage and tore everything out, and cut off the head. I was covered in blood. No way to explain this to Police. I made sure it never got up.
#23314721Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

The clone stared at him as it was ripped apart. The actual model soon jumped passed him and jumped onto my car. i grabbed my Lever-Shotgun and started shooting the roof.
#23315321Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

I threw a rock that hit Tyler in the head through the window. "I'LL GET YOU, FOOL!" I walked on. I soon found another Prototype which I killed with ease.
#23315565Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:28 AM GMT Helphis Ag.e: around 20. He knows that much Ge.nder: Male Type: Prototype Appearance: Ripped Cargo pants and half torn T-shirt. He wears an Iron mask because he is too afraid of seeing his face Weapon: A 20 lb Sledgehammer Bio: He forgot everything one day, everyone said he was a madman afterwards. He once stole a chainsaw and cut down his Neighbours tree, then was ready to cut his Neighbour, before the police had him. But he was too much a burden for them, and was given to Scientists for human experimentation. due to the treatment he had gotten, he's now slightly less insane then before.
#23315652Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:30 AM GMT

I woke up a few hours later in a small dumpster. "Ouch." i say. i stand and look around, the Prototype was gone. i continued walking, as i did i saw someone with a barcode. i continued walking and i was about to grab the person when it disappeared. "What the.. How the.." "You saw someone with a barcode right?" I turn around and see a guy about my age. Black, about 5'10, and about 190 lb. "Um... Yeah. Howd you know?" "Because im a Prototype. Names L.J. You are?" "Tyler." i say. "Come with me man." I follow him as he walks into Starbucks. (Forgot to tell you guys, Prototypes have barcodes on their neck to organize them easily, but like the Stronger ones dont. There's only three strong ones that are part of System Corp. Defense system)
#23315882Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:35 AM GMT

I held my M16 on my shoulders and walked into a Starbucks. "Coffee coffee coffee." People looked at me and gasped. I had forgotten to clean my shirt. "This isn't what it l-- forget it." I walked up to the counter and asked for a large frappe.
#23316389Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:47 AM GMT

(I have a feeling that this is all just a big game of thing thing RP. What are the names fo the strong ones? Zeus poseidon and Hades? lol)
#23321545Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:21 AM GMT

Meanwhile Me, Kerry and John Xavier were being chased in a cramped, poor urban town in Brazil. We run along a dirty side street. Voices and foot steps are behind us. "Through here" I whisper gradding on to a low window sill and pushing myself through the open window. Kerry and John copying me and we wait till SC passes.
#23321590Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:26 AM GMT

(Game your a bit of a god mod, it would take time to load a RPG. Plus you were getting up and fighting as if you were a prototype. And RPG's are heavy so your the biggest Gmod here.) After they pass Me, Kerry and John sigh deeply. Thats when they broke down the door. I leapt as fast as I could slashing and slicing. P.S the moral of the story is~Always use a Katana. They are fast and never run out of ammo.
#23335884Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:08 PM GMT

(he's correct... Sc troops aren't that strong)
#23337344Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:42 PM GMT

(I use :bla: as a way to tell that He's thinking) System Corporation had men everywhere, looking for him. they even had one of the their three elite prototypes after him. Helphis took his sledge and ran, hoping to avoid them for as long as possible. He was like a deer in the city, not knowing where is where, what is what and the reason behind it. He was at the ground floor now, but both the front exit and back exit was heavily guarded, and in the middle was that monstrous System corp. Prototype. Then there was room A239, the only unguarded room nearest to me. Actully, it was right behind me. :Must be a Rookie Scientist: Helphis thought to himself. He had observed more than enough to know rookies had no guards in front of their rooms. the door opened, a man with brown hair and a little mustache stepped out, papers in his hand, smiling confidently. I swung my sledge at his stomach, blowing a hole through it, instantly killing him, blood was everywhere, and soon the guards would notice. I ran into the room, put the dead man on his coatrack and bursted throught the window, screaming triumphantly.
#23340380Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

(Um... Snergal... Your not part of this. You haven't even made a Char sheet. and this isn't thing thing.)
#23341531Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

(Ive made a character sheet, and i know it's not thing thing, but it's like it)
#23343944Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

(No you haven't, ive checked and its not anywhere on this page or the last)
#23345037Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#23345668Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(It's on this page, you posted like directly below it
#23345803Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:20 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#23357571Thursday, April 01, 2010 12:21 AM GMT

(Godmo-- no. Godmod is randomly teleporting and insta-killing. You can have a loaded RPG and run with it, provided you don't hit the ground hard. I have a bullet-proof vest, if there is technology that gives Prototypes extreme strength, there has got to be technology to provide better armour. Just think. Prototypes would be over-powered and godmoddish without extreme armour for humans and extreme speeds for Runners. So think about that)
#23367990Thursday, April 01, 2010 3:33 AM GMT

We know... but RPG's take about 30 sec to reload.
#23368697Thursday, April 01, 2010 3:59 AM GMT Jesse Davie. Ag.e: 17. Ge.nder: Male. Type(Pro. SC. Reg. Person): Pro. Appearance: Brown haired and blue eyed. He wears black and green shorts and a black t-shirt and black sneakers. He also wears a black hoodied cloack. (Like the one in Kingdom Hearts II wich ORG XIII has.) Weapon: Duel Kantas and a auto shot gun. Bio: His memory has vanished. All he remembers is he... 17 and a male. He is always running.
#23369676Thursday, April 01, 2010 4:40 AM GMT Ren Ag.e: 12 Ge.nder: Male Type: Prototype Appearance: Is tall for his age and from being in captivity for most of his life has a scar on his cheek. Weapon: A fire department axe and an old Ak74. Bio: For most of his life he had been captured and held in captivity for experiments. Eventually escaped and found his Ak74 in an old weaponry room. After breaking out of the facility he was held in he went on the run for a year until he finally found his axe. With no memory of what happened with the first years of his life he wonders and hides from anything that wants him captured. And now his life continues (if accepted).
#23370620Thursday, April 01, 2010 5:22 AM GMT

(Also wears a straight jacket torn at the arms so i can move them) Starts running as a SC starts chasing me. As we run they slowly become a group of them. " Oh crud. What do i do? What do i do? What do i do?!?!" I some how ended up in a blocked off ally. They started to corner me and right as i thought i was a goner i heard a bullet hit on of the SCs. What the heck? i thought but then i had no time to think and i raised my Ak74 and fired rapidly until they all fell. But the weird thing was why didnt they move before i shot them. And the even more mysterios thing was who shot that bullet and why. I decided to go with it and keep moving. The sun was going down and i had no where to sleep or live... again... The next thing that happened really wasnt making my day any better. I was pulled into an ally and thrown at a dumpster. "Give me all you got, Chump!" said a leader of a street gang. They had only blunt instruments to fight with and i had an axe and a SMG like gun. It was starting to tip in my favor when i noticed more of them were appering. On rooftops. Around the ally corner. Even out of the doors of the buildings surounding me. The odds were tipping more in their favor since 1. There were to many of them and 2. I think i saw atleast 4 of them with ssum kind of a rocket launcher. The next thoughts i had were violent, gruesome, and down right murderous. I took out my gun and my axe and launched myself at them. Killing one by one slowly making through the crowd. As soon as i made it almost out my gun ran out of its last clip. So i but it on my back, took what looked like a sword from one of the dead thugs, and charged through them with my axe and new sword. I made it out, dropped the sword, and ran as fast as i could. From the ultra brawl back there i got a few bruises and slashes here and there. But compared with what i went through in that horid place it wasnt that much damage. I made to an old abandoned part of the city were i found an old house and decided to make a temporary base camp for myself. In the end i feel like today actually went well. Time to rest for now.
#23371497Thursday, April 01, 2010 6:16 AM GMT

Jesse started to walk out of the ally. He looked around and pulled his hoodie over his head.