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#23393500Thursday, April 01, 2010 6:51 PM GMT

You are in Summer Camp and its Pool Time. Deterimined to have more fun than usual, you get a mobile cabana and a beach chair. Cabana as HQ and Beach Chair as Tal's Superpower Laser Machine (SLM), you fight against the girls as they attack you! Its not all fun and games until a girl whacks you. Boy Character Sheet: Name: Abilities: Bio: Girl Character Sheet: Name: Abilities: Bio: (This is based off a true story at my summer camp and Girls will try to trap you and change you into whatever animal they are!) Boy Sheet: Name: Tal Bond Abilities: Smarts Bio: Trapped in the boredom of everyday lives, Tal makes a war called The Battle of the Boy's and Girl's! (Note: Girl's at anytime are all together one animal. Currently, they are tigers)

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