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#23408012Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

-RULES- !_READ FIRST_! If you would like me to add you in the story, please POST NICELY. All the characters that are in the beginning are probably some famous dude's that I really admire. Their skill probably is not what I say in the REAL ROBLOX, but if it is, good for them. I want to MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ONCE!! ONLY ONCE!! I DO NOT MEAN ANY OFFENSE TO ANYONE IN THE STORYLINE!!!! IF YOU ARE OFFENDED, TELL ME SO AND I WILL IMMEDIATELY TAKE YOU OFF THE STORY IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT!! DO YOU HEAR ME??? GOOD... Now, ON WITH THE STORY!! Chapter One: The Eye "Megaleo234!" Called NeonLink. "What..." I muttered to my apprentice. The clouds were getting darker and darker; it was time for war. "Dude! You have GOT to see this! Inorite? This is SOOOOOOO COOL!!!" NeonLink had the skills to script a whole city without breaking a sweat. "Awesome, right? Telamon made a new Master Sword for you, Megaleo! He calls it the 'Giga Master'! This wave against zombies is gonna be a blast! I can't wait till you step up to 1x1x1 and stab him with the GM!" Neon had the energy and speed of a rabbit. He was bouncing up and down and up and down. I admired the sword, it was long, blue, and had a handle the right size for me. I held it and I immediately felt power flowing through my hands. I put my hand in front of my ROBLOXian body and blue lightning sparks shot from my fingertips. I was ready for this battle. "Neon, go send a messanger to Telamon, thank him for the sword and then wake DoomBringer (MrDoomBringer) up; we need his ban hammah skillz." I spoke very quickly. When Neon left, I readied my army outside, and started organizing them into position. "MEN!! TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT WE WILL PREVAIL OVER 1x1x1's ARMY!! WE WILL BRING DIGNITY BACK AND HACK INTO 1x1x1's SYSTEM INSTEAD!! READY YOUR GUNS AND SWORDS!! THE ANTI-VIRUS SHOULD PROTECT YOU FROM GETTING INFECTED BY THE ZOMBIES!!! READY YOUR WEAPONS, MEN!!" I finished my Pep Talk with a loud cheer and then I went to Anaminus. "Megaleo, I don't think we will prevail that much. I know we have me and DoomBringer, but are Telamon and builderman going to stand along side us, tonight? As you probably know, I found out that 1x1x1 copied all of us. He made darker versions of us. He took Dignity and made him like me, except for the evil. He made Telablob, took over one city with him, too. builderman's is unknown. MSE6 is DoomBringer's double-virus-twin-dude. And your double is MegaEON234..." Anaminus sounded grave. "I know..." I looked at the far, barren wastelands and thought. "But we have to take this fight. We have ones we love inside the fortress city. We can't waste our time..."
#23408293Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

Bump... Does anyone like it???
#23408571Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

I know it's long to read... But still.
#23408867Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

#23408892Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#23408913Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

I like it.
#23408914Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

Do you want to be in it?
#23409065Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

yes, i would.
#23409080Thursday, April 01, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

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#23410832Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:17 PM GMT

I looked far into the darkness. I thought I saw something... I shouted something to the nearest Archer I could find. "Viva (viva12)! Come here!" Viva had the best eyes no man could ever have. He was an elf, had the mad skillz of shooting a bow and arrow, and could still pick off people seven miles away with a Giga Gun. "What is that?" I asked. I pointed to the shape of a column. "OMG HAX!! Those are trolls and magicians... and... and... a boarding thingy!" He was so surprised, he had accidentally fired off some gun shots. They flew into the darkness. After five minutes, Viva shouted, "YES! I hit three trolls with my accidental shots! They are injured now and can't move the boarding craft!" "Nice." I looked on to the pressing black space around us. I was evaluating, seeing all of the possibilities of how to destroy the whole zombie/troll army without sacrificing anyone. My ears suddenly pricked up. I had heard something. "Megaleo!" Someone whispered. I turned around and saw NeonLink standing there, holding up a letter. "Telamon is coming, but builderman is not. He knows his double but won't tell us. He is sacrificing everything just to get us safely and soundly back to The Perimeter." Neon sounded really scared and nervous. I pulled ou my sword... If builderman wasn't going to come today, then someone else had to. "Neon, go get ReesemcBlox for me." I urged him. I whisked around just in time to see three black objects in the sky. I raised my gun and fired three times. The Mini-Dragons fell before my eyes. The 1x1x1 force was starting to attack. "Go! Go and find Reese!" I rushed him to the gate but they were closed. DeathRange the Magic Knight was guarding the entrance. "It's too late, Megaleo! They will capture NeonLink and eat him alive if he goes out there." I knew he was right. "Dang it. How will we ever get––" *BOOM* The top of the wall exploded. "RETURN FIRE, MEN!!" Death fired three extra rounds of Undger Gryfiece for us. Meaning, bright yellow orange fire in the olden Magical Tongue. He launched himself up and teleported up on the wall. He fired blast after blast after blast. I saw Viva taking out twenty mini-dragons with a single long stick he found on the ground. "Neon, I want you to go up the Magical stairs and call Reese. NOW!!" I raised my sword and pulled my energies with all of my might. "GIGA MAGIC SWORD BLAST!!!" I yelled with such a rage that the trolls fell before me. The enemy was already close to the gates; it was almost too late. I raise my hands and felt the usual magical kind of energy drag. I closed my eyes and concentrated. All of the Mages including the master magician himself, DeathRange did the same. We all shouted the same words together: "METEOR COMBO BREAKAHHHH!!!" We lashed out our energiez. We disintegrated every last standing zombie. Then a cry shook the building. I turned around and saw NeonLink being carried away by the fearless Nazruull dragons. The Nazruull turned its back on me, but that was the huge mistake. I fired my sniper at its back and it dissolved, leaving Neon alone in the air. I knew what was going to happen before it happened. I rushed forward with all of my might, but by then, NeonLink was already falling.
#23411118Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

Hm... Like it. It's cool.
#23411225Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

I know, right? Would you like me to put you in this?
#23411319Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:23 PM GMT

Okay. Sure. I'm mellow to let you know.
#23411393Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:24 PM GMT

This seems like a great story! Also please put me in and make me a pilot of a jet along with my clones (Coolblue2, Coolblue3, Coolblue4, and Coolblue5) using the weapons on it.
#23411489Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

I ran as fast as I could, but then, someone punched me in the shoulder and I tripped and fell. I looked up just in time to see a sword glinting in the suns rays. I rolled on my side and Facepalmed the other dude. He fell and I grabbed him so I could see him. When I saw his face, I gasped.
#23411542Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

(Is brighteyes a girl or a boy?)
#23411761Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

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#23412300Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:34 PM GMT

(Oh well..)' I gasped. It wasn't an enemy.. It was.. BRIGHTEYES!! Brighteyes' EYES were dark and sunken. He didn't seem like he knew where he was or what he was doing. He just looked like he had to do what he had to do. He raised his sword again, and then I knew it was that he was being controlled by some evil forces. I parried with my own and threw him up in the air –– RETRO STYLE!–– I saw that Neon was still falling but I knew I couldn't save him. I still tried. I ran––ran like the wind–– but I still couldn't jump far enough to catch him. I then saw a shadow pass over the sky and look up, and for the second time in a day––tripped. The stranger caught Neon and he turned around. It was DeathComes. (WhenDeathComes) I had seen him around, but I never really acknowledged him as a fight and savior. He now seemed like both of those things. I nodded to him once, and he was off once more, going down the road into the city hall. "Are you all right, NeonLink?" I asked him, brushing his muddy coat off. "Yeah. I'm OK." He answered. "But we need to concentrate on the battle!" I looked up and saw a horrible sight.
#23412481Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:36 PM GMT

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#23413728Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

I saw a ship looming out of the darkness to greet us like some mysterious Omen... And a smaller Jet plane following it. I saw someone give me a salute and then the Jet turned upside down. I groaned. That crazy plane driver, coolblue was at it again! He shot the big mothership with such ferocity that it landed on the pile of dead bodies on the fifth blow. "CoolBlue, nice shot!" NeonLink yelled. Blue winked at us and flew into the port. I went back to the council HQ and called for a council meeting. Everyone in the council meeting arrived. DeathRange: She is the mage with the awesome powers. CoolBlue: The Terrific/Horrific Flyer of the Jet Plane. WhenDeathComes: The silent but strong warrior who comes from the hills. Viva: The elf who can see everything. and Briar: He can destroy clans (FROM THE INSIDE) without even trying. "So, we have an issue. Briar, can your clan––Frost Clan–– meet up with us tonight and destroy the remaining forces before we go back to the Perimeter?" I asked him. "Yes. I think so..." He said quietly. "DeathRange, you will maintain the boundary walls with Viva and DeathComes will go and do some warrior hand-to-hand combat with the remaining enemies." "Telamon should be here any minute so let's make this time useful, people!" We seperated and went our own ways. In two minutes we found Telamon and gave him our thanks that he could come. "Reese should be able to come later." He said after awhile. "OK." I replied. "Now we should go and see how it's going with the battle." We stepped outside and the instance we did, I heard Dignity's voice. "ANAMINUS!! STOP BEING A COWARD AND STEP UP AND FIGHT ME!!!" He was roaring with rage. Apparently, from NeonLink, Anaminus angered Dignity by taunting him with his scripting powahs. I looked ahead and saw Dignity chanting Lua scripts and killing everyone in sight. I went up to him to kill him right then and there, but he froze me by saying: "FREEZE MEGALEO!" I was frozen... I tried to move but I couldn't and so someone had to thaw me out. I was chattering by then and I really wanted to take out Dignity, but anaminus did it. After Dignity died, we sang, laughed and then Anaminus, NeonLink, Briar, DeathRange, DeathComes, CoolBlue, Viva, Telamon, and I had to leave for the perimeter... When we left, I heard a weird sound, like someone was flushing the toilet and I smiled.
#23414626Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:58 PM GMT

i like my charcter's personality, btw AWESOME STORY!
#23415025Thursday, April 01, 2010 11:03 PM GMT

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#23422055Friday, April 02, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

Thanks! still working on it!
Top 25 Poster
#23422217Friday, April 02, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

May I be in it?
#23447372Friday, April 02, 2010 11:49 AM GMT

Sure! But I first have to work out the storyline in the car. (We are going to D.C.!) When I get to Washington D.C., I'll type it in!

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