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#23409811Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:07 PM GMT

Proper roleplayers only please. Let this be a comunity of creativity and story. //Introduction\\ Welcome to a massive new world. We will refer to it as the natives do. We will call it Phaeria. This is a land of war. A land were continents have never comunicated, meaning that each one has grown at it's own technologitic rate. Some lands know of magic, the mythical half animal half human Glys, and even the Tome of The 14 Evils. Overs have abandoned magic for technology and weapons of mass destruction. You will now be in this legendary land, were you wind up is your choice. We will refer to the ones you control as your "charecter". You can control up to 3 living charecters. You can place them in almost any situation or story you want, as long as it is withing Phaeria. //The Continenets\\ Faarlo: A massive technology empire, guns, airships, and even skyscrapers. Magersia: A land of castles and the noblest of knights. Technology interests in steam has formed steam pipes and steam power. Tapoqui: A medevil themed paradise were peace has caused many to forget the ways of evil and darker magics, also Glys live here. Zyn: A dark land were evil Glys and demons live. No humans to be found here. Also the Tome of The 14 Evils is here. Elena: An artic land where technology is greatly powerful. Glys and retired sages also live here. This also hosts the Church of Infinity, where it is said that the gods had first met. //Rules\\ 1. No being an idiot. (Spamming, ruining our story.) 2. Try to find a way to devote some time to this. If you sign up, I don't really want you to just forget about this topic. 3. This is a proper RP. Use proper grammer and think your posts through. 4. All forum rules apply doofus, 5. Give a proper bio. Name: A.ge: Race: Bio: Gender: Continent: Home (Like house number in tech lands.): Rember, Ifinity lasts forever. It's never to late to save this forum from dieing if it ever gets there. Game will start once we have more people. It's up to you guys to create the next storyline by making a villain who creates a problem, or mabey kidnaps someone's best friend.
#23427083Friday, April 02, 2010 1:33 AM GMT

Also in your bio please tell if your good or evil. Name: Ruuku Dia A.ge: 19 Race: Glyz Bio: A brave racoon Glys who fights to protect the public, even though his efforts are often seen as crimes. Good. Gender: Male Continent: Tapquoi Home (Like house number in tech lands.): House on a cliff.
#23428627Friday, April 02, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

(It figures, no one will even give this roleplay a chance.)
#23431957Friday, April 02, 2010 2:42 AM GMT

(Come on people, don't let this die!)
Top 100 Poster
#23432740Friday, April 02, 2010 2:56 AM GMT

(I think you should add Appearance. It would help clear up some thing's about the role-play.)
#23432988Friday, April 02, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

(I knew I forgot somthing!) Name: A.ge: Race: Bio: Gender: Continent: Home (Like house number in tech lands.): Apperance: Use this one people. My improved sheet. Name: Ruuku Dia A.ge: 19 Race: Glyz Bio: A brave racoon Glys who fights to protect the public, even though his efforts are often seen as crimes. Good. Gender: Male Continent: Tapquoi Home (Like house number in tech lands.): House on a cliff. Apperance: Brown hair, racoon like face, wears a green jacket, has a ringed tail, a tooth always shows.
#23433595Friday, April 02, 2010 3:12 AM GMT

Name: Roka A.ge: 21 Race: A mixture of a Tropical Bird Gly and a Lizard Gly so he has wings attached to his long arms that have scales near the arms but feathers at the edges. He also has a tail similiar to his arms. Bio: Is technicliy a bounty hunter for his home city. He does jobs for his clients and they pay him in guns and money. Evil in his own special way. Gender: M Continent: Elena Home (Like house number in tech lands.): The top luxary house at the top of a skyscraper.
#23434104Friday, April 02, 2010 3:23 AM GMT

Name: Spain Drao A.ge: 23 Race: Human Bio: A cop who is trying to keep the crime towns from corrupting the holy continent. Gender: Male Continent: Elena Home (Like house number in tech lands.): Police Housing Room 990 Apperance: Black police vest, tactics armor, swat gear, holstered deagle, brown hair, 6,1 tall
#23434475Friday, April 02, 2010 3:31 AM GMT

I hear someone knocking on the door and grabbed my Plasma Shotgun if it was a cop trying to find me. I look at the security screen i set up tapped into the security camera outside my door. It wasnt a cop just some delivery boy. I still had the gun out and i opened the door. "What do you want?". " Um sir i just need you to sign this" He hands me a clipboard and a pen and i sign whatever he needed to be signed." Give it to me and leave" I point the gun at his head and he slowly hands me the package. I take it and slam the door in his face.
#23434738Friday, April 02, 2010 3:36 AM GMT

Spain Spain was in his office. He slammed down the file of criminals that were running free still. One of them was at the top, Plute, wanted dead or alive for 12,000,000,000 Iron Dollars. That man is the reason why new conspiracies have been forming. Spain turned his attention to somthing else, a file on bounty hunters. Mabey he needed someone on this case...
#23435073Friday, April 02, 2010 3:44 AM GMT

After revealing that the package was his reward from his last hit he received info from one of his friends, Warl, posing as a cop and working as Spain's right hand man that he was looking at his file about taking out some big guy named Plute." Ya, Uh Hu, thanks Warl. This guy Plute i better do some research before i take the job."
#23435866Friday, April 02, 2010 3:58 AM GMT

Spain Spain got up and suited up, the tactical suit powering up and ready to take a bullet or 2, or mabey 100. Spain always enjoyed using the classic deagle, plus it screws up his oppnenent when they expect him to come with plasma weapons. Spain had to go out on patrol, and make sure any wanted men aren't walking around.
#23436274Friday, April 02, 2010 4:06 AM GMT

I decide to go out for a flight but right as i am about to jump off my balcony i get a message on my M-Pad i got for a reward once. It was a job but not the Plute job. It was to take out a richman that lived on the other side of the city. The details were he hasn't been successfull person who could kill him because he manages an escape and traps the hunters in his ready-to-blow houses that he has all over the city. I grabbed my shotgun and a few Claw grenades and set out. Whatever gets those people captured and killed was about to meet something that cant be kept contained...
#23436707Friday, April 02, 2010 4:14 AM GMT

Name: Plute Kenning A.ge: 30 Race: Human Bio: n evil conspiracy killer. Every killing he does is for a purpose. He is so feared because he owns a page he copied from The Tome of The 14 Evils, meaning he is fufilling evil's comandments. He often issues his dirty work through text messages from cell phones he stole. Gender: male Continent: Moved to Elena Home (Like house number in tech lands.): Unknown Apperance: Black hair, disguises as a Glys that is reptilian. His full appearence is unknown.
#23436844Friday, April 02, 2010 4:18 AM GMT

Plute Plute has beaten every bounty hunter who has ever came after him. His so called houses were only bait for bounty hunters. He knows no one will get him. He's heard about a Glys name Roka, he's a deadly hunter, making Plute tempted to test him. He set up c4s around his newest mansions, put on his disguise, and became another person walking through the side walk, ready for a show.
#23437035Friday, April 02, 2010 4:22 AM GMT

Name: Kyraal A.ge: 45 (He has been summoned for) Race: Demon Bio: A demon that was summoned to kill another demon terrorizing a town, the magi that summoned him hoped the two would clash and both would kill each other. He wasn`t too content on letting that happen. He killed the other demon and the magi that summoned him, living in the exile at the far reaches of Zyn. Neutral Gender: Male Continent: Zyn Home: A small cave with a pool of lava and some ragged banners to mark it was his. Apperance: Skinny and muscluar, jaws like that of a crocodiles and a fully metal armored arm
#23437070Friday, April 02, 2010 4:22 AM GMT

I fly in near the house that my target is said to be in. I activated the claw grenades and had them hide under my muscle shirt. I took out my shotgun and kicked down the door finding myself in an empty mansion.
#23437229Friday, April 02, 2010 4:26 AM GMT

I put on my new goggles that revealed heat sensors into the lenses. There werent that much things radiating heat except something very peculiar. It was a room filled with who knows what. I entered the room finding myself surrounded.
#23437370Friday, April 02, 2010 4:29 AM GMT

(Welcome on board snurgal, don't forget guys, up to 3 charecters at a time.) Plute The bounty hunter took the bait, hopefully this will play out as he planned. Plute activated a switch and a plasmatic based wall covered the door, windows, and walls. A video monitar opened up from a wall. A video of Plute's other disguise, a fox mask man, spoke. "I have placed C4s around this house. Each one is placed in the 3 calmest places in this house. The first, a room for rest, but not for sleep, a place for enterntainment, yet not for games. Where is the first bomb?" (If you're right I'll let you know.)
#23437511Friday, April 02, 2010 4:32 AM GMT

" Well thats a biggy well thets see a lounge or maybe a living room?"
#23437641Friday, April 02, 2010 4:36 AM GMT

Living room is correct, go difuse the first bomb.
#23437656Friday, April 02, 2010 4:36 AM GMT

While thinking of an answer i was checking the place for any escape roughts not cut off. The windows and door are out of the question. And there is nothing else in this room except the big screen. Wait, Thats it! I could use the claw grenades and my newest tech to hack into the system its connected to and get the heck out. Now i just need to find a way to set this plan into action.
#23437733Friday, April 02, 2010 4:38 AM GMT

I head for the first bomb and find it on a luxary couch. I use my goggles to help defuse the bomb. In a snap the bomb deactivated. 1 down 2 to go. I returned to the main room to get the location of the next bomb.
#23437780Friday, April 02, 2010 4:39 AM GMT

Spain Spain was driving by when he noticed the mansion on lock down. What the heck was that house doing with the security?
#23437854Friday, April 02, 2010 4:40 AM GMT

" The darkest Cellar, the dustest attic, when you choose not to store your goods in either of these your last choice is the _ _ _ _ _ _"

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