#23656545Sunday, April 04, 2010 10:40 PM GMT

I stood in the center of a drop pod. There were others, but they cowered closer to the edges. They feared that touching me meant instant death. That, of course, was untrue, but it did help establish who was important. This was not the only pod dropping. No, there were hundreds in this cluster. I was finally dropping in to establish order within the ranks. Thus far, the leaders of the units had just ordered charge after charge, hopelessly expending units without much progress. The pod began to slow down. That would be the growths on the bottom expending the brake gas. It was a thick, but light gas that would slow the pod down as it fell. I felt us touch the ground, and the doors on the pod popped open. The others in the pod with me held still. It was my right to exit first. I was royalty, after all.
#23658393Sunday, April 04, 2010 10:59 PM GMT

#23658785Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

*Viper 3.0 looks up into the camera* "I am beginning experiment 2 now. I am testing to see if I poke this little roach's nerves if one of his legs will respond." Viper says to the man recording the experiment. Taking his electroprobe he poked the roachs nerve and watched the roach jerk. "Experiment 2 successful. amping up the voltage to see if I can control the roach's body." Viper 3.0 amps up the voltage and then pokes another nerve and suddenly his subject jerked and relaxed. He had fried another one. "Oh man not another one!" He swore.
#23659050Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:06 PM GMT

(I don't think the others are on X'D)
#23659613Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:13 PM GMT

(What's with the asterisks? Story doesn't have those.)
#23659626Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:13 PM GMT

I sat in the chopper , waiting to take off, I was almost exited to go on this mission. I had always wanted to try snipping from the air, but not against this enemy. I knew this was a suicide mission, but I knew it was neccasary.
#23660066Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

(where exactly are we?)
#23660372Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:21 PM GMT

#23661394Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:32 PM GMT

(Eh. Let's say outskirts of Toronto, a city held by the resistance fighters.) I slowly walked out of the pod, surveying the area. It was barren from all of the bomb dropping that had gone on. I pulled my weapon off of my back. Not a typical bioweapon, but closer to a human weapon. I had designed it myself with a hybrid of their technology and ours. It looked fairly like a human assault rifle, but had powerful modifications from our weapons. The gun would fire small shards of metal at incredible speeds with the primary setting. These rounds could penetrate more or less anything, including human armored vehicles. The secondary setting would fire canisters of a virus that would change the victim into one of our soldiers. A very useful weapon. But I only had about five canisters on me. My secondary weapon was a very, very long knife. Barely a knife in human standard, capable of rending one of them in half. It could be electrically charged to cut more or less anything. I glanced about as my troops poured out everywhere. This force numbered at about a thousand. Millions more waited in the drop ships, and hundreds of millions in the capital ship.
Top 25 Poster
#23661630Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

Name:Johanson Nalifix Gender:Male A/g/e:34 Position:A very paranoid civilian. Weapons:A kitchen knife and pistol. He'll get more. Personality:Johanson is a mixed man. At the moment he's quite paranoid, making him strange and creepy. It also makes him rude, so yeah. Appearance:Johanson has clumping and shaggy black hair. His green eyes are beginning to become bloodshot. He has the beginings of a 5'o clock shadow. He stands six feet tall. His skin tone is a color just before tan. His clothing is a torn blue shirt with small plates and a cookie pan ducktaped to it. His jeans are denim, with plates glued to them. The plates are white. Bio:Johanson thought the bugs were some joke to scare the heck out of the world. Intil they entered his town. He is holed up in his house, using household commodies to create improvised weapons, taking food and water carefully, and watching everything that walks by his house. He's found the effects of weapons on bugs, and rats.
#23661725Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:36 PM GMT

I walked out of a nearby drop pod with my needle rifle at the ready. I surveyed the barren area, and then awaited our orders.
#23661940Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:38 PM GMT

(SS is a moderator. And approved, obviously.) A large town sat ahead of the drop site (yes, you are there, Supersonic). Some of it was already destroyed. My fellows carrying the heavier and longer ranged weapons turned towards it, and began firing. We DID have an infinite source of ammunition, anyway. The larger, more explosive rounds tore houses away by the numbers, whilst the smaller arms chipped away at them. I shouted at them to hold fire; why waste possible new soldiers. I told them to hold back and wait for a command. I began to walk towards the town alone.
#23662151Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:40 PM GMT

As the helicopter took off our commander briefed us on our mission. "Once we get to the LZ we will have about 10 minutes to to set up a forward command post on the top of the building and set up our forward defences, thats it, before the bugs begin their attack. Once they attack we will have snipers and air support covering our flanks, its up to the rest of you guys to hold the line. Remember, we are the only thing standing between the bugs and the refugees beginning the evacuation. Good luck men." We all checked our weapons as we neared our fighting positions. "here goes nothing." I thought.
#23662266Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

I crouched on one knee, searching for movement as our commanding officer approached the town
Top 25 Poster
#23662280Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

I thought things as I heard explosions. I ran to my bathroom. I had a case of matches, about fourty lighters. I did buy a large pack at Walmart. They were on sale. Shaving cream, hairspray, toothpicks, and... well... pencils. I had an idea. I took out my trusty roll of ducktape, opened a bottle of hairspray, and taped the lighter to the hairspray. I then checked the flammability of shaving cream. It was. I was set with my pyrotechnics.
#23662527Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:45 PM GMT

I saw a few large explosions ahead and mounted my sniper rifle. I told the pilot to make a wide circle around them as I took aim.
Top 25 Poster
#23662747Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

I took more ducktape and put it around myself. I had some double stick. I used that. I put my flamethrower and shaving cream bomb on the ducktape. I was set for an assult.
#23662808Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

I was in a chopper with people I did not know of. I then looked at a person with his Rifle, aiming for soemthing to come.
#23662971Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:49 PM GMT

(I choose that my weapons are a Berret 50 cal and a M9 Pistol.)
#23663048Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

The pilot took us through a low cloud to avoid detection, my heart was racing, I knew almost no one has ever survived a pitched battle with these bugs.
Top 25 Poster
#23663096Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

I sighed, and wondered what else I could use as pyrotechnics or projectiles. I might be able to customize my pistol to fire pencils or peices of molten things. The latter I couldn't find a possible way.
#23663200Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

I started shaking a little to show I was nervous. I knew these bugs are different fro mthe best. They can kill us in a blink of an Eye.
Top 25 Poster
#23663363Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:53 PM GMT

I could make napalm with my remains of sugar. It would be interesting watching the effects of liquidated boiling hot sugar on the heads of bugs. Might it melt their exoskeletons?
#23663365Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:53 PM GMT

I took out my sniper rifle and held it tight. Once we landed I would rush for a building and do long range support.
#23663479Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:54 PM GMT

I set my headset added to my helmet to on. I said "Testing" Over the Division com channel to make sure I could communicate.