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#24175550Monday, April 12, 2010 11:10 PM GMT

FLame:pulled in a closet, and the rest, is just making out
#24175858Monday, April 12, 2010 11:14 PM GMT

My friend calls me just before i kill that girl and i have to go.
Top 50 Poster
#24176005Monday, April 12, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

Flame:ok flame walks in his room
#24176327Monday, April 12, 2010 11:21 PM GMT

*walks into flames room*woah i thought she was gonna go beserko on you
Top 50 Poster
#24176369Monday, April 12, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

Flame:same, she left so shes safe, im not flame shivers
#24176653Monday, April 12, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

I come back."it was just a shopping delima"i say rollign my eye sat how absurd it ways.
#24176815Monday, April 12, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

(Shopping delema?) "Bored" I thought sitting near my desk
Top 50 Poster
#24176850Monday, April 12, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

FLame:ok, please oh PLEASE dont kill me for a random make out moment, PLEASE!!1!
#24177049Monday, April 12, 2010 11:32 PM GMT

I twirl my etching pencil on my finger."Meh" I said opening the door
#24177068Monday, April 12, 2010 11:33 PM GMT

*covers myself with a pillow*if you go to court....ill be the only witness
#24177136Monday, April 12, 2010 11:33 PM GMT

I grabbed my black and silver etching paper and walked in the lobby
#24179125Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

"wont kill you"i say."nut i cant sya the same for her."
Top 50 Poster
#24179290Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:03 AM GMT

Flame:she already late, so, what'cha wanna do tonight
#24180053Tuesday, April 13, 2010 12:13 AM GMT

*walks out*maybe you could do to her what you did to lola :)
#24184110Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

Skye: *I sit in my room* I don't know a single person at this hotel...Well, it sucks...
#24186625Tuesday, April 13, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

(lol nobody RP when I'm online -_- When I'm offline, there's ppl RP >_<)
#24189058Tuesday, April 13, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

I sit down and start to etch a drawing in the paper
#24192003Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:23 AM GMT

I start to etch a shy guy version of me.I add the mask,robe,and boots."Now to draw my elements there" I said.I etch a rocket pack on the back.Then I draw some hoodie elements.Then I add the mask face.Finnally I draw the hair coming from the top of the mask,Because I thought it would look wierd without hair.
#24192163Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:28 AM GMT

*I take out my guitar and start singing to my song that I wrote earlier* Skye: *my beautiful voice could even be heard from almost all the rooms*
#24219440Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

"Done "I said
#24220279Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

Skye:*I stop singing, and put my guitar down* *My phone beeped* *I had a txt* *this is what it says:* ~~~Hey Skye, it's Justine! LOOK OUT YOU WINDOW FOR A SURPISE!!! ;D~~~ *I open my curtains, and look out my window, and there, outside, standing in the open field, was justine!* Skye: *opens window* Omy gosh! Justine, you're here! I though you and your parents were going to visit your grandma in Venice?? Justine: My mom and dad made an agreement, If I didn't want to go, I could just come stay with you! Skye: Really?! Your "strict" parents let you have your way.... Justine: Well, Actually, they wouldn't let me stay at home, They think you're responsible, so They let me stay with you. Skye: Well, come on, come to my room, it's room number ten! I have an extra bed! Oh, and don't forget your suitcases.... Justine: Oh, don't worry, I wont!
Top 50 Poster
#24220465Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

flames walking around randomly
#24220601Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:24 PM GMT

Name: Justine 15-19: 17 Male/Female: Female Room #: 10 (Shared with her bff, Skye) Personality: Nice, bubbly, usually in a good mood Clothes: A soft pink cami, Jean shorts, and pink sneakers Height: 5 foot 6 Weight: 107 Appearence: long, dirty blonde hair, hazel coloured eyes
Top 50 Poster
#24220672Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:25 PM GMT

Flame:*sigh*, soooooo bored......
#24220903Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

Skye: *me and Justine walk through the hallways to my room* Justine: *We pass other people staying at the hotel, but we don't pay much attention*